Petr Shibayev

Professor of Physics
Freeman Hall, Room 111A
Tel: 718-817-4193

  • PhD Physics, Moscow State University, Russia
    MS Physics, Moscow State University, Russia

  • Professor Shibayev's does research in the areas of "Soft" condensed matter physics and physical chemistry. This includes the structure, phase behavior of self-organized materials at nano- and meso-scales, electrical and optical properties of "soft" materials, in particular chiral polymers and liquid crystals. He also studies interaction of electromagnetic fields with "soft" materials; synthesis of responsive polymers, self-organized and supramolecular structures, molecular structures for photonic applications, and development of advanced "soft" materials.

  • Professor Shibayev has been at Fordham since 2003. Before joining the faculty, he held positions as a Research Physicist at Copenhagen University (Denmark), Padova University, Italy and North Texas University at Denton and was a Senior Scientist at Chiral Photonics.