Stewart E. Guthrie

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Office: Fordham University, Lincoln Center
Fax: 212-636-7153

  • PhD, Yale University, 1976

  • Theory of religion, anthromomorphism, animism, perception and cognition, Japan.

  • Guthrie, Stewart. 1993. Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion. Oxford University Press. Paperback edition, 1995.
    Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion - Stewart Guthrie

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1988. A Japanese New Religion: Risshô Kôsei-kai in a Mountain Hamlet. Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies 1. The University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, Ann Arbor.
    A Japanese New Religion: Risshô Kôsei-kai in a Mountain Hamlet - Stewart Guthrie

  • Guthrie, Stewart E. Forthcoming. "Anthropology and anthropomorphism in religion." In The Salvaged Mind: Social Anthropology, Religion, and the Cognitive Sciences, H. Whitehouse and J. Laidlaw, eds. Carolina Academic Press, Durham.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. Forthcoming. "Gambling on Gods: Religion as anthropomorphism and animism." In Handbook of the Psychology of Religion, D. Wulff, ed. Oxford University Press, New York.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 2007. "Opportunity, challenge and a definition of religion." Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 1(1):58-67.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 2002. "Animal animism: Evolutionary roots of religious cognition." In Current Approaches in the Cognitive Science of Religion, Ilkka Pyysiäinen and Veikko Anttonen, eds., pp. 38-76. Continuum, London.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 2006. "Intelligent Design as Illusion." Free Inquiry (April/May):40-44.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 2004. "Folk religion in a rural Japanese hamlet: A fieldwork perspective." Temenos 39-40 (2003–2004):101-123.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 2001. "Why Gods? A Cognitive Theory." In Religion in Mind: Cognitive Perspectives on Religious Belief, Ritual and Experience, J. Andresen, ed., pp. 94-111. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1999. "How is Religion Causal—And What is it Exactly?" Historical Reflections/Reflections Historiques25(3):405-412.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1997. "The origin of an illusion." In Handbook of the Anthropology of Religion, S. Glazier, ed., pp. 489-504. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1997. "Anthropomorphism: A definition and a theory." In Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes and Animals, R.W. Mitchell, N.S. Thompson, and H.L. Miles eds., pp. 50-58. State University of New York Press, Albany.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1996. "The Sacred: A Skeptical View." In The Sacred and Its Scholars, T. Idinopulos and E. Yonan, eds., pp. 124-138. E.J. Brill, Leiden.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1996. "Religion: What is it?" Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 35(4):412-419.

    Guthrie, Stewart E. 1980. "A cognitive theory of religion." Current Anthropology 21(2):181- 203.