Sónia da Silva Monteiro

Woman with dark hair in white shirt with black dots.


Sónia graduated with a PhD in Systematics from the Department of Theology at Fordham University in Fall 2024. She is a systematic theologian with research interests in the areas of christology, ecclesiology, political theology, and philosophical and theological hermeneutics. Sónia’s dissertation offers a constructive reading of the phenomenon of interpersonal forgiveness in light of a theology of creation, while considering its implications in the public sphere. Before moving to New York, Sónia worked as a lawyer in Portugal, with interests in criminal justice. Sónia is an active member of The Grail, an international and ecumenical movement of lay women from diverse backgrounds founded in 1921. 


“Forgiveness and Creation in the Face of the Unforgivable: A Philosophical, Theological, and Political Investigation”

Specialization: Systematic Theology

Director: Bradford Hinze


  • Law Degree, University of Minho (Portugal), 2007

    M.A. in Theology, Fordham University, 2018

    Ph.D. in Theology, Fordham University, 2024

  • “The Poetics of Forgiveness at the Limit in Ricoeur’s Thought.” In Paul Ricoeur, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and the Question of Revelation, edited by Christina M. Gschwandtner and Thomas Schärtl-Trendel, 119-141.Maryland: Lexington Press, 2023.

    Hospitality in the Public Realm: An Arendtian Account of the Role of Action and Forgiveness.” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78, no. 4 (December 2022): 1233–60. Hospitality and Identitarian Crises. Eds. Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre, João Carlos Onofre Pinto.

    “Será este o tempo do perdão? Uma análise do dinamismo do perdão no contexto dos abusos sexuais na Igreja.” In Uma Anatomia do Poder Eclesiásticoedited by João Eleutério, 169–92. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Católica Editora, 2022.

    “O perdão na e da Igreja diante do escândalo dos abusos de menores.” Brotéria 195, no. 6 (Dezembro 2022): 487–95.

    “O que há no Humano para que com ele nos preocupemos? Direitos Humanos e Ética Universal: Contributos de E. Schillebeeckx.” Brotéria 195, no. 4 (Outubro 2022): 250–61.

    “Angela Merkel: de um modo de proceder a um legado político europeu.” Brotéria 193, no. 1 (Julho 2021): 19–28.

  • Systematic Theology


    Political Theology

    Introduction to Ecclesiology

    Introduction to Theology

  • As instructor of record:

    • Faith and Critical Reason, Fordham University: Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Summer 2024, Fall 2024.
    • Latin American Liberation Theologies: Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023

    As assistant:

    • Jerusalem: Jewish, Christian, Muslim Perspectives (Sarit Kattan, Ph.D.): Spring 2020
    • Faith and Critical Reason ( Aristotle Papanikolaou, Ph.D.): Fall 2019