Celia B. Fisher

Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D.
Marie Ward Doty University Chair in Ethics
Director, Fordham University Center for Ethics Education
Director, HIV/Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Institute
Research Lab: Human Development and Social Justice Lab
Email: fisher@fordham.edu
Phone: 718-817-3793
Office: Rose Hill Campus: Dealy Hall, Room 117
Currently accepting students and trainees
Keywords: bioethics; research ethics; racial justice; HIV prevention; addiction and drug abuse; substance use and abuse; health disparities; Covid-19; multiculturalism; HIV/AIDS; adolescent health; stigmatized and underserved populations; differential health outcomes; social determinants of health; vulnerable populations
Celia Fisher in the News
- "Paying for Participating in Social-Behavioral Studies: Practical and Ethical Considerations" at the OHRP Exploratory Workshop 2022: Beyond altruism - Exploring payment for research participation. (Videocast & Presentation Slides)
- "COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy Among Parents of Young Children" at the New York Society for Ethical Culture.
- "Why Parent's Resist COVID Vaccines" on The Brian Lehrer Show.
Works and Scholarship
View Recent Publications
View PubMed Publications
Author of: Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide for Psychologists (Fifth Edition)
Featured Covid-19 Articles
Celia Fisher's CV
Major Research Interests
- Health disparities, human rights, and identity development in adolescent, at-risk vulnerable populations
- HIV/AIDS prevention research ethics
- Substance abuse prevention
- Covid-19 mental health and vaccine hesitancy
- Informed consent capacity of healthy and hospitalized children and youth, adults with intellectual disabilities, individuals who use drugs, and those with mental disorders
- Ethical attitudes and moral values among ethnic minority, community workers and socially vulnerable groups
- Social Justice
- Research and professional ethics
- Social implications of genetic testing

Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D., is the Marie Ward Doty Endowed University Chair in Ethics and Professor of Psychology, and founding Director of the Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. She currently directs the NIDA funded Fordham University HIV/Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute.
Dr. Fisher has over 300 publications and 8 edited volumes on children’s health research and services among diverse racial/ethnic, sexual and gender minority groups in the U.S. and internationally. She has been funded by NIDA, NICHD NIAID, NIAAA, NSF, and NIMHD. Recent publications include research on health equity for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and economically marginalized children, youth and young adults in areas including social determinants of sexual health, substance use, social media and offline discrimination, mental health and COVID-related distress and racial bias among Asian, Indigenous, Hispanic, Black and White adolescents and adults, and parental COVID-19 pediatric vaccine hesitancy across diverse populations. Dr. Fisher is well-known for her federally funded research programs focusing on ethical issues and well-being of vulnerable populations including ethnic minority youth and families, LGBTQ+ youth, persons with HIV and substance use disorders, college students at risk for drinking problems, and adults with impaired consent capacity.
A founding editor of the journal Applied Developmental Science, Dr. Fisher is the author of Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide for Psychologists (Fifth Edition) (2022, Sage Publications); co-editor of eight books, including The Handbook of Ethical Research with Ethnocultural Populations and Communities (2006, Sage Publications) and Research with High-Risk Populations: Balancing Science, Ethics, and Law (2009, APA Publications). She has served as chair for the Ethics Code Task Force for the Society for Research in Child Development, Chair of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Human Studies Review Board, the DHHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP; Subcommittee on Children’s Research), the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code Task Force, the New York State Licensing Board for Psychology, the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Common Rule Task Force, and the American Public Health Association Ethics Code Committee. She has been a member of national panels amd external advisory boards relevant to children;s health including the NIH Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, the Consensus Panel of the American Psychological Association Therapeutic Responses to Gender Nonconformity, Gender Dysphoria, and Sexual Orientation Distress in Children and Adolescents, the National Academies' Committee on Revisions to the Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences, the IOM Committee on Ethical Review and Oversight Issues in Research Involving Standard of Care Interventions, the IOM Committee on Clinical Research Involving Children. She received the American Psychological Association’s 2017 Outstanding Contributions to Ethics Education Award, the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Human Research Protection, and was named a 2012 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Recipient of the 2017 American Psychological Association’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Ethics Education. Dr. Fisher is currently a member of the Data Monitoring Board and NIH/NIDA HEALing Study (HCS)
Bragard, E. & Fisher, C. B. (2024). Parental Sexual Socialization, Sexual Subjectivity, and Emotional Responses to Sexual Experiences among Adolescent Girls. Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol.:(0123456789). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-024-02990-7
Ranjit, Y. S.*, Basnyat, I., Joshi, O., Khoshnood, K., & Fisher, C. B. (2024). Sharing Culture and Management of Sex Work Information on Mobile Phones by Female Sex Workers in Nepal: Implications for mHealth Practice and Research. Health Communication, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2024.2363617
Park, Y.W.*, Bragard, E., Madhivanan, P.* & Fisher, C. B. (2024). A latent profile analysis of COVID-19 and influenza vaccine hesitancy among economically marginalized Hispanic mothers of children under five years of age in the US. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-024-02012-1
Abadie, R.* & Fisher, C. B. (2024). “It didn’t hurt me”: Patients’ and providers’ perspectives on unsupervised take-home doses, drug diversion, and overdose risks in the provision of medication for opioid use disorder during COVID-19 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Harm Reduction Journal. 21:85 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-024-01006-w.
