3-2 Cooperative Program in Engineering

The Cooperative Program in Engineering is five-year dual-degree program between Fordham University and the School of Engineering and Applied Science of Columbia University or Case Western Reserve University. Students in this program prepare for careers in applied science or engineering. The Cooperative Program asks students to meet a number of admissions requirements. Students earn a BA or BS degree from Fordham University and a BS degree from Columbia University in one of several fields.
All Fordham core curriculum and major requirements must be satisfied before the student begins courses at Columbia University. In addition, students must take prerequisite courses required by the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University.
See below for more information.
Students in this program:
- Spend their first three academic years at Fordham College at Rose Hill or Fordham College at Lincoln Center pursuing a BS or BA degree.
- At the end of this period, they transfer to Columbia University or Case Western Reserve University (after a successful transfer application).
- After completing the second year at one of these other two schools, they receive their BA or BS degree from Fordham and their BS engineering degree from there.
While at Fordham, students must pursue a major in one of the following:
- Physics
- Engineering Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Mathematics - Computer & Information Science
- Computer Science
Sample schedules can be viewed by clicking on the major above.
After transferring, students will pursue a degree in one of the following (this list shows those majors from Columbia):
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Earth and Environmental Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics
- Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Operations Research: Engineering Management Systems
- Operations Research: Financial Engineering
For the Combined Plan with Columbia, you can find specific requirements at this link, which lists specific requirements that must be fulfilled as a Fordham student. Please note that acceptance to Columbia with this program is not guaranteed, even if all requirements are met. Learn more about the Combined Plan with Case Western Reserve University.
Generally, for both programs, all students are required to take the following courses while at Fordham:
MATH 1206 & 1207 (Calculus I & Calculus II)
MATH 2004 & 2005 (Multivariable Calculus I & Multivariable Calculus II)
PHYS 1601 & 1603 or 1701 & 1703 (Intro Physics I or Physics I)*
PHYS 1602 & 1604 or 1702 & 1704 (Intro Physics II or Physics II)
PHYS 1511 (Physics I Lab)
PHYS 1512 (Physics II Lab)
CHEM 1311, 1321, & 1331 (General Chemistry I + Lab)*
CISC 1600 & 1610 (Computer Science I + Lab)
ECON 1100 or ECON 1200 (Basic Macroeconomics or Basic Microeconomics) – this should be the course taken for the Social Science Core*Note that at Lincoln Center, the physics and chemistry classes have NSCI for the department instead of PHYS or CHEM.
The other requirements are automatically satisfied by the Fordham Core Curriculum. Columbia does not accept transfer credits from online courses, this means that no courses may be taken online (core, major, or 3-2 requirements) for students in this program.
Note that some of the specific majors at the other school will have slightly different requirements, so while this is a good list to work from, be sure to check the specific requirements above.
In order to ensure academic success, a student may be withdrawn from the 3-2 program by the director in the following instances.
- If the student is not making sufficiently adequate progress towards a transfer to Columbia or Case Western Reserve, for example: their cumulative GPA is below a 3.0, grades in more than four pre-engineering required classes are below a B-, or they have not taken enough pre-engineering requirements by the end of each academic year.
- If the student has not declared one of the required majors before the end of their first year (physics, engineering physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, or the joint math-cis major).
- If the student does not apply for transfer by the deadline during their junior year.
Removal from the program merely means the student will be expected to finish their four years at Fordham, and then with the help of the director, can find alternative paths to a career in engineering.
View the details about the . If you have any questions about the specific requirements, contact the program director, Christopher Aubin, at caubin@fordham.edu.
Program Director
Dr. Christopher Aubin
Associate Professor of Physics
Email: caubin@fordham.edu
Office: Freeman Hall 206
Phone: 718-817-5620Advisor at Lincoln Center
Dr. Patrick McFaddin
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Email: pmcfaddin@fordham.edu
Office: LL 808-G