U.S. Capitol with America flag

Department of Political Science

Political Science

Mission Statement

The Department of Political Science at Fordham is committed to

  • preparing students for global citizenship and rewarding and fulfilling professional lives of compassion, accomplishment, and service;
  • developing accomplished faculty who contribute to student and public understanding of New York City, the United States, and the world through exemplary research and teaching;
  • serving the University and the Political Science profession by doing research of civic and scholarly value.

Undergraduate Studies

The Department of Political Science offers a bachelor’s degree in political science. Ranked among the top five majors, the undergraduate program provides an unrivaled opportunity to study politics in New York City, home to a wide range of business companies, government agencies, mass media, non-governmental organizations, and the United Nations.

Faculty Research and Teaching

Our faculty are active and engaged researchers, publishing work that examines some of the world’s most pressing international and national issues. In addition to cutting-edge research, our faculty are award-winning teachers and mentors, developing students’ capacity for ethical leadership in the United States and around the globe. Many faculty members also teach in such graduate programs as International Political Economy and DevelopmentHumanitarian Studies, and Urban Studies. The Department of Political Science at Fordham hosts the Forum on American Politics and the Brown Bag Lunch Series in which Fordham faculty and guest speakers present their research.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Department of Political Science seeks to foster an inclusive environment and support the diversity of the Fordham community. This policy is consistent with A Strategic Framework for Fordham's Future that seeks to ensure that "people of all faiths, beliefs and personal commitments" can find a welcoming environment at Fordham.

Department Updates and Initiatives