Kathleen LaPenta


Senior Lecturer of Italian
Faber Hall 554

SPRING 2025 office hours: 
T&F 1-2:15, and T&F 4-4:30 by appt.
M&W through Zoom
  • B.A., University of Notre Dame
    Ph.D., Rutgers University

  • Kathleen LaPenta teaches Italian language, literature and film at Fordham University. She is co-director of the Bronx Italian American History Initiative, an oral history project about Italians and Italian American residents of the Bronx. She completed her Ph.D. in Italian Studies at Rutgers University, where she was a recipient of the University Bevier Fellowship and the Fulbright Scholarship.  Her research focuses on Italian culture since the unification and includes work on literature, film and oral history. Her publications have been featured in The Italianist¸The Italian American Review and Moderna: Semestrale di teoria e critica della letteratura. She is currently at work on a book about global Italian identities in the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • Intensive Elementary Italian
    Intermediate Italian I and II
    Advanced Composition and Stylistics
    Italy and the Arts
    Remembering the Long Century: Italian History in Literature, Film and Music

  • “Resistance in the Margins: Transnational Readings of Italian Australian, Canadian and American Narratives.” Moderna: Semestrale di teoria e critica della letteratura. (September 2020).

    “Performative Ethnicity, Embodied Memory and Oral History in Narratives from The Bronx Italian American History Initiative.” Italian American Review, 10.1 (Winter 2020): 1-18. (co-authored with Jacqueline Reich).

    “Storia orale come metodologia: proposte, problematiche e prognosi.” Arabeschi (Smarginature), no. 10 (2017).  http://www.arabeschi.it/41-storia-orale-come-metodologia-proposte-problematiche-e-prognosi-/. (co-authored with Jacqueline Reich).

    “Framing Francis: Prayer poems as source-text in Francesco Giullare di Dio,” The Italianist 36.2 (2016): 177-186.

    “Bronte e la Libertà: fonti letterarie del film storico.” In Cinema e Risorgimento: Visioni e Revisioni, ed. Fulvio Orsitto. Rome: Vecchiarelli, 2012: 171-186.