Theology Graduate Students

Theology Graduate Student Resources

  • Please review the Fordham bulletin for theology course descriptions. The schedule for these courses is available on the Department of Theology's Google site.

    THEO 5690: Church in Controversy
    Brenna Moore

    THEO 5820: Hebrew Bible/OT Interpretation
    Ki-Eun Jang

    THEO 5901: Context, Theory, and Theology
    Bob Davis

    THEO 6026: Second Temple Judaism 
    Karina Hogan

    THEO 6040: The Neighbor: Biblical Witness and Contemporary Ethics
    Larry Welborn

    THEO 6193: Law and Theology in Antiquity
    Emanuel Fiano

    THEO 6630 - Church in Contemporary Society: Theology and the Practice of a Synodal Church    
    Bradford Hinze

    THEO 6659: Latinx Theology
    Leo Guardado

    THEO 6740 Catholic Social Thought and Praxis      
    Christine Firer Hinze

    THEO 7736: Seminar in Religion and Bioethics       
    Cristina Traina

    Upper-year seminars for Ph.D. students (zero credit)

    THEO 5017: Theology Dissertation Seminar
    Michael Peppard
    Year-long seminar, register officially only for Spring 2025 semester

    THEO 9000: Theology Professionalization Seminar
    Michael Peppard
    Year-long seminar, but register officially only for Fall 2024 semester

  • Please review the Fordham bulletin for theology course descriptions. The schedule for these courses is available on the Department of Theology's Google site.

    THEO 5015: Teaching Theology
    Jeannine Hill-Fletcher

    THEO 5230: Advanced Greek
    Emanuel Fiano

    THEO 5500: Religion and U.S. Public Life
    Thomas Massaro, S.J.

    THEO 5890: New Testament Interpretation
    Michael Peppard

    THEO 6365: Cappadocian Fathers
    George Demacopoulos

    THEO 6535: The Theologies of Karl Rahner and Sergius Bulgakov
    Aristotle Papanikolaou

    THEO 6634: Black Theologies and the Decolonial Option
    Rufus Burnett

    THEO 6721: African-American Theological Ethics
    Bryan Massingale

    THEO 6757: Ethnography and Scripture
    Sarah Eltantawi

    Upper-year seminars for Ph.D. students (zero credit)

    THEO 5017: Theology Dissertation Seminar
    Michael Peppard
    Year-long seminar, register officially only for Spring 2025 semester

    THEO 9000: Theology Professionalization Seminar
    Michael Peppard
    Year-long seminar, but register officially only for Fall 2024 semester

  • The below departmental forms and documents are available for viewing, printing, and/or download in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format by students.

    Please request forms not listed above through the department's administrative assistant.

  • Students can obtain the forms below by request to the department's administrative assistant.

    • Continuing Student Non-Matriculated Application
    • New Student Non-Matriculated Application
    • Request for Grade of Incomplete
    • Transfer of Credit
    • Waiver of Requirements
    • Annual Reviews of Students
  • The below forms are available to Theology faculty and staff in the department's main office in Duane and/or by request to the department's administrative assistant.

    • Approval for Dissertation Defense
    • Change of Grade Form
    • Departmental Report on the PhD Comprehensive Examination: Evaluation of Examination by Professor
    • Dissertation Acceptance Form
    • Fulfillment of Language Requirement
    • Mentor's Report of Students Writing Dissertations or Proposals
    • Results of MA Examination
    • Results of the PhD Comprehensive Examination
    • Solicitation of the PhD Comprehensive Examination Questions

Examination and Submission Dates

Language examinations 2024-2025: August, November, February, April (exact dates TBA)

Doctoral written comprehensive examinations dates: October, April (exact dates TBA)

Doctoral oral comprehensive examinations dates: approximately one week after written examination dates (TBA)

Submission dates for Doctoral Committee Reviews: November, March (exact dates TBA)

Comprehensive Examination Lists