Psychology-Law Research Lab Publications and Presentations

Recent Publications by Students

Aparcero, M., Lee, H., Wijetunga, C., Conley, E. M., Rosenfeld, B., & Cham, H. (2024). Measuring Adaptive Functioning in a Correctional Setting: An Analysis of the Problems in Everyday Living Test (PEDL). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 51(12), 1838–1858.

Aparcero, M., Nijdam-Jones, A., Rosenfeld, B., & Garcia-Lopez, E. (2020). Sex offender risk assessment in Latin America: An exploratory study. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice51(5), 467–476.

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2021). The impact of coaching on feigned psychiatric and medical symptoms: A meta-analysis using the MMPI-2. Psychological Assessment, 33(8), 729–745.

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022). Comparing the ability of MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF validity scales to detect feigning: A meta-analysis. Assessment. 30(3), 744-60.

Aparcero, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022). Risk assessment of adult sex offenders. In R. Roesch (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World (Vol. 8, Psychology and Law). Routledge.

Barber-Rioja, V., & Aparcero-Suero, M. (2022). Cultural considerations. In V. Barber-Rioja, A. M. Akinsulure-Smith, & S. Vendzules (Eds.), Mental health evaluations in immigration court: A guide for mental health and legal professionals. NYU Press.

Bopp, L. L.Aparcero, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022). Detecting symptom exaggeration and minimization using translated versions of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Law and Human Behavior. 46(1), 81-97.

Callahan, P. A., Jeglic, E. L., & Calkins, C. (2024). Intellectual Ability and Sexual Recidivism Risk Assessment: Comparing Predictive Accuracy in an Incarcerated U.S. Sample. Sexual Abuse.

Callahan, P. A., Loutzenhiser, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (In Press). Mental health treatment of criminal offenders. In B. L. Cutler & P. A. Zapf (Eds.), APA Handbook Of Forensic Psychology, Second Edition.

Chang, Y. T., Rosenfeld, B., Tam, W. C. C., Teng, C. Y., & Han, Y. (2023). A study of the TOMM and DCT in Chinese-speaking immigrants with limited English proficiency in the United States. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 22(1), 1-13.

Cruise, K., Holloway, E., & Picard, E. (2017). Juvenile offender treatment. In R. Roesch & A. N. Cook (Eds.), Handbook of Forensic Mental Health Services. Routledge.

Foellmi, M. C., Rosenfeld, B., & Galietta, M. (2016). Assessing risk for recidivism in individuals convicted of stalking offenses: Predictive validity of the guidelines for stalking assessment and management. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43, 600-616. doi: 10.1177/0093854815610612

García-López, E., Mercurio, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., Morales, L.A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019). Neurolaw in Latin America: Current status and challenges. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 18, 260-280, doi: 10.1080/14999013.2018.1552634

Gerbrandij, J., Rosenfeld, B., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Galietta, M. (2018). Evaluating risk assessment instruments for intimate partner stalking and intimate partner violence. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(2), 103–118. doi: 10.1037/tam0000101

Gerbrandij, J., Bernstein, D. P., Drislane, L. E., Vogel, V. de, Lancel, M., & Patrick, C. J. (2019). Examining Triarchic Psychopathy Constructs in a Dutch Forensic Treatment Sample Using a Forensic Version of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10862-019-09752-z

Howe, J., Rosenfeld, B., Foellmi, M., Stern, S., & Rotter, M. (2016). Application of the HCR-20 Version 3 in civil psychiatric patients. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43, 398-412. Doi: 10.1177/0093854815605527.

Howe, J., Wijetunga, C., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2017). Evidence-based treatment of psychopathy. In P. Sturmey (Ed.), The Wiley handbook of violence and aggression: Assessment, prevention and treatment of individuals (pp. 86:1-12) (Vol. 2). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Publisher. doi: 10.1002/9781119057574.whbva086

Loutzenhiser, L., Arrighi, F., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024). The association between pornography use and sexual offending in individuals with a history of sex offenses: A meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 78, 101980.

