Eric Bianchi
Associate Professor of Music
Faculty Memorial Hall 441
Fordham University-Rose Hill Campus
Bronx, NY 10458
Office Hours:
B.A., Villanova University; Ph.D. Yale University
Area of Specialization
Renaissance and Baroque Music
Eric Bianchi joined the faculty of the Art History and Music Department in 2011. He specializes in music theory from 1550-1800. His research explores the intellectual and scientific contexts of music during the Early Modern period, with particular focus on the musical writings of the Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher. He was a Rome Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Rome in 2008-2009.
- MUSC 1100 - A History of Western Music and A History of Music: North America
- HPRH 1206: Honors Fundamental Topics in Music
- MUSC 2140/2141 - Keyboard Fundamentals: A Music-Theory Approach (+ Lab)
- MUSC 2120: Introduction to Music Theory
- MUSC 2146 - Music Theory II (Diatonic Harmony)
- MUSC 3110 - Music Before 1600
- MUSC 3121 - Baroque Music: Between Ancients & Moderns
- MUSC 3124: Music in the Modernist Era
- MVST 5100 - Cultures of Music and Sound in the Medieval World (with Andrew Albin)
- MVST 5101: Modern Sounds, Early Music
- ARHI 3316 Art and Architecture of Rome (Study Abroad)
"Bad Latin, Bad Manners: Giovanni Battista Doni, Marin Mersenne, and Literary Style in Seventeenth-Century Music Theory." Music and Letters 96, no. 2 (2015): 167-84. doi:10.1093/ml/gcv037. View Article.
""Scholars, Friends, Plagiarists": The Musician as Author in the Seventeenth Century." Journal of the American Musicological Society, 70(1) (2017) 61–128. View Article.
"Was Man Made for the Sabbath? Site, Space, and Identity in Jesuit Musical Life," in The Grand Theatre of the World: Music, Space, and the Performance of Identity in Early Modern Rome, edited by Valeria DeLucca and Christine Jeanneret for Routledge Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera. (71-86. Ashgate/Routledge: 2019.) View Book.
“Weight, Number, Measure: The Musical Universe of Michael Maier.” In: Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s ‘Atalanta fugiens’ (1618) with Scholarly Commentary, edited by Donna Bilak and Tara Nummedal. [University of Virgina Press/Brown University Digital Humanities Project / Mellon Foundation], 2020. "Furnace and Fugue" awarded American Historical Association’s Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History [2022].
“Asses at the Lyre: Latin as Musical Language, and the Benefits of Exclusion.” In: Baroque Latinity: Studies on ‘Baroque’ European Neo-Latin Literature, edited by Jacqueline Glomski, Gesine Manuwald and Andrew Taylor: 171—193. Bloomsbury (UK): 2023.
“‘Upon His Visit to See My Paintings’: Sonnets by Artemisia Gentileschi and Pietro della Valle” (with Sheila Barker). The Burlington Magazine 1451 (February 2024).