Fisher, C. B., Tao., X. & Ford, M. (2024). Social media: A double-edged sword for LGBT+ youth. Computers in Human Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2024.108194.
Servin, A. E.*, Macklin, R., Wilkerson, S., Rocha-Jiminez, T, Rangel, M. G., O’Bryan, S. E., & Fisher, C. B. (2024). Tailoring sexual health research practices to meet the needs of adolescent girls in low-and-middle-income countries: findings from Mexico. Adolescents,4, 158–170. https://doi.org/10.3390/adolescents4010011.
Herrera, M,. M., Azar, S.*, & Fisher, C. B. (2024) “I am denied comfort and safety”: Barriers to participation in HIV prevention research and services among sexual and gender minorities of color. Psychology & Sexuality. https://doi.org/10.1080/19419899.2024.2312850.
Albrechta, H. Gooodman, G. R., Oginni, E., Mohamed,, Y., Vankatasubramanian, K., Dumas, A., Carreiro, S., Lee, J. S., Glyn, t. R. , O’Cleirigh, C., Mayer, K. H., Fisher, C. B., & Chai, P.R.* (2024). Acceptance of digital phenotyping linked to a digital pill system to measure PrEP adherence among men who have sex with men with substance use. Digital Health, 3(2): e000457. doi: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000457
Gray, A. & Fisher, C. B. (2024). An Examination of the Independent and Intersectional Effects of Racial and Heterosexist Medical Mistrust on Timing of Sexual/Reproductive Health Care Visits Among Black Sexual Minority Women in the USA. Culture, Health & Sexuality, https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2024.2304150
Tao, X., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., Fisher, C.B., & Curtis, B.* (2023 Extended Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trajectories of Mental Health and Substance Use among U.S. Adults, September 2020 – August 2021. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports. doi: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100186
Tao, X. & Fisher, C.B. (2023). Associations among web-based civic engagement and discrimination, web-based social support, and mental health and substance use risk among LGBT youth: Cross-sectional survey study. J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e46604). PMID:37358882 PMCID: PMC10337473 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37358882/
Gray, A., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., Fisher, C. B., & Curtis, B.* (2023) Differences in Mental Health and Alcohol Use Across Profiles of COVID-19 Disruptions. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 58/4 393-403. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agad028
Gray, A. & Fisher, C. B. (2023). Factors Associated with HPV Vaccine Acceptability and Hesitancy Among Black Mothers with Young Daughters in the United States, Frontiers in Public Health. 11(1124206), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1124206
Fisher, C., Bragard, E., Madhavanan, P. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Economically Marginalized Hispanic Parents of Children under Five Years in the United States. Vaccines, 11, 599. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11030599
Lee, J., Albrechta, H., Goodman, G., De, D., Takabatake, K., O’Cleirigh, C., Mayer, K., Fisher, C., Carnes, C. Chai, P. R,.(2023). Diversity in Digital Pill Systems: Differences in Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Use of a Digital Pill System for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men with Diverse Racial and Ethnic Identities.Proc Annu Hawaii Int Conf Syst Sci 2023:2933-2942. https://hdl.handle.net/10125/102992. PMID: 36654663 PMCID: PMC9843706.
Tao, X., Yip, T., Fisher, C. B. (2023) Psychological Well-being and Substance Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethnic/Racial Identity, Discrimination and Vigilance. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 28, 1-10.10.1007/s40615-022-01497-y
Chai PR, De D, Albrechta H, Goodman GR, Takabatake K, Ben-Arieh A, Lee JS, Glynn TR, Mayer KH, O'Cleirigh C, Fisher, CB. (2023). Attitudes towards participating in research involving digital pill systems to measure oral HIV pre-exposure chemoprophylaxis: a cross-sectional study among men who have sex with men with substance use in the United States. BMJ Open. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/1/e067549.full.
