Faculty Fellowships

Faculty Fellowships are awarded to tenured and non-tenured tenure track faculty in accordance with University Statute 4-05.10.
Fordham University's University Research Council considers the award of a Faculty Fellowship to be a form of University investment in a faculty member's future productivity, and therefore has an expectation that an awarded faculty member both (i) return to Fordham University at the conclusion of the Fellowship period; and (ii) acknowledge his/her receipt of a Fordham Faculty Fellowship in any outcomes that result (e.g., publication).
In response to faculty's expressed desire to pursue their research agendas with maximum flexibility, the University Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost, approved a Faculty Fellowship Banking system in April 2018, as listed below.
Non-tenured Tenure Track Faculty
Faculty Fellowships for a semester or for the academic year are granted to tenured faculty and non-tenured tenure track faculty. A non-tenured tenure track faculty member is eligible to apply for an Academic Year Faculty Fellowship after his/her first reappointment. The grant of an Academic Year Faculty Fellowship is contingent upon the faculty member's being granted a second reappointment.
Summer Faculty Fellowship
All tenured and tenure track faculty are eligible for Summer Fellowships, but non-tenured tenure track faculty especially are encouraged to apply. To be eligible for the Summer Fellowship non-tenured tenure track applicants should have already received the terminal degree, and have been subject to at least one contract renewal which has resulted in the issuing of a two-year contract beyond the initial contract period. In no case will a non-tenured tenure track faculty member be eligible to hold a Summer Fellowship that begins before the start of the second summer of affiliation with the University. Recipients of Summer Fellowships become eligible to hold another Fellowship (either Summer or Semester/Academic Year) when that Fellowship begins two years after the expiration of the Summer Fellowship.
Faculty Fellowship Banking
Retroactive to Fall 2011 or the semester in which the last Fellowship was taken, whichever is more recent for a given faculty member, the opportunity to hold an Academic Year Faculty Fellowship accrues over time. Faculty members earn one Faculty Fellowship credit per semester; they earn the right to submit one Faculty Fellowship Application once they have accrued seven credits. If a faculty member takes a semester fellowship at full pay, seven credits are removed from the faculty member's "Faculty Fellowship Bank." If a faculty member takes two semesters at half pay, seven credits are removed from the faculty member's "Faculty Fellowship Bank." If a faculty member takes two semesters at full pay, fourteen credits are removed from the faculty member's "Faculty Fellowship Bank". Unused credits may be used for future Faculty Fellowship Application. Faculty with a sufficient number of credits may apply for partial or full funding of a second consecutive semester on Fellowship. Faculty cannot take Faculty Fellowships for more than two consecutive semesters.