Visual Arts Curriculum
Visual Arts Major

It is strongly recommended that majors start taking Visual Arts core courses in their freshman year.
The major in Visual Arts is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and in the evenings at the Lincoln Center campus through the School of Professional and Continuing Studies.
The department offers five areas of study:
- Built Environment
- Art and Engagement
- Film and Video
- Graphic Design
- Painting and Drawing
- Photography
Built Environment is equally represented at both campuses; however, faculty and facilities dedicated to graphic design, photography, and painting and drawing are more extensive at Lincoln Center. Rose Hill majors may anticipate taking certain advanced courses in these areas of study at Lincoln Center. Film and video facilities are solely at Lincoln Center.
Learn More About the Visual Arts Major
(HEGIS Code 1002) Program Code 06074
Visual Arts Minor
The minor consists of six courses:
- Visual Thinking
- Any four visual arts courses
- One art history course