Casey McNeill

Casey McNeil Profile Image.

Assistant Professor of Political Science
Office: Faber Hall 674
Phone: 718-817-3952

  • M.A. and Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
    B.A. American University

  • Casey McNeill received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University in 2018. Her research and teaching interests include African international relations, critical security studies and US Foreign Policy. Her current book project examines security politics in the Sahel region of West Africa, focusing on the role of mobility as a security technology in arid environments and its relationship to the territorial security strategies of colonial and postcolonial states. Field research for this project in Mali and Niger was funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation’s World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship. Her work has been published in Political Geography; Law, Culture and the Humanities, and in multiple edited volumes. 

  • Undergraduate
    Introduction to International Politics
    US Foreign Policy
    War and Peace

    Analysis of International Politics