Political Science Awards and Prizes

The Department of Political Science annually awards the Political Science Endowment Award and the William R. Frasca Prize to graduating seniors at FCRH. The Political Science Endowment Award is given to a graduating senior whose career at Fordham has been marked by both high intellectual achievement and strong understanding of the ideals of Jesuit education. The William R. Frasca Prize is granted to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in political science.

Here is a list of recent winners of the department’s awards and prizes.

The Political Science Endowment Award

  • The Fordham Political Science department has had a huge influence on my worldview. While the relationships I've built with Fordham's talented faculty and student body have been incredibly formative for me, my favorite thing about Political Science at Fordham has been the exposure I've gained to new perspectives. My PoliSci classes have given me access to a wide variety of authors, theories, and frameworks that inform how I understand the world around me. I feel so grateful to have gained this wealth of experience and knowledge to draw on as I navigate our changing world post-graduation.

  • Jessica Clouser

    My favorite part about being a student at Fordham University has been the professors and courses that have changed me for the better. Even while taking classes on Zoom during COVID, I continued to have rich and challenging discussions in my courses. Many of my professors have continuously encouraged me to question my preconceived ideas, at times exploding my worldview altogether. I will be forever grateful to these professors for keeping my love for learning alive and for pushing me to dream of brighter futures, no matter how daunting they may seem.

  • Alani Scheel

    As a student at Fordham University, my GO! trip to Anchorage, Alaska, remains one of the most significant and meaningful experiences of my college career. The immersive cultural program was a transformational experience that presented priceless chances for personal growth and community engagement. It facilitated the formation of strong bonds with like-minded students who shared my enthusiasm for activism. By applying the theoretical frameworks from my Political Science courses to real-world scenarios, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of global issues and gained a passion for community involvement. I wholeheartedly urge all Fordham students to explore the diverse range of opportunities available at the university, including Global Outreach, as I am forever grateful for the personal growth and lifelong memories it has provided me.

  • Steven Agriantonis

    I am extremely grateful for having the privilege to attend classes taught by the esteemed Political Science faculty of Fordham College at Rose Hill. The Political Science professors challenged me to think in a comprehensive manner about how our political system and our world functions. The Political Science faculty have left a lasting impression on me and have been inspirational mentors to me. Professor Hume in his Judicial Politics class employs empirical data to gain insight into the factors influencing a judge’s decision-making. Professor Labonte in her War and Peace Seminar challenges students to think deeply about the international geopolitical factors that are conducive to peace. The course, Introduction to the American Legal System taught by Professor Horan has provided me with a strong and comprehensive foundation into how the legal system operates in our contemporary society. I am confident that the skills and knowledge that I have gained will be invaluable to me in my future studies.

  • Catherine Gassiot

    My favorite part about being a student at Fordham University has been the supportive and engaging community created by the faculty and students. I have continuously found myself challenged intellectually by my professors and classmates which I believe has not only made me a better student but also will positively impact my career trajectory. Despite the change in learning environment brought on by the pandemic, I have been grateful for the efforts of my professors in the Political Science department to ensure my education was not negatively impacted. One of my favorite moments in the last year was Professor Hume's virtual moot court in Constitutional Law which, despite the Zoom environment, granted me the same educational takeaways I had from the in-person moot court I had participated in for his in-person class a year before. As I head to law school next year, I could not be more appreciative of the foundation I have gained during my time at Fordham, and I hope to put the Jesuit values emphasized during my education into practice in my future career and everyday life.

  • Emma Watson

    My favorite part about being a student at Fordham University was all the incredible research and extracurricular opportunities I was presented with both inside and outside of the classroom. From chairing the Outreach Committee for the Fordham Dance Marathon, to assisting Professor Hume of the Political Science Department in conducting legal research, and even to working as a production assistant at WFUV Radio Station, I have achieved more in my four years at Fordham University than I ever thought was possible. I am so proud of everything I have accomplished here, and so unbelievably grateful for all of the students, faculty, and staff members who helped me make those achievements possible.

