Job Placement

Our graduates have landed tenure-track positions at King's College, London; Boston College; Gonzaga University; University of San Diego; Chinese University of Hong Kong; University of Amsterdam; St. John's University; Utrecht University; Creighton University; Wheaton College; Nanjing University; and many other institutions. Those searching for academic employment enjoy the support of placement officers, mentors, and dissertation committee members.  We are also very proud of the jobs our alumni have secured outside of academia, including in law, government, tech, and healthcare.

Below, we list our recent PhD graduates with their placement information. A linked name will take you to the student's dissertation abstract. Please note the following abbreviations used in square brackets below: A: adjunct; L: lecturer; PD: post-doc; R: renewable; RP: research position; SL: senior lecturer T: tenured; TT: tenure track; VP: visiting professor and O: other.

For information on how Fordham's placement record compares with those of other schools, see Carolyn Dicey Jennings' (UC Merced) blog post "Job Placement 2011-2014: Comparing Placement Rank to PGR Rank".

Last Name First Name Year of Degree Current Position
Meyers Chris 2024 Fordham University (PD)
Pope Sara 2024 Marquette University (O)
Cassará Bruno 2024 St. Vincent Ferrer School, New York (O)
Smith Brent 2024  
Steiner Corey 2022 Underwood International College, Yonsei University, Korea (A)
Sooy Nick 2023 New York City Mayor's Office of Management and Budget, Senior Analyst (O)
Lake Allysa 2022 University of Washington, Program Operations Analyst (O)
Tokay Ela 2023 SUNY Old Westbury (TT)
Boor Kelsey 2023 Boston College (R)
Bailey Dylan 2023 University of South Florida (PD)
Shephardson Doug 2022 Fordham University [PD]
Daru Hannah 2022 Customer Experience Researcher, UKG [O]
Racine R. Maxwell 2022 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (VAP)
Daugs Gwen 2022 Dominican University [TT]
Engel Geoff 2021 Resident Tutor and Medical Student, Eliot House, Harvard University [O]
Sager Angela 2021 Wichita State University [L]
Mason Brock 2021 Associate, Covington & Burling, LLP [O]
Reppert Justin 2021 Machine Learning Research Engineer, Ought [O]
Emery Vita 2021 Student at Columbia School of Social Work (O)
Brennan Johnny 2021 Bard College (O, L)
Luzardo Jesus 2021 Loyola University Chicago [TT]
Cicerchia Lillian 2020 University of Amsterdam [TT]
Kee Hayden 2020 Chinese University of Hong Kong [TT]
Elnabli Alexander 2020 English teacher, high school [O]
Duffy Robert 2020 Headmaster at Chesterton Academy (O)
Kampa Samuel 2019 Data Analyst, NeuroFlow [O]
Samz Machessa 2019 Nazareth College (T)
Sayers Bjorn 2019 Software Developer, Amazon Web Services [O]
Jampol-Petzinger Andrew 2018 Grand Valley State University [VP]
Kovacs David 2018 Loyola Marymount in California [VP]
Stewart Coran 2018 HR Business Partner, Baptist Health Systems [O]
Archambault Jacob 2017 Software Developer, Venminder [O]
Gadon David 2017 Teacher, Fredrick Douglass Academy, NYC [O]
Kagan Aaron 2017 UX Researcher, Google [O]
Kiefer Thomas 2017 Academic Advisor, Columbia School of Professional Studies [O]
Schafer David 2017 Law School student, Georgetown [O]
Toth Zita 2017 Kings College, London [TT]
Brandon William 2017 Public Services and Acquisition Librarian, Christian Brothers University [O]
McCormick William 2017 M.Div. student, Regis College, University of Toronto [O]
Glass Jordan 2017 Champlain College (TT)
Hromas Christopher 2016 Administrator, University of Florida Health
Collins Christopher 2016 Partner, Labor and Employment Law at Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, New York
Sullivan (Mumm) Emily 2016 Utrecht University (T)
Seipel Peter 2016 University of South Carolina, Lancaster [TT]
Vukov Joseph 2016 Loyola University Chicago [TT]
Hu Xingming 2015 Nanjing University, China [T]
Davia Carlo 2015 Loyola Marymount University [L]
Kucharski Paul 2014 Seminarian, Archdiocese of New York [O]
Nevitt Turner 2015 University of San Diego [T]
Palla Brendan 2015 St. Patrick’s Seminary and University [TT]
Rapaglia Eric 2015 Pastor, St. Joseph-St. Thomas St. John Neumann Parish, Staten Island, NY [O]
Wilkins Shane 2015 Management Analyst at USDA [O]
Allen Jeremy 2014 Sales Operation Supervisor, Higher Education, CDW-G, Chicago [O]
Komasinski Andrew 2013 Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa, Japan [3-yr position]
