Other Fordham Schools in Theology

Guide for the Perplexed

You have the option of registering for courses that are relevant to your field or research interests at other graduate schools at Fordham, such as the Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, and the School of Law. Follow the steps below to take advantage of this opportunity.

  1. Check with your advisor and the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies to confirm that you’re eligible to take the course and that it makes sense for your program.
  2. Register for the course on fordham.edu as you would any other course. You will have a hold placed on your registration as someone who does not belong to the school to which the course belongs.
  3. The Associate Chair of Graduate Studies will write you an email verifying that you are eligible to take the course. Forward this email to the contact listed below. This step is necessary for the other school to remove the hold on your registration.
  • Graduate School of Education [GSE]: Diane Rodriguez, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (drodriguez11@fordham.edu)
  •  Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education [GRE]: Patrick Holt, Assistant Dean (holt@fordham.edu)
  • Graduate School of Social Service [GSS]: Linda White-Ryan, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (whiteryan@fordham.edu)
  • Gabelli School of Business [GSB]: Barbara Porco, Associate Dean of Academic Administration (bporco@fordham.edu)
  • School of Law [LAW]: Pamela Bookman, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (pbookman@law.fordham.edu)

Your GSAS financial aid package should cover your enrollment in a course from another school. If you receive a bill, contact the Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (adgsas@fordham.edu) and copy the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies. They will help you correct the billing mistake.