Jeanne Flavin
Professor of Sociology (at Lincoln Center)
Lowenstein 925A
Fax: 212-636-7153
B.A., University of Kansas;
M.A., Ph.D., American University, 1995Criminal justice; reproductive justice; feminist criminology
Jeanne Flavin is the author of the award-winning book, Our Bodies, Our Crimes: The Policing of Women's Reproduction in America (NYU Press, 2009) and more than two dozen other scholarly publications. Jeanne serves on the board of directors of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, a reproductive justice organization which defends the rights of pregnant and parenting women, particularly those whose race, poverty, drug use, or mental health makes them vulnerable to arrest and prosecution. She is the recipient of a 2009 Fulbright research award and the 2013 Sociologists for Women in Society Feminist Activism Award.
2010. Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Reality of Criminal Justice, 3rd edition. (Co-authored with Gregg Barak and Paul Leighton). Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD.
2009. Our Bodies, Our Crimes: The Policing of Women's Reproduction in America. NYU Press, New York.
2007. Race, Gender, and Punishment: From Colonialism to the War on Terror. (Co-authored with Mary Bosworth). Rutgers University Press, Newark, NJ.
2010 "Punishing Pregnant Drug-Using Women: Defying Law, Medicine and Common Sense" (with Lynn M. Paltrow).Journal of Addictive Diseases 29(2): 231-244.
2010 "More than Visiting Hours; Maintaining Ties between Incarcerated Mothers and their Children" (with Venezia Michelsen and Tanya Krupat). Sociology Compass 4(8): 576-591.
2003 "La Bodega de la Familia: Supporting Parolees' Reintegration within a Family Context" (with David Rosenthal).Fordham Urban Law Journal 30(5): 1603-1620.
2002 "A Glass Half Full? Harm Reduction among Pregnant Women Who Use Cocaine." Journal of Drug Issues 32(3): 973-998.
2001 "Of Punishment and Parenthood: Family-Based Social Control and the Sentencing of Black Drug Offenders." Gender & Society 15(4): 609-631.
2001 "Feminism for the Mainstream Criminologist." Journal of Criminal Justice 29(4): 271-285. Reprinted: The Criminal Justice System and Women, 3rd ed. (B. Price and N. Sokoloff 2003); Theories of Crime: A Reader (Renzetti, Curran, and Carr 2002), and Gendered (In)justice (Schramm and Koons-Witt, 2004).
2014 "Not All Women are Mothers: Addressing the Invisibility of Criminal Justice System-Involved Women who do not have Children." (with Venezia Michalsen). The Prison Journal 94(3): 328-346.
2013 "Arrests of and Forced Intervention on Pregnant Women in the United States, 1973-2005: Implications for Women's Legal Status and Public Health." (with Lynn M. Paltrow). Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 38(2): 299-343.
2010 "Punishing Pregnant Drug-Using Women: Defying Law, Medicine and Common Sense" (with Lynn M. Paltrow). Journal of Addictive Diseases 29(2): 231-244.
2010 "More than Visiting Hours; Maintaining Ties between Incarcerated Mothers and their Children" (with Venezia Michelsen and Tanya Krupat). Sociology Compass 4(8): 576-591.
- Gender, Crime, and Justice
- Ethical Issues of Justice
- Mass Incarceration
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Criminal Justice.