Audrey Evrard

Audrey Evrard


Associate Professor of French
Lowenstein LL-924 C
On research leave AY 2024-25
  • B.A. and M.A. in English and American Studies, Université de Nancy 2 (France)
    M.A. and Ph.D. in French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    • French and Francophone film and screen studies
    • Documentary filmmaking
    • Contemporary Critical Theory (especially Labor, Work, Precarity, Ethics of Care)
    • 20th and 21st century French literature
  • Audrey Evrard specializes in French Film and Screen Studies. She has published multiple articles on documentary cinema and recently completed a book on the subject, Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics: French Documentary Cinema in the Early Twenty-First Century (University of Wales Press, 2022). She is also interested in contemporary Francophone televisual dramas and Quebec's cinematic production.

    • Introduction to French Language and Literature
    • France: Literature, History, Civilization
    • French Films d'Auteur -- Genre and Gender (2014) ; Agnès Varda (2020)
    • Contemporary French Novel
    • The New Wave Arrives!
    • Francophone African Cinemas
    • Discovering French Cinema
    • America: French Perspectives
    • Cinemas of Quebec
    • Intercultural Theory: The "Contact Zone"
  • Book

    Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics: French Documentary Cinema in the Early Twenty-First Century (University of Wales Press, 2022)

    Edited volumes

    Co-editor with Dr. Robert St-Clair (Dartmouth College) of "The Politics of Laziness", special issue 55, 1, (March 2016), Nottingham French Studies

    Recent peer-reviewed articles 

    "There Before You: Caring for the Uncared For", French Screen Studies 22.1 (February 2022), special issue "Ethics of Care in Documentary Films since 1968", 60-76.

    "Topographies fantastiques dans la fiction télévisée francophone: Les Revenants (Canal +, 2012; 2015) et Zone Blanche (2017-2019)," TV/ Series 18, special issue "Séries et Espace" (September 2020),

    "Rêve d'usine (Luc Decaster, 2003): Presenting the vanishing workplace," Modern and Contemporary France, 26:3, (August 2018),

    "Shifting French Documentary Militancy from Workers' Rights to an Ethic of Unemployment," Nottingham French Studies, special issue 'The Politics of Laziness', 55,1 (March 2016): 96-116: