Judith M. Kubicki

Associate Professor Emerita
General Information
Department of Theology
Rose Hill Campus
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, New York 10458
Email: kubicki@fordham.edu
Dr. Judith Marie Kubicki, CSSF, is a Felician Franciscan Sister from Buffalo, New York and Provincial Minister of the order's Our Lady of Hope Province of North America. Previous to her faculty appointment at Fordham, she served as Academic Dean at Christ the King Seminary, a Graduate School of Theology in East Aurora, New York. Dr. Kubicki has degrees in music, English, and theology. She has served as liturgical music reviewer for the ecumenical liturgical journal Worship and wrote a regular column on hymnody for the GIA Quarterly. She is a past president of the North American Academy of Liturgy (NAAL) and former convener of its Liturgical Theology Seminar. She also served as convener for the Liturgy/Sacraments Topic Session for the CTSA. Dr. Kubicki's most recent research is on the theology of classic Christian hymn texts.
PhD - Catholic University of America
MLM - Catholic University of America
MA - Canisius College
BA - Daemen CollegeLiturgical Theology, Sacramental Theology, particularly Eucharist, and Liturgical Music?
Dr. Judith Marie Kubickis work focuses on various aspects of liturgical theology, liturgical music, and ritual studies. Her particular focus in sacramental theology is on Eucharist and its implications for living just lives. Her undergraduate course, Great Christian Hymns explores the theological meaning of hymn texts within the contexts of space (architecture), history, music, and ritual. She also teaches an undergraduate course in sacraments and a senior values course entitled Eucharist, Justice, Life.
The Presence of Christ in the Gathered Assembly. New York: Continuum, 2006.
Liturgical Music as Ritual Symbol: A Case Study of Jacques Berthiers Taiz Music. Liturgia condenda 9. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishers, 1999.
Liturgy and Sacraments: Driving Revitalization by Positioning Worshippers in Vital Communion with the Triune God. In Interpretive Trends in Christian Revitalization for the Early Twenty First Century, ed. J. Steven O'Malley, 153-159. Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2011.
Sacramental Symbols in a Time of Violence and Disruption: Shaping People of Hope and Eschatological Vision. In Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God. Engaging the Fundamental Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet, eds. Philippe Bordeyne and Bruce T. Morrill, 171-185. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2008.
Images of Church in Classic Hymnody. Worship 84:5 (September 2010): 432-452.