Iskander Abbasi

General Information
Duane Library Room 139
Rose Hill Campus
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, New York 10458
Iskander Abbasi is a scholar of Contemporary Islam, Islamic Liberation Theology, Environmental Ethics, Decolonial Theory, and Islamophobia Studies. His current book project, On Being Stewards of the Earth: Islamic Ecoliberation Theology and Decolonial Environmental Ethics, is a discursive analysis of the concepts of “stewardship”, the “earth”, and environmental ethics in the Quran, Muslim environmentalist discourse, and political ecology studies. In this book, he studies historical debates concerning the philological and contextual meanings of the environmental stewardship model in Islamic legal, theological, political, environmental, and ethical thought. Through questioning anthropocentrism, speciesism, and capitalism in Western and inherited Islamic traditions, he provides an ecoliberationist and decolonial model for human-nonhuman partnership ethics in struggles for planetary and post-planetary justice. At Fordham, he teaches classes in Theology, Islamic Studies (law, theology, mysticism), and Religion and Ecology. He is a convener of and faculty at annual Critical Muslim Studies summer schools, previous co-chair of the Liberation Theologies unit at the American Academy of Religion, and a current Wink Fellow with the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
PhD, MA - University of Johannesburg
MA - Harvard Divinity School
BA - Loyola Marymount UniversityContemporary Islam, Islamic Liberation Theology, Environmental Ethics, Decolonial Theory, Islamophobia Studies, Critical Muslim Studies, Race and Religion