Theology Graduate Courses

Fall 2024

Please review the Fordham bulletin for theology course descriptions. The schedule for these courses is available on the Department of Theology's Google site.

THEO 5690: Church in Controversy
Brenna Moore

THEO 5820: Hebrew Bible/OT Interpretation
Ki-Eun Jang

THEO 5901: Context, Theory, and Theology
Bob Davis

THEO 6026: Second Temple Judaism 
Karina Hogan

THEO 6040: The Neighbor: Biblical Witness and Contemporary Ethics
Larry Welborn

THEO 6193: Law and Theology in Antiquity
Emanuel Fiano

THEO 6630: Church in Contemporary Society: Theology and the Practice of a Synodal Church    
Bradford Hinze

THEO 6659: Latinx Theology
Leo Guardado

THEO 6740: Catholic Social Thought and Praxis      
Christine Firer Hinze

THEO 7736: Seminar in Religion and Bioethics
Cristina Traina