Loutzenhiser, L., Collins, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2023). Stalking: Phenomenology, Impact, and Intervention. In Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 3rd Edition. Cambridge, MA: Elselvier Press.

Loutzenhiser, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2021). Stalking. In R. Roesch (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World (Vol. 8, Psychology and Law). Routledge

Nijdam-Jones, A., Chen, Y., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020). Detection of feigned Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A meta-analysis of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance Online Publication. doi: 10.1037/tra0000593

Nijdam-Jones, A., García-López, E., Aparcero, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020). How do Latin American professionals approach violence risk assessment? A qualitative exploratory study. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 19(3), 227-240. doi: 10.1080/14999013.2019.1707330

Nijdam-Jones, A., Garcia-LoĢpez, E., Rojas, L. M., Guarneros, A. R., & Rosenfeld, B. (2021).  Predictive validity of the HCR-20V3 with incarcerated males in Mexico City. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(10), 1450-1467.

Nijdam-Jones, A., Gerbrandij, J., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019). Forensic interviewing of offenders. In R. D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology (pp. 541-544). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.

Nijdam-Jones, A., Rivera, D., Rosenfeld, B., & Arango-Lasprilla, J.C. (2017). A cross-cultural analysis of the Test of Memory Malingering among Latin American Spanish-speaking adults. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 422-428. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000250

Nijdam-Jones, A., Rivera, D., Rosenfeld, B., & Arango-Lasprilla, J.C. (2019). The effect of literacy and culture on cognitive effort test performance: An examination of the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) in Colombia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1644294

Nijdam-Jones, A., Rosenfeld, B., Gerbrandij, J., Quick, E., & Galietta, M. (2018). Psychopathology of stalking offenders: Examining the clinical, demographic, and stalking characteristics of a community-based sample. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45(5), 712-731. doi: 10.1177/0093854818760643

Picard, E., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020). How clinicians incorporate suicide risk factors into suicide risk assessment. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 

Picard, E., Aparcero, M., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022). Identifying positive impression management using the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-2-RF: A meta-analysis. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 25, 1-17.

Rosenfeld, B., Callahan, P., Carboni-Jiménez, A., Rice, D. B., Nassar, E. L., Boruff, J. T., ... & Thombs, B. D. (2024). Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions for Incarcerated Individuals with Depression or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 23(4), 468–483.

Rosenfeld, B., Foellmi, M., Khadivi, A., Wijetunga, C.Howe, J.Nijdam-Jones, A., Grover, S., & Rotter, M. (2017). Determining when to conduct a violence risk assessment: Development and initial validation of the Fordham Risk Screening Tool (FRST), Law and Human Behavior, 41, 325-332. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000247

Rosenfeld, B., Galietta, M., Foellmi, M., Coupland, S., Turner, Z., Stern, S., Wijetunga, C.Gerbrandij, J., & Ivanoff, A. (2019, June 17). Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for the Treatment of Stalking Offenders: A Randomized Controlled Study. Law and Human Behavior. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000336

Rosenfeld, B., Quick, E., & Gerbrandij, J. (In press). Malingering assessment, interpretation, and expert testimony. In D. Lorandos (Ed.) Litigator’s Handbook on Forensic Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychology. Egan, MN: West

Rosenfeld, B., Weinberger, E., Collins, A., Jimenez, M. C., Leon, M., & Keller, A. (2024). Do reasons for migration impact the elements of asylum applications? An investigation of participants in the 2018 “migrant caravan.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 30(2), 197–205.

