Emanuel Fiano

Emanuel Fiano Profile Photo 2016

Associate Professor

Department of Theology
Rose Hill Campus
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, New York 10458

Email: efiano@fordham.edu

  • Emanuel Fiano received an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies from Sapienza University of Rome and went on to earn an MA and a PhD in Early Christianity from Duke University’s Graduate Program in Religion (with Certificates in Interdisciplinary European Studies and in College Teaching). During his graduate training, he was a Summer Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection and studied as a Visiting Researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, at the CNRS in Paris, and, as a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship holder, at UC Berkeley. Most recently, Fiano has been a Research Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks. He has taught Italian, Biblical Hebrew, and the history of Christianity at Duke and at Elon University. The courses he has been teaching at Fordham include Sacred Texts of the Middle East; Ancient History; Syriac language and literature; Coptic language and literature; Jews and Christians in Antiquity; Ancient Theological Controversies; and Law and Religion in Antiquity—in addition to graduate tutorials on subjects germane to his research interests.

  • PhD, Duke University

    MA, Duke University

    Laurea triennale, Sapienza University of Rome

  • Fiano researches the intellectual history of late ancient Christianity, with a particular focus on Syriac and Coptic literature, on religious controversies, on Christian-Jewish relations, and on canonical production. His first monograph, Three Powers in Heaven: The Emergence of Theology and the Parting of the Ways, forthcoming in June 2023 from Yale University Press, examines the relevance of the fourth-century debates about Christ’s relationship to the Father—also known as Trinitarian controversies—for the so-called “parting of ways” between Christianity and Judaism. The project on which he is currently at work centers on the interplay between law and theology as domains of discursive production in early Christianity and aims at redescribing their role in the establishment of an orthodoxy-based public order in the late Roman empire (with forays beyond the limes).

  • [2023]

    Three Powers in Heaven: The Emergence of Theology and the Parting of the Ways, New Haven: Yale University Press


    English translation of a section of Samuel David Luzzatto (“Shadal”), Lezioni di teologia dogmatica israelitica, in Samuel J. Kessler, George-Yaakov Kohler, and Alexandra Zirkle (eds.), Modern Jewish Theology: The First One Hundred Years, 1835-1935 (Anthologies of Jewish Thought), Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society


    “My Program Is Still Broader than the Sea”: Gershom Scholem’s Letters to Abraham Joshua Heschel, 1940-1953 (co-authored with Samuel J. Kessler), New German Critique


    Introduction to all fragments of Paul of Samosata, in Mark DelCogliano (ed.), The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings. Vol. 3. Christ: Through the Nestorian Controversy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197-199


    English translation of the Syriac fragments of Paul of Samosata, in Mark DelCogliano (ed.), The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings. Vol. 3. Christ: Through the Nestorian Controversy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 200-211


    The Council of the Thebaid, 362: Lucifer of Calaris, Eusebius of Vercellae, and the Readmission of the Clergy, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 73, 1-19


    Splitting the Difference: Jerome and the Schism of Antioch in Letter 15, Sacris erudiri 59, 61-81


    El surgimiento de la teología cristiana y la separación de los caminos entre judaísmo y cristianismo (II), Teología: revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina 69, 37-52


    El surgimiento de la teología cristiana y la separación de los caminos entre judaísmo y cristianismo (I), Teología: revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina 68, 63-85


    Solicited review of Carla Noce, Massimo Pampaloni and Claudia Tavolieri (eds.), Le vie del sapere in ambito siro-mesopotamico dal III al IX secolo. Atti del convegno internazionale tenuto a Roma nei giorni 12-13 maggio 2011 (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 293), Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale 2013, Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24, 10-13


    Solicited review of Vasilije Vranic, The Constancy and Development in the Christology of Theodoret of Cyrrhus (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 129), Leiden and Boston: Brill 2015, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 68, 392-393


    Psicoanalisi e politica: un non-rapporto, Afterword to Jorge Alemán, Solitudine:Comune. Politiche in Lacan (Studi di psicoanalisi), Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis (co-authored with Pietro Bianchi)


    Solitudine:Comune. Politiche in Lacan (Studi di psicoanalisi), Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis; translation of Jorge Alemán, Soledad:Común. Políticas en Lacan, Buenos Aires: Capital intelectual 2012


    Adam and the Logos: Aphrahat’s Christology in Demonstration 17 and the “Imponderables of Hellenization”, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, 20, 437-468



    Syriac Encounters. Papers from the Sixth North-American Syriac Symposium, Duke University, June 26-29, 2011 (Eastern Christian Studies 20), Peeters: Louvain (co-edited with Maria Doerfler and Kyle R. Smith) [review: Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 21 (2018), 245-251]



    The Construction of Ancient Jewish Christianity in the Twentieth Century: The Cases of Hans-Joachim Schoeps and Jean Daniélou, in Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Theodore de Bruyn, Carol Harrison, and Oscar Velásquez (eds.), Patristic Studies in the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of an International Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Patristic Studies, Turnhout: Brepols, 279-297


    Solicited review of Giovanni Lenzi (ed.), Afraate. Le esposizioni, Adamantius 21, 540


    The Trinitarian Controversies in Fourth-Century Edessa, Le Muséon 128, 85-125


    The Fifth Dorushe Graduate Conference on Syriac Studies, Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 17, 353-359 (co-authored with Erin Galgay-Walsh)


    From ‘Why’ to ‘Why Not:’ Clem. Recogn. III 2-11, Fourth-Century Trinitarian Debates, and the Syrian Christian-Jewish Continuum, Adamantius 20, 343-365


    Entries “De’ Rossi, Azariah (Buonaiuto)” - “‘Azariah ben Moshe min Haʾadumim,” “Michael Badoqa,” “Teseo Ambrogio,” and “Dionysius Thrax ‘the Thracian,’” in Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron Butts, George Kiraz, and Lucas Van Rompay (eds.), Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, Piscataway (NJ): Gorgias Press



    Lumodo suryoyo 2011: Syriac Books & Manuscripts of the Duke University Collection. A Special Exhibit, Durham, NC: s.n. (co-authored with Maria Doerfler and Lucas Van Rompay)



    The History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qenṭos and Priest John of Edessa (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 29), Piscataway (NJ): Gorgias Press (co-authored with Hans Arneson, Christine Luckritz Marquis, and Kyle R. Smith) [reviews: Journal of Early Christian Studies 19 (2011), 612-613; Scrinium 7-8 (2012), 354-355; Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 16 (2013), 191-194]



    La pace, futuro possibile?, in La speranza che non delude. Se tarda attendila, perché certo verrà. Atti della XLI sessione di formazione ecumenica. Chianciano Terme, 24-30 luglio 2004, Milan: Àncora, 130-137