Tao, X., Liu, T., Fisher, C. B., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B. (2023). COVID-related social determinants of substance use disorder among diverse US racial ethnic groups. Social Science Medicine, 115599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115599
Fisher, C. B., Bragard, E., Jaber, R., & Gray, A. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Parents of Children under Five Years in the United States.Vaccines10(8), 1313. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10081313
Gray, A. & Fisher, C. B. (2022) Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in adolescents 12 – 17 years old: Examining pediatric vaccine hesitancy among racially diverse parents in the United States. Frontiers in Public Health: Children and Health. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.844310.
Bragard, E., & Fisher, C. B. (2022). Associations between sexting motivations and consequences among adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescence. http://doi.org/10.1002/jad.12000
Layman, D., & Fisher, C. B. (2022). "Profiles of psychological strengths on symptom distress, recovery, and quality of life among young adults with a history of adolescent psychiatric hospitalization." Community Mental Health Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-022-00936-8.
Fisher, C. B., Gray, A., & Sheck, I. (2022). COVID-19 pediatric vaccine hesitancy among racially diverse parents in the United States Vaccines (MDPI Journal), 10(1), 31; https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10010031.
Bonner, C. P., Fisher, C. B., Carney, T., Browne, F. A., Gichane, M. W., Howrd, B. N., Turner, L., & Wechsberg, W. M. (2021). “Because all mothers are not the same”: The development and implementation of an in loco parentis informed consent procedure to enroll adolescent girls and young women to participate in HIV research. Journal of Adolescence, 93, 234-244. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34896961
Shrestha, R., Fisher, C. B., Wickersham, J. A., Azwa, I., Khati, A. & Goldsamt, L. (2021). Privacy and confidentiality concerns related to the use of mHealth apps for HIV prevention efforts among Malaysian men who have sex with men: Cross-sectional survey study. JMIR, 5. https://formative.jmir.org/2021/12/e28311
Azhar, S., Tao, X., Jokhakar, V., & Fisher, C. B. (2021) Barriers and facilitators to participation in long-acting injectable PrEP research trials for MSM, transgender women, and gender-nonconforming people of color. AIDS Education and Prevention465 – 482. https://doi.org/10.1521/aeap.2021.33.6.465
Fisher, C. B., Tao, X., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B. L. (2021). COVID-Related Victimization, Racial Bias and Employment and Housing Disruption Increase Mental Health Risk Among US Asian, Black and Latinx Adults.Frontiers in public health 1625. PMID:34778197. PMCID:PMC8585986. DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2021.772236
Tao, X., & Fisher, C. B. (2021). Exposure to social media racial discrimination and mental health among adolescents of color.Journal of youth and adolescence, 1-15. PMCID: PMC8535107. PMID: 34686952. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-021.-01514-z
Gray, A. & Fisher, C. B. (2021). Predictors of contraceptive self-efficacy and condom use among young Black women who have sex with women and men. Journal of Bisexuality. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15299716.2021.1971592.
Meunier, É., Sundelson, A. E., Tellone, S., Alohan, D., Fisher, C. B., & Grov, C. (2021). Willingness to Attend Sex Venues in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: Results from an Online Survey with Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals. Journal of Urban Health, 98(4), 469–480. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-021-00539-w
Tao, X., Bragard, E. & Fisher, C.B. (2021). Risks and Benefits of Adolescent Girls’ Participation in Online Sexting Survey Research. Arch Sex Behav. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02003-x
Fonner, V. A. , Ntogwisangu, J., Hamidu, I., Joseph, J., Fields, J., Evans, E., Kilewo, J., Bailey, C., Goldsamt, L., Fisher, C. B. , O’Reilly, K R. , Ruta, T, Mbwambo, J. & Sweat, M. (2021). “We are in this together:”Dyadic-level influence and decision-making among HIV serodiscordant couples in Tanzania receiving access to PrEP. BMC Public Health, 21, 720. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-10707-x
Yip, T., Feng, Y., Fowle, J. & Fisher, C. B. (2021). Sleep disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic An Investigation of AIAN, Asian, Black, Latinx and White young adults. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleh.2021.05.008
Brown, B., Taylor, J. & Fisher, C.B. (2021). Mitigating Isolation of People Aging With HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic Public Health Reports. Volume 136, 394 – 396. https://doi.org/10.1177/00333549211015661
Abadie, R., Fisher, C. B., & Dombrowski, K. (2021). “He’s under oath”: Privacy and Confidentiality views among people who inject drugs enrolled in a study of social networks and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatitis C Virus risk.Journal of empirical research on Human Research Ethics, 1 – 8. sagepub.com/journals-permissions. DOI:10.1177/15562646211004411.
Fisher, C. B., Puri, L. I., Macapagal, K., Feuerstahler, L., Ahn, J. R., & Mustanski, B. (2021). Competence to consent to oral and injectable PrEP trials among adolescent males who have sex with males. AIDS & Behavior, 25, 1606-1618. PMID: 33247336. DOI:10.1007/s10461-020-03077-9.
Sauceda, J. A., Dubé, K., Brown, B. Pérez, A. E., Rivas, C. E., Evans, D. & Fisher, C. B. (2020). Framing a consent form to improve knowledge and determine how this affects willingness to participate in HIV cure-related research: An experimental survey study. Journal of Empirical Research on Research Ethics. PMCID: PMC8035136. NIHMSID: NIHNSID16500088, PMID: 33307932. https://doi.org/10.1177/1556264620981205.
Bragard, E. Macapagal, K., Mustanski, B. & Fisher, C. B. (2020). Association of CAI Vulnerability and Sexual Minority Victimization Distress Among Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000436
Pasipanodya, E., Kohli, M., Fisher, C. B. , Moore, D., Curtis, B. (2020). Perceived risks and amelioration of harm in research using mobile technology to support antiretroviral therapy adherence in the context of methamphetamine use: A focus group study among minorities living with HIV. Harm Reduction Journal. 17(1), 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/s12954-020-00384-1
Fisher, C. B., Bragard, E. & Bloom, R. (2020). Ethical considerations in HIV eHealth intervention research: Implications for informational risk on recruitment, data maintenance, and consent procedures. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2020 May 2. PMID: 32358768 PMCID: PMC726331. doi: 10.1007/s11904-020-00489-z
Hubach, R.D., O’Neil, A.M., Stowe, M., Giano, Z., Curtis, B., & Fisher, C.B. (2020). “Out here the rainbow has mud on it”: Perceived confidentiality risks of mobile-technology-based EMA to assess high risk behaviors among rural MSM. Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-01612-x
Bragard, E. Fisher, C. B. & Curtis, B. L. (2019). “They know what they are getting into:” Researchers confront the benefits and challenge of online recruitment for HIV research. Ethics & Behavior. PMID: 33041608 PMCID: PMC7539627. DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2019.1692663
Nelson, K. M., Carey, M. P., & Fisher, C, B. (2019). Is guardian permission a barrier to online sexual health research among adolescent males interested in sex with males? The Journal of Sex Research. 56, 593-603. PMID: 29952665 PMCID: PMC6310663. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2018.1481920.
Fisher, C. B. (2019). Providing puberty suppression treatment for transgender youth: What constitutes competence? American Journal of Bioethics, 19(7):68-69. PMID: 31237500 PMCID: PMC6746416. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2019.1618949.
Fletcher FE, Rice WS, Ingram LA, Fisher, C. B. (2019). Ethical Challenges Related to Conducting Qualitative Research with African American Women Living with HIV in the South: Lessons from the Field. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Bioethics Supplement Issue (JHCPU 30.4 Suppl), 116 - 129. PMID: 31735725 PMCID: PMC7509837 DOI: 10.1353/hpu.2019.0122
Pearson, C. R. Parker, M., Zhou, C., Donald, C., Fisher, C. B. (2019). A Culturally Tailored Research Ethics Training Curriculum for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Randomized Comparison Trial. Critical Public Health, 29, 27-39. Published online Feb, 2018. PMID: 30613127 PMCID: PMC6320230. DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2018.1434482
Gray, A., Macapagal, K., Mustanski, B., & Fisher, C. B. (2019). Surveillance Studies Involving HIV Testing Are Needed: Will At-Risk Youth Participate? Health Psychology, PMID: 31512922 PMCID: PMC6901740. doi:10.1037/hea0000804
Macapagal, K., Bettin, E., Matson, M., Kraus, A., Fisher, C. B. & Mustanski, B. (2019) Measuring discomfort in health research relative to everyday events and routine care: An application to sexual and gender minority youth. Journal Adolescent Health, 63, 1 – 8. PMID: 30612810 PMCID: PMC6478526. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.10.293
Matson, M. Macapagal, K ,Kraus, A. Coventry, R. & Bettin, E. & Fisher, C.B. & Mustanski,B. (2019). Sexual and Gender Minority Youth’s Perspectives on Sharing De-identified Data in Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Research. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16, 1 – 11. ISSN: 1868-9884 PMID: 31890053 PMCID: PMC6936765. doi.org/10.1007/s13178-018-0372-7.
Parker, M., Pearson, C., Donald, C., & Fisher, C. B. (2019). Beyond the Belmont Principles: A community-based approach to developing an indigenous ethics model and curriculum for training health researchers working with American Indian and Alaska Native communities. American Journal of Community Psychology. 64, 9 – 20. online July 2019. PMID: 31355974 PMCID: PMC6750973. doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12360
Abadie, R., Brown, B., & Fisher, C. B. (2019). “Money helps”: People who inject drugs and their perceptions of financial compensation and its ethical implications. Ethics & Behavior, 29, 607-620. PMID: 31579222 PMCID: PMC6774386. doi:10.1080/10508422.2018.1535976
Fisher C. B. (2023) "Moral distress among community workers involved in substance use research." Clinical Research Ethics Ethics Consultation (CREC) Collaborative Monthly Meeting September 6, Online.
Fisher, Celia (2023). "Disclosure and Reporting Challenges in Aggression Research Involving Children and Adolescents." NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research.
Fisher, Celia (2022). "Paying for Participating in Social-Behavioral Studies: Practical and Ethical Considerations." OHRP Exploratory Workshop 2022: Beyond altruism - Exploring payment for research participation.
Fisher, Celia B. (2022). "COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy Among Parents of Young Children." The New York Society for Ethical Culture.
Fisher, Celia B. (2019). "Informed Consent for Suicide Prevention Trials." PRIMR 2019 Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Boston Massachusetts.
Fisher, Celia B. (2018). "Psychology and Ethics: Strengthening Diverse Relationships Across Psychology." American Psychological Association Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Webinar.
Fisher, Celia B. (2018). “Free Testing and PrEP Without Outing Myself to Parents: Barriers and Facilitators for Oral and Injectable PrEP Clinical Trial Participation Among AMSM.” International AIDS Conference.
Fisher, Celia B. (2017). “Experiences Seeking Health Care Among Transgender Adults and Youth.” Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Fisher, Celia B. (2017). "Goodness-of-Fit Ethics: Theory and Methods for Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of HIV and Drug Abuse Research." Fordham University HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute.
Fisher, Celia B. (2017). “Human Rights and Involvement of Mental Health Practitioners in Death Penalty Cases.” Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine.
Fisher, Celia B. (2017). “Rethinking Individual and Group Harms in the Age of Genomics and Big Data.” Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai IRB Retreat.
Fisher, Celia B. (2016). “Ethics & Social Justice in Health Research Involving Vulnerable Adolescents.” OHRP CITI Research Community Forum.
Fisher, Celia B. (2016). “Moral Stress Among Frontline Workers Conducting Community-Based Drug Use Research.” Fordham University HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute.
Fisher, Celia B. (2015). “Doing Good Well: The Ethical Conduct of Clinical Psychology.” Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Fisher, Celia B. (2015). “Ethics & Social Justice in Research Involving Vulnerable Populations.” Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center.
- American Psychological Association’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Ethics Education (2017)
- Health Improvement Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Human Research Protection, 2011
- Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012
- Presidential Citation, American Psychological Association, 2003
- Marie Ward Doty Chair and Professor of Psychology, Fordham University, 2003
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Graduate Faculty, New School University, 2004
- Fellow, Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, Division 45, American Psychological Association, 2006
Current Research
- Ethics in HIV Prevention Research Involving LGBT Youth (Co-PI; NIMHD R01MD009561)
- Increasing AIAN Research Engagement through A Culturally Adapted Ethics Training (Co-PI; NICHD 1R01HD082181)
- Fordham HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute (PI; NIDA 1R25DA031608)
Completed Research (selected)
- Ethical Challenges for Research Extenders Responsible for the Integrity of Community Addiction Research (PI; NCRR 1R21RR026302)
- Participant Perspectives on HIV/Drug Research Ethics (Co-PI; NDA 1 RO1 DA015649-01A2)
- Fordham Resident Alcohol Prevention Program (PI; NIAAA 1U18 AA025912)
- Fordham Athlete Alcohol Prevention Initiative (PI; DOE)
- Mentoring the Responsible Conduct of Research (PI; NINDS 1 R01 NS 052877)
- Assessment and Enhancement of Research Consent Capacity for Adults with Mental Retardation (PI; NICHD HD 39332-02)
Fordham University HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute
Primary Investigator: Celia B. Fisher (Fordham University). Supported by NIDA Grant# 1R25DA031608-01.