Weiss, R. A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2016). Identifying feigning in trauma-exposed African immigrants. Psychological Assessment, 29(7), 881-889. Doi: 10.1037/pas0000381

Wijetunga, C., Martinez, R., Rosenfeld, B., & Cruise, K. (2016). The influence of age and sexual drive on the predictive validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol–Revised. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1-20. doi:10.1177/0306624X16650681

Wijetunga, C., Nijdam-Jones, A., Rosenfeld, B., Martinez, R., & Cruise, K. (2018). Using the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-Revised (J-SOAP-II) to assess psychopathy. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45, 483-502. doi: 10.1177/0093854817745912

Wijetunga, C., Picard, E., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019). Forensic assessment. In R. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of criminal psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.

Wijetunga, C., Picard, E., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019).  Management of sex offenders in community settings. In W. T. O’Donohue & D. Bromberg (Eds.), Sexually violent predators: A clinical science handbook. New York: Springer.

Zhang, R., Aloi, J., Bajaj, S., Bashford-Largo, J., Lukoff, J., Schwartz, A., Elowsky, J., Dobbertin, M., Blair, K.S., & Blair, R.J.R. (2021). Dysfunction in differential reward-punishment responsiveness in conduct disorder relates to severity of callous-unemotional traits but not irritability. Psychological Medicine 1-11. 

Recent Presentations

Aparcero, M., Peraza Sanchez, F., & Rosenfeld, B. (2023, June 21). Navigating a foreign legal system: Latin American immigrants in the United States [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Sydney, Australia.

Aparcero, M., Hyunjung, L., Wijetunga, C., Conley, E., Rosenfeld, B., & Heining, C. (2024, March 22). Evaluating the utility of the Problems in Everyday Living Test (PEDL) to identify adult jail detainees with possible intellectual disability [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Aparcero, M., Marasa, F. A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, March 22). Initial validation of a competency assessment instrument for immigration court [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Los Angeles, CA.

Aparcero, M., Nijdam-Jones, A., Rosenfeld, B., Garcia-Lopez, E. (2018, June 12-15). Adult sex offender recidivism risk in Latin America: An exploratory study [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Antwerp, Belgium.

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Bopp, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019, June 25-28). Detecting symptom exaggeration and defensiveness with the MMPI-2: An updated meta-analysis. In B. Rosenfeld (Chair), A comparison of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF validity scales in detecting symptom exaggeration and defensiveness [Symposium]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Montreal, Canada.

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2021, March 20). Does coaching impact the detection of symptom exaggeration or feigning? A meta-analysis using the MMPI-2 [Poster presentation]. The American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) 2021 Virtual Poster Session.

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020, June 22-25). Does coaching improve our ability to feign psychiatric and medical symptoms? A meta-analysis of the MMPI-2 validity scales [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Krakow, Poland. (Conference canceled)

Aparcero, M., Picard, E., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020, March 5-7). Comparing the ability of MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF validity scales to detect feigning: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), New Orleans, LA.

Aparcero, M., Wijetunga, C., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019, March 14-16). Measuring adaptive functioning in a correctional setting: An analysis of the Problems in Everyday Living Test (PEDL) [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Portland, OR. 

Aparcero, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022, June 15). Initial validation of a standardized instrument to assess competency in immigration court [Paper presentation]. Selected for presentation at the Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Berlin, Germany.

Aparcero, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2022, March 18). Competency evaluations in immigration court: An exploratory study [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Denver, CO.

Ardesia, M., Callahan, P., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, March). Exploring the influence of gender on the relationship between history of violence and risk assessment judgments using the HCR-20V3 [Paper presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Ardesia, M., Callahan, P., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, June). Gender differences in the interplay between serious mental illness and substance use disorders on violence [Paper presentation]. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, San Francisco, CA.

Bopp, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019). Detecting malingering and defensiveness in the translated versions of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Montréal, QC, Canada.

Callahan, P. A., Jeglic, E. L., & Calkins, C. (2023, June 20-22) Comparing the predictive validity of sexual recidivism risk assessment instruments for individuals with and without intellectual disabilities [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Sydney, Australia.

