Brian Johnson


Associate Professor of Philosophy

Lowenstein Building, Room 916
Fordham University - Lincoln Center
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY 10023

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-636-6394
Fax: 212-636-7153

  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, The University of Chicago

    B.A. in History, The University of Illinois at Chicago

  • I specialize in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy with a particular interest in Aristotle's ethics as well as Stoic ethics. I am also interested in Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Applied Ethics (Business Ethics), and Literature.

    I keep a relatively low profile on the interweb but I appear in a few places:

  • The Role Ethics of Epictetus: Stoicism in Ordinary Life (Lexington Books)

    “The Reception of Socrates in Epictetus” in Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Socrates, ed. Christopher Moore.

    “The American Diogenes: Mark Twain’s Sacred Profanity” in Mark Twain and Philosophy, ed. Alan Goldman

    “Socrates, Heracles, and the Deflation of Roles in Epictetus” in Ancient Philosophy

    “Ethical Roles in Epictetus” in Epoché

    “Comments on ‘On the Chrysippan Thesis That the Virtues are Poia by Bernard Collette-Ducic” in the Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy