Joshua Jordan
Ph.D. New York University
M. Phil. New York University
D.E.A. Université de Paris-IV La Sorbonne
B.A. University of California-BerkeleyJoshua Jordan's research focuses on 20th/21st-century French poetry, poetic theory and stylistics, and on encounters between literature, politics, and the visual arts and dance. His Ph.D. dissertation was entitled "Henri Michaux and the Means to No End."
FREN 5090 - French for Reading
- FREN 3292 - French Revolutions (1789-present)
FREN 3060 - Translation & Creative Writing in French
- FREN 3006 - French International Affairs
2600 - France: History, Culture, Civilization
2001 - French Language and Literature
1501/1502 - Intermediate French I/II
1001/1002 - Elementary French I/II
Joshua Jordan has translated numerous books from French, most recently Étienne Balibar's On Universals (FUP 2020). He is currently translating Isabelle Boni-Claverie's Trop Noire pour être française, for which he won the French Voices Grand Prize for translation in 2020. He also received a French Voices Award for his translation of David Lapoujade's Aberrant Movements: The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (Semiotexte 2017).