Now in its eighth year, the Fordham HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute (RETI) is a training grant sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (#1R25DA031608-01, Principal Investigator, Celia B. Fisher, Director Center for Ethics Education). The RETI provides early career investigators in the social, behavioral, medical and public health fields with an opportunity to gain research ethics training. A major function of the RETI is also to conduct institute-funded research on ethical issues in HIV and drug use research. In doing so, RETI addresses the urgent need for HIV investigators who can identify and address ethical issues, engage drug-using and other at-risk communities in the construction and evaluation of population-sensitive research protections, and generate empirical data to inform ethical practice and policies for HIV prevention science. Through their funded Mentored Research Project (MRP), RETI fellows generate empirical data, publish their findings in a variety of high-impact academic journals, and are trained to apply for increasing grant opportunities.
Human Development and Social Justice
The Human Development and Social Justice (HD&SJ) Lab is led by Dr. Celia B. Fisher, Professor in the Fordham University Applied Developmental Psychology program and Director of both the Center for Ethics Education and the NIDA funded HIV/Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Institute.
In the HD&SJ lab, our research is at the intersection of developmental science and social justice. We apply developmental theory and research methods, as well as contemporary research ethics frameworks, to examine the experiences that promote equity and wellbeing among under-researched populations. Our current projects focus on issues of stigma, identity, health disparities and the role of personal and systemic experiences in daily life. We explore these experiences within underserved adolescent groups: ethnic minorities, LGBT and individuals with a history of mental health and substance-use conditions. We are committed to conducting and promoting research that enhances the responsible conduct of research by looking at issues such as informed consent, motivations and implications of research participation and facilitators and barriers to health care services
Current Blog Posts
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher on Mental Health and Racial Justice in the Time of COVID-19 - November 17, 2020
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher on Informed Consent for Suicide Prevention Trials - November 19, 2019
- Dr. Fisher Presents with RETI Fellows at the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities - June 18, 2019
- Dr. Celia B. Fisher Gives Keynote Address at GSAS Diploma Ceremony - June 6, 2019
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher on Patient-Provider Communications with Gay Teens - April 25, 2018
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher Weighs in on Researchers Using Real Guns in Study with Children in Mic - October 24, 2017
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher Discusses Transgender Healthcare on WFUV - October 11, 2017
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher Discusses Ethical Concerns and Group Harms in ‘Big Data’ Research with Marginalized Populations - September 18, 2017
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia Fisher on Reversal of the Goldwater Rule - July 27, 2017
- Fordham University’s Dr. Celia B. Fisher on Bystander Apathy - January 13, 201
- MSNBC (2014, October 18). Discrimination 'mounting' on West African Immigrants [video file]. Melissa Harris-Perry.
- ABC7 (2015, April 30). Fordham's Celia Fisher on ABC-NY on the Ethics of the Sofia Vergara Embryo Suit [video file]. Eyewitness News, New York.
- Al Jazeera America (2013,November 4). Collect it all: America’s surveillance state [video file]. Faultline.
- Fox News (2005, June 9). Gene imaging: miracle or menace? Your World with Neil Cavuto.
Print and Web
- Svenska Dagbladet. (2016, January 15). Social Justice and hyper-masculinity.
- The Washington Post (2015, November 23). Charlie Sheen put a spotlight on HIV and sex workers. But here’s what’s missing from the conversation.
- Ampersand (2015,October 29). Unpacking the NPRM: expanding exemptions.
- Ethics & Society (2015, October 19). NIH’s new definition of ‘children’ finally gets it right: a welcome change for children’s health equity (written by Dr. Celia B. Fisher.).
- Huffington Post (2015, October 16). Federal Government Report Calls for End to Conversion Therapy.
- The Huffington Post (2015,October 16). Stop Conversion Therapy – It’s Based on Pseudo-Science.
- The Advocate (2015, October 15). Feds: ‘Harmful’ Conversion Therapy Must Be Stopped.
- Ethics & Society (2015, September 3). Minimal risk and minimal experience: can researchers competently navigate OHRP’s new risk categories? (written by Dr. Celia B. Fisher).
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