Student Profiles

Profile picture of PQP graduate student Xinyue (Sam) Deng

Xinyue (Sam) Deng 


Email: [email protected] 

Research interests: quantitative psychology, structural equation modeling, item response theory, game-based assessments, machine learning, artificial intelligence

Mentor: Heining Cham

Professional links:

Recent accomplishments: 
Deng, X., & Cham, H. (2024, April). Evaluating game-based assessments’ validities using machine learning [Poster presentation]. National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) conference 2024, Philadelphia, PA, United States.

Deng, X. (2024, July). Are large language models fatalists? [Poster presentation]. Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS) workshop 2024. Beijing, China.

Hobbies: I like snowboarding, playing tennis, going to concerts 

Profile picture of PQP graduate student Hyunjung Lee

Hyunjung Lee 


Email: [email protected]

Research interests: structural equation modeling, factor analysis, mixture modeling, causal inference

Mentor: Heining Cham

Recent accomplishments:
Aparcero, M., Lee, H., Wijetunga, C., Conley, E. M., Rosenfeld, B., & Cham, H. (2024). Measuring adaptive functioning in a correctional setting: An analysis of the problems in everyday living test (PEDL), Criminal Justice and Behavior. Advanced online publication.

Cham, H., Lee, H., & Migunov, I. (2024). Quasi-experimental designs for causal inference: An overview. Asia Pacific Education Review, 25(3), 611-627.

Lee, H., & Cham, H. (2024). Comparing accuracy of parallel analysis and fit statistics for estimating the number of factors with ordered categorical data in exploratory factor analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Advanced online publication.

Ferrara, E., Lee, H., Guarecuco, J. S., Silverman, M. R., Hirsch, E., Keesey, R., Cham, H., Hoyt, L. T., & Roy, A. K. (2024). Novel assessment of the impact of irritability on physiological and psychological frustration responses in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 53(2), 216-230.

Profile picture of PQP graduate student Opalhawaye Nyamulani

Opalhawaye Nyamulani 


Email: [email protected]

Research interests: Bayesian methods, item response theory, hierarchical linear modeling, educational and psychological testing, multivariate analysis, cognitive diagnostic modeling

Mentor: Leah Feuerstahler

Profile picture of PQP graduate student Fabio Setti

Fabio Setti 


Email: [email protected]

Research interests: Bayesian methods, item response theory, latent variables modeling

Mentor: Leah Feuerstahler 

Professional links: 

Recent accomplishments: 

Setti, F., & Feuerstahler, L. M. (2024, July 16-19). Bayesian model averaging of asymmetric IRT models in small samples. In J. Verkuilen (chair), Asymmetric item response models. [Symposium]. Annual International Meeting of Psychometric Society, Prague, CZ.

Setti, F., & Kahn, J. H. (2024). Evaluating how facets of openness to experience predict music preference. Musicae Scientiae, 28(1), 143–158.