Ronald Méndez-Clark

Ronald Mendez-Clark


Associate Professor of Spanish
Faber Hall 470
[email protected]
SPRING 2025 Office hours: 
M&R: 2-3PM
  • B.A., Universidad de Puerto Rico
    M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University

  • Latin American Fiction
    Hispanic Caribbean Literature

  • A native of Puerto Rico, Prof. Méndez-Clark earned his Bachelor’s degree at the Universidad de Puerto Rico and a Masters and Doctorate in Romance Languages and Literature from Princeton University. He is the author of Onetti y la (in)fidelidad a las reglas del juego and his article publications cover his areas of research on Latin American fiction, translation and Hispanic Caribbean Literature. One of the founders of Fordham’s Latin American and Latino Studies Institute (LALSI), Prof. Méndez-Clark organized Fordham’s Office of International and Study Abroad Programs (ISAP) in 2000 and served as its director until 2014. Well known in the education abroad field, Prof. Méndez-Clark has served on the Arcadia University Center for Global Studies’ National Advisory Board and the Executive Board of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities’ (AJCU) Conference on Study Abroad. At present he is completing his second term as member of the Academic Consortium Board of the Council of International Education Exchange (CIEE).

    • Latin American: Literature and Culture Survey
    • Approaches to Literature
    • Spanish American Short Fiction
    • Contemporary Latin American Fiction
    • Speaking for/as the Other
    • Onetti y la (in)fidelidad a las reglas del juego, Lanham: UPA (1993).
    • “¿Un épilogo parala discutible historia?, Novelas cortas de Juan Carlos Onetti (Córdoba: Colección Archivos, 2009).
    • “Reescritura, traducción, cambio de voz en Rosario Ferré, La Torre, V, Núm. 17 (July – Sept. 2000).
    • “Del second guessing a los cálculos: rescritura y traducción en Rosario Ferré”, Nómada, 4 (1999).
    • “Inventario (¿agotamiento?) de la escritura en Onetti”, Hispamérica, XVI, núms. 46-47 (abril/agosto1987).
    • “La pasión y la marginalidad en (de) la escritura: Rosario Ferré”, Lasartén por el mango, eds. P. Río Piedras: Ediciones Huracán, (1984; 1985).
    • “Lo femenino en Onetti: ¿versiones?”, Sin nombre, XIII, 2 (1983).