Department of Psychology Positions Available
Part-Time Faculty: Psychology
The Psychology Department of Fordham University accepts applications for part-time Non-Tenure Track (NTT) faculty to serve as adjunct instructors for psychology courses at our Rose Hill campus in the Bronx and our Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan on a rolling basis.
Fordham has a large and vibrant undergraduate community of Psychology majors and minors. In addition, we offer doctoral degrees in Psychometric/Quantitative Psychology, Applied Developmental Psychology, and Clinical Psychology, along with Master’s degree programs in Applied Psychological Methods and Clinical Research Methods. Classes are held in person. Applicants holding a doctoral degree in psychology or a related field are preferred.
Part-time NTT instructors at Fordham are represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and certain terms of employment, including per course rates, are set by the Adjunct Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement. The per-course rate for new instructors as of August 1st, 2024 is $8,500. Part-time NTT faculty may teach a maximum of two courses per semester at either or both of Fordham's two main campuses at Rose Hill (Bronx) and Lincoln Center (Manhattan), based on department need and qualifications.
Please note that because we review applications as hiring needs arise, you may not receive an immediate response to your submission.
- A Terminal degree (PhD or MA) in hand is required for new hires at Fordham.
- Previous teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate level is preferred.
Application Instructions
To apply, please submit a cover letter detailing your teaching interests and experiences, CV, and evidence of teaching effectiveness to Please direct questions to
For more information about the Psychology department, please visit our website: Psychology Department
In many cases, Fordham NTT faculty are eligible for membership in the Services Employees International Union Local 200 United. For NTT faculty benefits information, please visit the Fordham information page for part-time NTT faculty: Part-Time Faculty
Fordham is an independent, Catholic University in the Jesuit tradition committed to excellence through diversity. Fordham is an equal opportunity employer, and we especially encourage women, people of color, veterans and people with disabilities to apply.