Suarez Lecturers
2024 | Alia Al-Saji (McGill University) |
2023 | Lewis Gordon (UConn), "What Can We Learn from Black Existentialism?" |
2022 | Linda Martin Alcoff (CUNY), "The Persistence of Cultural Racism" |
2021 | Brian Leftow (Rutgers), "What Is Sin?" |
2020 | Charles Mills (CUNY), "Doing Injustice to Racial Justice: How Rawls Went Wrong" |
2019 | Robert Bernasconi (Penn State University), "Slavery as Punishment: The History of a Philosophical Argument from Suarez to the Thirteenth Amendment" |
2018 | Anthony Steinbock (Southern Illinois University), "Hating as Contrary to Loving" |
2017 | Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan), "Epistemic Bubbles and Authoritarian Politics" |
2016 | Robert Pippin (University of Chicago), "Hegel on the Political Significance of Collective Self-Deceit" |
2015 |
Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado Boulder), "Historical Reflections on Our Long Quest for Certainty" |
2014 |
Judith Butler (University of California Berkeley), "'We, the People' or Plural Action" |
2013 |
Christine Korsgaard (Harvard University), "On Having a Good" |
2011 |
Harry Frankfurt (Princeton University), "Getting It Right" |
2010 |
Jerome B. Schneewind (Johns Hopkins University), "Autonomy After Kant" |
2009 |
John Cooper (Princeton University), "Aristotle and Philosophy as a Way of Life" |
2008 |
Sir Anthony Kenny (Oxford University), "Just Wars, Unjust Wars, and Holy Wars" |
2007 |
Hilary Putnam (Harvard University), "What Pragmatism Taught Us" |
2006 |
D.Z. Phillips (Claremont Graduate School), "Seeing Pictures of God" |
2005 |
Nicholas Rescher (University of Pittsburgh), "On Distinctions in Philosophy" |
2004 |
Anthony Lisska (Denison University), "Recta Ratio in Late Medieval Moral Theory: The Case of Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham" |
2003 |
Bas van Fraasen (Princeton University), "Representation and Perspective in Science" |
2002 |
Frederick Ferre (University of Georgia), "Should Metaphysics Still Come First?" |
2001 |
Eleonore Stump (St. Louis University), "Medieval Metaphysics and Political Theology: Aquinas on Incarnation" |
2000 |
Richard Blackwell (St. Louis University), "Galileo's Trial: A Plea Bargain Gone Awry" |
1999 |
Thomas Flynn (Emory University), "The Spaces of Michel Foucault" |
1998 |
John Lachs (Vanderbilt University), "Transcendence in Philosophy and in Everyday Life" |
1997 |
Jorge Gracia (SUNY at Buffalo), "The Nature of Metaphysics" |
1996 |
Robert Neville (Boston University), "Is There an Essence of Human Nature?" |
1995 |
William Richardson, SJ (Boston College), "Heidegger's Fall" |
1993 |
Hubert Dreyfus (University of California, Berkeley), "What is Moral Maturity?" |
1992 |
Nicholas Wolterstorff (Yale University), "The Art of Remembering: The Social Function of Art in Remembering" |
1991 |
Martha Nussbaum (Brown University), "Literary Imagination in Public Life" |
1990 |
John Wippel (The Catholic University of America), "What Can We Know of God?" |
1989 |
Gerald McCool, SJ (Fordham University), "Why St. Thomas Aquinas Stays Alive" |
1988 |
William Alston (Syracuse University), " An Empirical Basis for Theology" |
1987 |
Robert Sokolowski (The Catholic University of America), "What is Moral Action?" |
1987 |
Quentin Lauer, SJ (Fordham University), "Humanism and Human Dignity" |
1986 |
Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame), "Is Belief in God Rational?" |
1985 |
W. Norris Clarke, SJ (Fordham University), "Art and the Elite: A Philosophical Defense of Popular Art" |
1983 |
John N. Findlay (Boston University), "Neoplatonism and Western Christian Man" |