Courses Through NYTC

Guide for the Perplexed

You can register for graduate-level courses at other institutions in the New York area that are relevant to your field and research interests. Fordham has reciprocal agreements with seminaries and theological programs in the New York Theological Consortium (NYTC), which include Union, General, St. Vladimirʼs, New York Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union College, and Jewish Theological Seminary. These courses are available to master's and PhD students alike.

There are some restrictions for taking courses outside of Fordham:

  • You must have completed at least a year of coursework.
  • You can take only one consortium course each semester or summer session.
  • You must take the course for credit.

Follow these steps to register for a consortium course.

  1. Check with your advisor and the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies to confirm that you’re eligible to take a consortium course and that the course you want to take fits your program and research interests.
  2. Download and print the New York Theological Group Cross-Registration Form.
  3. Gather the necessary signatures:
  • The Home Institution Chair or Program Director is our Department Chair, but bring your request first to the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies.
  • The Home Institution Consortium Coordinator is Associate Dean Sara Lehman (
  • The course instructor. An email from the instructor indicating approval is sufficient.
  • The Host Institution Consortium Coordinator. To get contact information for an institution chair within the NYTC, ask Associate Dean Sara Lehman or Executive Assistant Carmela Menta. You can obtain this signature electronically by sending a scan of the form by email. For help with scanning, please talk to Executive Assisstant Sue Perciasepe in the department office.
  1. Once you have all necessary signatures, return the completed form to the Associate Dean.
  2. When you complete the course, you need to obtain an official record of your grades from the Host Institution Chair and submit it to the Associate Dean in order to get credit.

If you are interested in taking a course at a theological school that is not included in the consortium, contact the department’s Associate Chair of Graduate Studies, who can look into the possibility of making an ad hoc arrangement.

(See: GSAS Academic Policies and Procedures Guidebook, p. 22).