Ida Bastiaens

Photo of Ida Bastiaens

Associate Professor, Political Science
Phone: 718-817-3966
Office: Faber Hall 666

Curriculum Vitae

  • She received her BA from Davidson College and her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.

  • She specializes in international political economy and international development. Her research analyzes questions on the political determinants of integration in the global economy, the impact of international integration on fiscal and social welfare in developing countries, and citizen preferences for global capital flows. Her co-authored book with Cambridge University Press examines the fiscal consequences of international trade liberalization in democratic and authoritarian countries. Recent co-authored projects examine the role of remittances on democratization, the impact of globalization on voting behavior, and the effectiveness of tax aid on revenue generation. She has published in Democratization, International Interactions, Journal of European Public Policy, Review of International Organizations, and Review of International Political Economy.

  • Undergraduate Courses

    • POSC 1100 – Introduction to Politics
    • POSC 3616 – Political Economy of Poverty
    • POSC 3915 – International Political Economy
    • POSC 4900 — SEM: Democracy, Development, and Global Economy

    Graduate Courses

    • POSC 5500 – Comparative Political Analysis
    • POSC 6640- The Politics of Global Economic Relations
  • Bastiaens, Ida and Nita Rudra. 2018. Democracies in Peril: Taxation and Redistribution in Globalizing Economies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Bastiaens, Ida and Evgeny Postnikov. 2017. “Greening Up: The Effects of Environmental Standards in EU and US Trade Agreements.” Environmental Politics. 26(5): 847-869.

    Bastiaens, Ida. 2016. “Investing in Agriculture: A Preference for Democracy or Dictatorship?” British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 18(4): 946-965.

    Bastiaens, Ida and Nita Rudra. 2016. “Developing Countries, Trade Liberalization, and the Challenges of Revenue Mobilization: Can International Organizations Make a Difference?” Review of International Political Economy. 23(2): 261-289.

    Bastiaens, Ida. 2016. “The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment in Authoritarian Regimes.” International Interactions 42(1): 140-171.

    Postnikov, Evgeny and Ida Bastiaens. 2014. “Does Dialogue Work? The Effectiveness of Labor Standards in EU Preferential Trade Agreements.” Journal of European Public Policy. 21(6): 923-940.