Lynch Gregory 2013 North Central College [T]
Wietzke Walter 2013 University of Wisconsin River Falls [L]
Woodard Jared 2013 Head, Research Investment Committee, Bank of America [O]
Hughes Margaret 2013 Thomas Aquinas College [TT]
Wood Adam 2013 Wheaton College [T]
Yi Zane 2013 Associate Dean, School of Religion, Loma Linda University [O]
Lassiter Charles 2013 Gonzaga University [T]
Mumm John 2013 Senior Director of Architecture, Vectrology Solutions BV, Netherlands
Rice Christopher 2012 Lynn University [T]
Rottenberg Ian 2012 Director, Earl Hall Center for Religious Life; Dean, Religious Life; Associate Chaplain, Religious Life, Columbia University [O]
D'Attore Denise 2012 Head of School, Regina Luminus Academy [O]
Nashi Johanna 2012 Freelance Research Consultant & Writer [O]
Condera Sam 2012 Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, St. Louis University
Converse Aaron 2012 Mathematics Instructor, Baruch College [A]
Berry-Whitlock Sterling 2012 Faculty Employment Specialist, Wesleyan University, CT [O]
O'Leary Scott 2011 Director, Honors and Scholars Village, North Carolina State University [O]
Helms Eleanor 2011 California Polytechnic State University [T]
Henscheid Andrew 2011 Founder & Creative Director, Pineblack [O]
Kanzelberger Kirk 2011 Franciscan University, Steubenville
Storey David 2011 Boston College [PP]
Thomas Seth 2011 St. John's University, NY [T]
Zoller David 2011 California Polytechnic State University [T]
Becker Thomas 2011 Attorney & Ethics Advisor
Futter Dylan 2010 University of the Witwatersrand [T]
Atkins Richard 2010 Boston College [T]
Hubbard Kyle 2010 St. Anselm [T]
Chamberlain Stephen 2010 Rockhurst University [T]
Fincke Daniel 2010 Private Philosophy Tutor [O]
Janssen Das 2009 Content Developer for Corporate Training [O]
Konopka Adam 2009 Xavier University (VP)
O'Connell Eoin 2009 Manhattan College [T]
Economos Ariane 2009 Marymount University [TT]
Nartey Emmanuel 2009 LaGuardia College, CUNY [T]
Ozar Anne 2009 Creighton University [T]
Dryden Jane 2008 Mount Allison University [T]
Stone James 2008 Department Chair, Theology, Pinecrest Academy, GA [O]
Breyer Daniel 2008 Illinois State University [T]
Devina Edgar 2008 New Jersey City University [A]
Borman David 2008 Nipissing University [T]
Trabbic Joseph 2008 Ave Maria University [T]
Arroyo Christopher 2007 Providence College [T]
Harless Christopher 2007 Financial Audit Manager, Colorado PERA [O]
Boring Michael 2007 Estrella Mountain Community College
Slegers Roos 2007 Tilburg University, Netherlands [T]
Minister Stephen 2006 Augustana College, SD [T]
Kelly Michael 2004 University of San Diego [T]
Allen Jeremy 2004 Account Manager, Higher Education at CDW-G, Chicago
Helms Eleanor D. 2004 California Polytechnic State University [TT]
Henscheid Andrew J. 2004  
Storey David 2004 Boston College [non-TT]
Woodard Jared 2004 Global Investment Strategist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York City
Atkins Richard K. 2003 Boston College [TT]
Borman David 2003 Nipissing University [TT]
Chamberlain Stephen B. 2003 Rockhurst University [T]
D'Attore Denise A. 2003 Head of School, Regina Luminus Academy
Janssen Ana M. 2003 Chicago State University [T]
Konopka Adam C. 2003 Xavier University (VP)
Lassiter Charles S. 2003 Gonzaga University [TT]
Mumm John T. 2003 Lead Software Engineer at Vectrology Solutions BV
Slegers Rosa Marie A. 2003 Babson College [T]
Stone James 2003  
Thomas Seth J. 2003 St. John's University [TT]
Zoller David J. 2003 California Polytechnic State University [TT]
Converse Aaron 2002 Mathematics Instructor, Baruch College
Dryden Jane 2002 Mount Allison University [T]
Gabor Gary T. 2002 Hamline University [TT]
Hao Changchi 2002 Wuhan University [T]
Kucharski Paul L. 2002 Manhattanville College [TT]
O'Connell Eoin Thomas 2002 Manhattan College [T]
Becker Thomas 2001 Attorney
Breyer Daniel S. 2001 Illinois State University [T]
Economos Ariane E. 2001 Marymount University [TT]
Hubbard Kylie Philip 2001 St. Anselm [TT]
Minister Stephen B. 2001 Augustana College, SD [T]
Nartey Emmanuel 2001 LaGuardia College, CUNY [T]
Berry-Whitlock Sterling A. 2000 Director of Academic Planning and Analysis at Columbia College Chicago
Devina Edgar A. 2000 St. John's University [A]
Fincke Daniel A. 2000  
Nashi Johanna L. 2000  
Ozar Anne 2000 Creighton University [T]
Zinn David C. 2000 Loyola Marymount University [PT]