  • Leila Witcher

    My Political Science classes were the highlight of my educational experience at Fordham. I was provided a firm grasp on the fundamentals of Political Science with the opportunity to learn more about topics I was passionate about. I can comprehend more about the global economy than I thought possible from Professor Bastiaen’s IPE course. I experienced the nature of oral arguments as a Supreme Court justice in Professor Hume’s Constitutional Law course. Beyond classes, my professors integrated students’ own knowledge into the fabric of every curriculum. I learned from my peers as seamlessly as I did my professors. As I continue my education in law school, I am comforted by the fact that I was given a strong foundation to build upon.

William R. Frasca Prize

  • Through Fordham’s Political Science program, I’ve received a firm grounding in the theory of our political system while probing emerging legal issues in domains ranging from the family to the administrative state. I love that almost every class gave me the opportunity to conduct research that intersected with what I was learning in the field through my internships. I was able to integrate practice into my education still more closely through a tutorial led by Dr. Alemán, in which I worked for an entire semester with a judge of the New York State Supreme Court. But nothing quite matched the concentrated thrill of participating in oral arguments through the moot courts Dr. Hume organized for his Constitutional Law and Civil Rights and Liberties classes. Those events typified the animated debates between peers encouraged by my professors. From my first intro class to my senior thesis, I’ve always felt that the faculty took a genuine interest in our contributions, and I’m immensely grateful for their mentorship. I know I will be drawing upon my experiences here during law school and many years beyond.

  • Vibha Sanjeev

    As my time at Fordham draws to an end, I find myself reflecting about what made Fordham an exceptional institution to pursue my educational ambitions. It was Fordham's inspiring commitment to the notion of cura personalis. You are not just nourished intellectually but supported in using your education to create genuine change in the community. This is best exemplified through Fordham's Community Engaged Learning classes which transforms theoretical knowledge into a practical good that creates positive material changes in people's lives. I also find myself eternally grateful to my extraordinary professors, who have broadened my horizons, by both introducing me to novel ideas while also challenging my self-imposed limitations to understanding the world around me. I wholly credit my teachers for my academic accomplishments during my time at Fordham. Each and every time I approached a professor with a complex topic I did not understand, they went above and beyond in ensuring I grasped the concept, something which serves as a testament to the quality of professors at Fordham. While it is bitter-sweet leaving Fordham, I am empowered by the knowledge that I am leaving Fordham a better and brighter person.

  • Pantho Sayed

    What I liked best about being a student at Fordham is how collegial and collaborative the community is. In every class I've had here, my classmates have been so helpful and willing to see each other succeed. Professors too have so much passion and truly want to see and help students do well both inside and outside of classes. The Fordham community is definitely something special and I am very fortunate to have been a part of it during my time here!

  • Kelsie Greene

    My favorite part about being a student at Fordham University was the opportunity to open my mind and learn about the world around me in a community that supported my goals from my first day on campus. Having the possibility to participate in coursework, internships, research, and experiences abroad at the niche intersections of my interests aided me in pinpointing my passions and determining what I hope to pursue post-grad. The friendships and memories I have made in the Fordham community will last a lifetime, and I am beyond happy to be a Fordham University alum.

  • Alana Murphy

    My favorite part about being a student at Fordham University was getting to know and learn from amazing professors. Across every discipline, Fordham's professors have always encouraged my curiosity and pushed me to challenge my assumptions. Whether in the pre-pandemic days of Socratic seminars or in the virtual discussion boards of the past year, my professors have brought life and passion to all the subjects they teach. I want to sincerely thank all of my professors, especially those who entertained my many visits to their office hours, for their kindness, compassion, and encouragement.

  • Paul Alongi

    Towards the end of my time at Fordham University, I’ve come to realize that three key elements set this University apart from other institutions. Firstly, the curriculum: The University provides a thought-provoking, as well as informative, curriculum, which allowed me to not only stay engaged but also learn a significant amount of useful information. Secondly, the Jesuit values: The University promotes the core Jesuit values in every facet of university life, which enabled me to become a better human being. Lastly, and most importantly, the professors: The University possesses a staff of highly intelligent professors who are accessible, caring, and understanding, which truly helped me excel in my academic endeavors. With all of this in mind, I will always be extremely grateful to have received an education at Fordham University. Go Rams!