Petr Shibayev
Professor of Physics
Freeman Hall, Room 111A
Tel: 718-817-4193
PhD Physics, Moscow State University, Russia
MS Physics, Moscow State University, RussiaProfessor Shibayev's does research in the areas of "Soft" condensed matter physics and physical chemistry. This includes the structure, phase behavior of self-organized materials at nano- and meso-scales, electrical and optical properties of "soft" materials, in particular chiral polymers and liquid crystals. He also studies interaction of electromagnetic fields with "soft" materials; synthesis of responsive polymers, self-organized and supramolecular structures, molecular structures for photonic applications, and development of advanced "soft" materials.
Professor Shibayev has been at Fordham since 2003. Before joining the faculty, he held positions as a Research Physicist at Copenhagen University (Denmark), Padova University, Italy and North Texas University at Denton and was a Senior Scientist at Chiral Photonics.