Jewish Studies Fellowships

The Center for Jewish Studies at Fordham University offers a number of fellowship opportunities in Jewish Studies:

  • The Rabin-Shvidler Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies at Fordham and Columbia
    Fordham University’s Jewish Studies Program and Columbia University’s Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies announce a joint post-doctoral fellowship in Jewish Studies. Fellows are affiliated with both institutions. The call for applications is usually announced in November with applications due in January.

  • Fordham -New York Public Library Research Fellowship in Jewish Studies
    Fordham University’s Center for Jewish Studies and New York Public Library offers a pilot program of joint short-term, and mid-term funded research fellowships in Jewish Studies for scholars outside the New York City metropolitan area who wish to conduct on-site research at the Dorot Judaica Division. The call for applications is announced in the fall, with applications due in February. For more information see:

  • Center for Jewish History-Fordham Research Fellowship in Jewish Christian Relations
    This fellowship is open to scholars in all fields of Jewish Studies, but preference will be given to scholars who strengthen and/or complement the intellectual interests of the faculty at Fordham. The fellowship carries a small stipend. For more information see:

  • Associate Fellowship Program
    The fellowship carries no stipend, but Fellows will receive Fordham affiliation, with library privileges, an email account, and photocopy privileges. Fellows in Jewish Studies are expected to offer one lecture, or faculty seminar in his or her area of specialization during their term of residence, and are invited to participate fully in the Center's activities, including workshops, and conferences. The application letter should state if the fellowship is for the fall, spring, or the full year. Applications should be submitted by April 1 to

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship Program
    The fellowship is aimed to encourage students to learn more about the field of Jewish Studies and to participate in the vibrant programs that the university hosts with visiting scholars. Through this Fellowship Program, we aim to foster a thoughtful intellectual community that includes students, faculty, and community members in dialogue. The call for applications is issued during the first week of classes, and the deadline on Friday of the second week of class.


Fordham’s Center for Jewish Studies offers internships for undergraduate students in Jewish Studies both on and off-campus, for example at the Derfner Judaica Museum, the Center for Jewish History, and the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Some internships can be taken during the summer or during the semester. Summer internship opportunities are announced in April, and fall internship opportunities during the first week of classes.