Callahan, P. A., Jeglic, E. L., & Calkins, C. (2023, March 16-18) Intellectual ability and selection for civil commitment under sexually violent predator statutes [Paper presentation], American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Callahan, P. A., Ardesia, M., Rivers, F., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, June). A grounded theory approach to ideological radicalization [Paper presentation]. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, San Francisco, CA.

Callahan, P. A. & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, March). Moderators of the relationship between beliefs and behavior among ideological extremists [Paper presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Callahan, P. A., Rosenfeld, B. & Rotter, M. (2024, March). The role of ideology in targeted violence: A systematic review [Paper presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Conley, E., Foellmi, M., Rotter, M., Rosenfeld, B. (2022, June). The Impact of Race on Diversion Program Outcomes [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Berlin, Germany.

Gerbrandij, J., & Rosenfeld, B., (2019, May). Triarchic Model of Psychopathy: A Meta-Analysis – Preliminary Results. Poster presented at the Biannual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, Las Vegas, NV.

Gerbrandij, J., Bernstein, D., Rosenfeld, B., & Patrick, C. (2018, March). Relationship of Triarchic Psychopathy Constructs to Working Alliance and Motivation to Engage in Treatment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41), Memphis, TN.

Gerbrandij, J.Mischel, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2017, June). Self-reported traits and behavior among intimate partner violence and prior intimate partner stalking offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia.

Gerbrandij, J., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2017, March). Characteristics of intimate partner violence and prior intimate partner stalking offenders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Gerbrandij, J., Rosenfeld, B., Bernstein, D., & Patrick, C. (2018, June). Impact of Triarchic Psychopathy Facets on Relations Between Patient-Rated and Informant-Rated Therapeutic Alliance and Motivation to Engage in Treatment. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Antwerp, Belgium.

Gonzales, J., Rosenfeld, B., Rotter, M. (2023, June 20-22). Outpatient Commitment in the United States: Program Structure, Judicial Involvement, and Perceptions of Program Success [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Sydney, Australia.

Loutzenhiser, L. B. (2022, June). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Offender Samples: An Integrative Review and Comparison of Current Applications. Paper presented at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services’ 2022 Conference in Berlin, Germany. 

Loutzenhiser, L. B., Picard, E., Bopp, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2021, June). The role of incentive in the Balloon-Analogue Risk Task: An exploration of utility in a sample of sex offenders [Paper presentation]. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services’ 2021 Virtual Conference.

Loutzenhiser, L. B., Picard, E., Bopp, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020, June). The role of incentive in the Balloon-Analogue Risk Task: An exploration of utility in a sample of sex offenders. Paper presentation at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services’ 2020 Conference in Krakow, Poland. (Conference Canceled)

Loutzenhiser, L. B., Picard, E., Bopp, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020, March). Exploring the utility of a brief problematic pornography use scale in a sample of sex offenders. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society’s 2020 Conference in New Orleans, LA.

Loutzenhiser, L. B., Rosenfeld, B., Foellmi, M., & Khadivi, A. (2022, March). Comparing the Concordance of the VRAG, VRAG-R, and the HCR-20V3 in Men and Women. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society’s 2022 Conference in Denver, CO. 

Loutzenhiser, L., Rotter, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2023, March). Evaluating Differences Between Sites in a Multi-Site Alternative to Incarceration Program in a Large Metropolitan Area. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society’s 2023 Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Loutzenhiser, L., Weinberger, E., Rosenfeld, B., Galietta, M., Weinberger, E., Anakwenze, O., Collins, A. (2022, June). Treatment experiences using a brief DBT adaptation: Presentation of Client JB. In B. Rosenfeld (Chair). Adapting DBT to facilitate community reentry for repeat criminal offenders [Symposium]. The International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference, Berlin, Germany. 

Lukoff, J., Gerbrandij, J., and Rosenfeld., B. (2021). The effects of personality disorder severity on treatment completion and violent recidivism in offenders referred for community-based treatment [Poster Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) 2021 Virtual Student Session.

