Nindyo Sasongko

A photo of Nindyo Sasongko, a doctoral student in the systematic theology track in the Theology Department at Fordham University

Systematic Theology


B.A. Theology - Southeast Asia Bible Seminary, 2003

M.A.T.S. Studies in Spirituality - Seattle University, 2015


As an Indonesian and Anabaptist, I have interests in the fields of peace theology, culture, and spirituality. Having grown up in a former colonized country and a context of ethnic and religious pluralism, I also have an interest in the topic of ecumenical ecclesiology in a post-colonial context. Before coming to Fordham, I taught as an Elias-Pohan Visiting Scholar at Jakarta Theological Seminary and published in journals such as the Toronto Journal of Theology, Dialog, Ecclesiology, and International Review of Theology. Until now, I am also an Editor at the Indonesian Journal of Theology.

I also love teaching, both in church and classroom contexts. At Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, I was appointed as theologian in residence accompanying theological discussions such as Theology on Tap. Apart from that, in 2018, I also founded the theology podcast @Theovlogy which provides theological education for both the Indonesian context and beyond. At Fordham, I have enjoyed teaching courses such as Faith and Critical Reason, Christ in World Cultures, Church in Controversy, Christian Mystical Texts, and Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice; and because of the success of using online teaching tools such as Blackboard and Perusall, I received Fordham's Teaching Award honorary mention, 2023.

Nindyo's publications include the following.

  • “The Surviving Church: Kairos and Eschatology in Paul Tillich and Raimon Panikkar and Post-Pandemic Ecclesiology,” Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan, vol. 21, no. 2 (December 2022): 161–178.
  • “A Science of Desire: A Topography of the Study of Spirituality in Indonesia,” co-authored with Febrianto. Indonesian Journal of Theology, vol. 9, no. 2 (December 2021): 132-149.
  • “A Compassionate Space-Making: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Friendship,” Ecumenical Review71, no. 2, (April 2019): 21-30.
  • “Epistemic Ignorance and the Indonesian Killings of 1965–1966: Righting the Wrongs of the Past and the Role of Faith Community,” Political Theology (2019).