Lloyd H. Rogler

Albert Schweitzer Professor Emeritus
Email: rogler@fordham.edu

Office:Dealy Hall 403E
Phone: 718-817-3869
Fax: 718-817-3846

  • BA, MA, PhD, University of Iowa, 1957

  • Urban sociology; social change; social psychiatry; medical sociology; the social psychology of poverty and human migrations; political dimensions of ethnic group assimilation; data gathering procedures in field studies.

  • Rogler, L.H. 2008. Barrio Professors: Tales of Naturalistic Research. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA. (Click here for press coverage.)

    Rogler, L.H., Malgady, R.G., and Rodriguez, O. 1989. Hispanics and Mental Health: A Framework for Research. Robert E. Krieger, Malabar, FL

    Costantino, G., Malgady, R.G., and Rogler, L.H. 1985. Cuento Therapy: Folktales as a Culturally Sensitive Psychotherapy for Puerto Rican Children. Monograph No. 12. Hispanic Research Center, Fordham University,.Bronx, NY.

    Rogler, L.H., and Cooney, R.S. 1984. Puerto Rican Families in New York City: Intergenerational Processes. Monograph No. 11.  Hispanic Research Center. Waterfront Press, Maplewood, NJ.

    Rogler, L.H., et al. 1983. A Conceptual Framework for Mental Health Research on Hispanic Populations. Monograph No. 10. Hispanic Research Center, Fordham University, Bronx, NY.

    Farber, A., and Rogler, L.H. 1981. Unitas: Hispanic and Black Children in a Healing Community. Monograph No. 6. Hispanic Research Center, Fordham University, Bronx, NY.

    Canino, I., Earley, B.F., and Rogler, L.H. 1980. The Puerto Rican Child in New York City: Stress and Mental Health. Monograph No. 4. Hispanic Research Center, Fordham University, Bronx, NY.

    Rogler, L.H. 1972. Migrant in the City: The Life of a Puerto Rican Action Group. Basic Books, New York.

    Rogler, L.H., and Hollingshead, A.B. 1965. Trapped: Families and Schizophrenia. Wiley, New York.

  • Rogler, L.H. 2007. "Cultural Sensitivity in Research: an Issue of Scientific Accuracy." Salud Mental 3(2):9, 22.

    Rogler, L.H. 2002. "Historical Generations and Psychology: the Case of the Great Depression and World War II."American Psychologist 57(12):1013-1023.

    Rogler, L.H., Mroczek, D., Fellows, M., and Loftus, S.T. 2001. "The Neglect of Response Bias in Mental Health Research."Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 189(3):182-187.

    Rogler, L.H. 2000. "Implementing Cultural Sensitivity in Hmental health research: convergence and new directions (Part III: V. Selected Psychometric Isssues; VI. Discussion)." Psychline 3(3):5-13.

    Guarnaccia, P.J., and Rogler, L.H. 1999. "Research on Culture-Bound Syndromes: New Directions." American Journal of Psychiatry 156:1322-1327.

    Rogler, L.H. 1999. "Methodological Sources of Cultural Insensitivity in Mental Health Research." American Psychologist54:424-433.

    Rogler, L.H. 1999. "Implementing cultural sensitivity in mental health research: convergence and new directions (Part II: III. Field Procedures; IV. Response Patterns)." Psychline 3(2):5-13.

    Rogler, L.H. 1999. "Implementing cultural sensitivity in mental health research: convergence and new directions (Part I: I. Content Validity in the Development of Instruments from Concepts; II. Translation of Instruments)." Psychline 3(1):6-14.

    Rogler, L.H. 1997. "Making sense of historical changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: five propositions." The Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38:9-20.

    Cortes, D.E., and Rogler, L.H. 1996. "Health status and acculturation among Puerto Ricans in New York City." Journal of Gender, Culture and Health 1:267-276.

    Malgady, R.G., Rogler, L.H., and Cortes, D.E. 1996. "Cultural expression of psychiatric symptoms: idioms of anger among Puerto Ricans." Psychological Assessment 8:265-268.

    Rogler, L.H. 1996. "Editorial.  Increasing inequalities and the mental health of the poor." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 184:719-722.

    Rogler, L.H. 1996. "Research on mental health services for Hispanics: targets of convergence."Cultural Diversity and Mental Health 2:145-156.

    Rogler, L.H. 1996. "Hispanic perspectives, Chapter I, General Issues." In Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis, J.E. Mezzich, A. Kleinman, and D. Parron, eds, pp. 39-41. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

    Rogler, L.H. 1996. "Framing research on culture in psychiatric diagnosis: The case of the DSM-IV." Psychiatry 59:145-155.

    Potter, L., Rogler, L.H., and Moscicki, E.K. 1995. "Depression among Puerto Ricans in New York City: the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 30:185-193.