Nijdam-Jones, A., Chen, Y., & Rosenfeld, B. (2018, March). Detection of feigned Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A meta-analysis of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41), Memphis, TN.

Nijdam-Jones, A., García-López, E., Rosenfeld, R., & Aparcero, M. (2018, June). Violence risk assessment of Spanish-speaking Latino adults: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Antwerp, Belgium.

Nijdam-Jones, A., Rivera, D., Rosenfeld, B., & Arango-Lasprilla, J.C. (2017, June). A cross-cultural analysis of the Test of Memory Malingering among Latin American Spanish-speaking adults. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia.

Picard, E., Aparcero, M., Nijdam-Jones, A., & Rosenfeld, B. (2020, February 5-8). Comparing the utility of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF in identifying feigned neuropsychological impairment: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, CO.

Picard, E., Bopp, L., Loutzenhiser, L., & Rosenfeld, B. (Accepted). Neuropsychological impairment in men with pedophilic disorder. Paper to be presented at the 2020 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services annual meeting, Krakow, Poland. (Conference canceled).

Picard, E., & Rosenfeld, B. (2018, June).  How clinicians understand passive suicidal ideation. Paper presented at the 2018 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services annual meeting, Antwerp, Belgium.

Picard, E., Rosenfeld, B., Foellmi, M. & Khadivi, A. (2018, March). Understanding the contribution of violent threats or thoughts on the Fordham Risk Screening Tool (FRST). Paper presented at the 2018 Association of Psychology and Law annual meeting, Memphis, TN.

Picard, E., Rosenfeld, B., & Rotter, M. (2017, March). Using the HCR-20V3 to predict inpatient violence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.

Picard, E. (2017, June). Should child pornography users be subject to involuntary mental health treatment? Paper presented at the 2017 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Annual Meeting, Split, Croatia.

Picard, E. (2017, August). The constitutionality of civil commitment for child pornography users: A review of case law. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual American Psychological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.

Picard, E., & Rosenfeld, B. (2018, June). How clinicians understand passive suicidal ideation. Paper presented at the 2018 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services annual meeting, Antwerp, Belgium.

Picard, E., Rosenfeld, B., Foellmi, M. & Khadivi, A. (2018, March). Understanding the contribution of violent threats or thoughts on the Fordham Risk Screening Tool (FRST). Paper presented at the 2018 Association of Psychology and Law annual meeting, Memphis, TN.

Foellmi, M., Quick, E., Rotter, M., & Rosenfeld, B. (2019, March 13-16). Jail Reentry Strategies: Coordination Between the Jail and a Transitional Case Management Program [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41), Portland, OR, United States.

Quick, E., Foellmi, M., & Rotter, M. (March, 2018). What factors influence judges’ bail decisions? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.

Quick, E., Foellmi, M., & Rotter, M. (June, 2018). Does defendant mental health status and substance use affect bail amount? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Antwerp, Belgium.

Quick, E. & Rosenfeld, B. (June, 2017). Comparing the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) to the Psychopathy Checklist, Screening Version (PCL:SV). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia.

Quick, E. & Rosenfeld, B. (2017, March 16-18). Comparing the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) to the Psychopathy Checklist, Screening Version (PCL:SV) in predicting recidivism [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41), Seattle, WA, United States.

Quick, E. & Rosenfeld, B. (March, 2018). Using the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) to predict treatment compliance among offenders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.

Rivers, F., Callahan, P., & Rosenfeld, B. (2024, June). The impact of distorted response style on offender needs and improvement [Paper presentation]. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, San Francisco, CA.

Wijetunga, C., Aparcero-Suero, M., Garcia-Masilla, A., Barber-Rioja, V., & Rosenfeld, B. (2023, March 18). Intellectual Disability Screening in Correctional Settings [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Philadelphia, PA

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