Theology Graduate Students
Theology Graduate Student Resources
Please review the Fordham bulletin for theology course descriptions. The schedule for these courses is available on the Department of Theology's Google site.
THEO 5690: Church in Controversy
Brenna MooreTHEO 5820: Hebrew Bible/OT Interpretation
Ki-Eun JangTHEO 5901: Context, Theory, and Theology
Bob DavisTHEO 6026: Second Temple Judaism
Karina HoganTHEO 6040: The Neighbor: Biblical Witness and Contemporary Ethics
Larry WelbornTHEO 6193: Law and Theology in Antiquity
Emanuel FianoTHEO 6630 - Church in Contemporary Society: Theology and the Practice of a Synodal Church
Bradford HinzeTHEO 6659: Latinx Theology
Leo GuardadoTHEO 6740 Catholic Social Thought and Praxis
Christine Firer HinzeTHEO 7736: Seminar in Religion and Bioethics
Cristina Traina
Upper-year seminars for Ph.D. students (zero credit)
THEO 5017: Theology Dissertation Seminar
Michael Peppard
Year-long seminar, register officially only for Spring 2025 semesterTHEO 9000: Theology Professionalization Seminar
Michael Peppard
Year-long seminar, but register officially only for Fall 2024 semesterPlease review the Fordham bulletin for theology course descriptions. The schedule for these courses is available on the Department of Theology's Google site.
THEO 5015: Teaching Theology
Jeannine Hill-FletcherTHEO 5230: Advanced Greek
Emanuel FianoTHEO 5500: Religion and U.S. Public Life
Thomas Massaro, S.J.THEO 5890: New Testament Interpretation
Michael PeppardTHEO 6365: Cappadocian Fathers
George DemacopoulosTHEO 6535: The Theologies of Karl Rahner and Sergius Bulgakov
Aristotle PapanikolaouTHEO 6634: Black Theologies and the Decolonial Option
Rufus BurnettTHEO 6721: African-American Theological Ethics
Bryan MassingaleTHEO 6757: Ethnography and Scripture
Sarah Eltantawi
Upper-year seminars for Ph.D. students (zero credit)
THEO 5017: Theology Dissertation Seminar
Michael Peppard
Year-long seminar, register officially only for Spring 2025 semesterTHEO 9000: Theology Professionalization Seminar
Michael Peppard
Year-long seminar, but register officially only for Fall 2024 semesterThe below departmental forms and documents are available for viewing, printing, and/or download in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format by students.
- Application for the PhD Comprehensive Examination
- Approval of Dissertation Committee
- Approval of Dissertation Proposal
- Change of Dissertation Committee Request
- Change of Dissertation Title
- Dissertation Title Approval
- Status Certification Form
Please request forms not listed above through the department's administrative assistant.
Students can obtain the forms below by request to the department's administrative assistant.
- Continuing Student Non-Matriculated Application
- New Student Non-Matriculated Application
- Request for Grade of Incomplete
- Transfer of Credit
- Waiver of Requirements
- Annual Reviews of Students
The below forms are available to Theology faculty and staff in the department's main office in Duane and/or by request to the department's administrative assistant.
- Approval for Dissertation Defense
- Change of Grade Form
- Departmental Report on the PhD Comprehensive Examination: Evaluation of Examination by Professor
- Dissertation Acceptance Form
- Fulfillment of Language Requirement
- Mentor's Report of Students Writing Dissertations or Proposals
- Results of MA Examination
- Results of the PhD Comprehensive Examination
- Solicitation of the PhD Comprehensive Examination Questions
Examination and Submission Dates
Language examinations 2024-2025: August, November, February, April (exact dates TBA)
Doctoral written comprehensive examinations dates: October, April (exact dates TBA)
Doctoral oral comprehensive examinations dates: approximately one week after written examination dates (TBA)
Submission dates for Doctoral Committee Reviews: November, March (exact dates TBA)