Christopher Morel

Major: Political Science
Year of Graduation: 2015
Which career path(s) have you pursued since graduation from Fordham University?
Upon graduating from Fordham University, I enrolled at Columbia Law School to pursue a legal career. I am currently clerking on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Next year, I will be clerking on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Afterward, I will become an associate at a private law firm.
What do you like about the work you are doing now?
I currently work as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Margo K. Brodie of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The clerkship allows me to tackle different areas of the law, observe different writing and oral argument styles, and improve upon my own writing and analytical skills.
How did your experience at Fordham and in particular the political science major help you prepare for your current career? Was there a specific course or extracurricular activity that influenced your career development?
Majoring in political science contributed to my success while in law school. Courses within the major required me to think critically and analytically, which provided a foundation for my academic success while at Columbia Law School. In addition, courses such as Constitutional Law exposed me to certain areas of the law, while other courses such as Youth and Politics allowed me to conduct my own research, write a research paper, and present my findings at a national conference.
Please describe any internships you held as an undergraduate student that were helpful/relevant to your subsequent job search.
During my undergraduate career, I interned with a criminal defense attorney in Washington Heights. During the internship, I participated in client meetings and trial prep, researched issues related to federal sentencing and suppression motions, and drafted legal correspondence. The internship solidified my decision to pursue a legal career.
What advice would you give for students who aspire to hold a job like yours?
It is crucial to choose a major that you will enjoy and that will challenge you to think critically and analytically. It is perfectly fine to major in “traditional” majors such as Political Science, English, and Philosophy if you are thinking about applying to law school. But do keep in mind that law schools do not require you to choose these majors. Again, what is important is that you choose a major that you will enjoy and succeed in. If you are interested in law school, I encourage you to speak to as many law students and practicing attorneys as you can. And, of course, feel free to reach out to me!