Faculty Summer Grants for Disability Research
The Fordham Research Consortium on Disability (RCD) conducts and coordinates disability-related research at Fordham University to help guide the world on a path towards inclusion. The Research Consortium on Disability announces a grant program for Summer 2024 for faculty doing research in the disability field. This program is open to tenured and tenure-track faculty of Fordham University. The Research Consortium on Disability will award summer faculty research grants to support disability-related research projects.
- Each award will be for up to $4,000;
- Grant funds can support faculty costs for new research projects, extending existing projects or other support, including for the development of an external grant proposal;
- A maximum of $2,000 can go towards a faculty stipend, subject to payroll taxes;
- The grant period will be from June 1 to August 31, 2024;
- Priority will be given to tenure-track faculty.
Applications are due May 1st, 2024. Awards will be announced in May 2024, and funds will be made available no earlier than June 1, 2024
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Research Consortium on Disability directors: Sophie Mitra (mitra@fordham.edu); Rebecca Sanchez (rsanchez28@fordham.edu); or Laura Wernick (lwernick@fordham.edu)
Submissions should be emailed to rcd@fordham.edu and include:
- Two-page Curriculum Vitae,
- Narrative,
- Budget proposal,
- Cover letter.
For the CV, narrative and budget proposal, please follow the Office of Research guidelines for Faculty Research Grants.
The cover letter needs to indicate your faculty, department, rank, status (tenured or tenure track), the title of the project and whether the aim is to obtain funds to prepare an external grant proposal or to support non-sponsored research activities.
This program is made possible by the Office of Research support to the Research Consortium on Disability.