Courses and Degree Requirements

Fordham's Medievalists visit Cardiff Castle.
The master's degree appeals to those interested in a broader spectrum of medieval subjects than is available within a specific discipline. Its 30-credit requirement allows the serious student to complete course work in one year of full-time study. The curriculum for the master of arts degree comprises courses designed especially for the program, as well as a wide variety of offerings in the graduate wings of participating departments.
- Two Medieval Studies courses (with a MVST prefix); these are deliberately interdisciplinary courses. At least one MVST course a year is team-taught.
- One History course (with a HIST prefix).
- Two courses in Concentration I (can be disciplinary, such as two English courses or two History or two Art History courses, or thematic, such as two courses in Manuscript Studies (for example, one MVST and one ENGL) or Scholasticism (one in PHIL and one in THEO) or Mysticism (one in ENGL and one in THEO) to name only some of the possible combinations).
- Two courses in Concentration II (see above under Concentration I).
- One to three electives, depending on choice and number of credits needed.
Latin and a second foreign language are strongly recommended. Upon completion of course work, master's candidates may choose to take a comprehensive examination or write a thesis. Those electing to pass the examination must have given evidence in a graduate-level course of their ability to write a developed paper.