Research Consortium on Disability Newsletters
December 2024 Newsletter
News from RCD
Co-director Change
Rebecca Sanchez stepped down as co-director of RCD in preparation for her faculty fellowship in 2024/25. We would like to thank Rebecca for all of her work and dedication to RCD. We wish her the best moving forward.
Bligh Somma has taken up the position of co-director starting in Fall 2024. Welcome Bligh!
Giving Tuesday
On this day of giving, you have a chance to support the work of the Research Consortium on Disability to facilitate research at Fordham to help guide the world on a path towards inclusion. The RCD supports research through grants, events and community building. Please consider donating to the RCD using this link by selecting “Other” under “Area of Support” and then typing “Research Consortium on Disability”.
Upcoming Events
Launch of the Disability Data Initiative’s Disability Statistics Databases.
Thursday, Jan. 23rd, 8-9 am EST on Zoom. Registration link.
Interdisciplinary Seminar Series: All seminars will take place at Rose Hill (rooms TBD) and on Zoom (Zoom link).
Wednesday, February 12, 1–2 p.m.
Speaker: Jemel Aguilar, Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University
Wednesday, March 12, 1–2 p.m.
Speaker: Sasha Kurlenkova, Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University
Wednesday, April 2, 1–2 p.m.
Speaker: Su Je Cho, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University
Wednesday, April 23, 1–2 p.m.
Speaker: Maria Farland, English, Fordham University
Recent publications
What have RCD affiliates been working on?
Book Chapters
Cassuto, L. (2024) Teaching the Extraordinary Body: A Generation of Freaks and Monsters in the Classroom. In R. Garland-Thomson, M.M. Chemers, and A. Santana (Eds) Freak Inheritance: Eugenics and Extraordinary Bodies in Performance. New York, Oxford University Press.
Islam, M. T., Sojib, N., Kabir, I., Amit, A. R., Amin, M. R., & Billah, S. M. (2024). Wheeler: A Three-Wheeled Input Device for Usable, Efficient, and Versatile Non-Visual Interaction. (2024). UIST '24: Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 31.
Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Vida Estacio, E., Annunziato, R.A., Locke, A., & Treharne, G.J. (2024) Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice (7th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
Brent, R. J. (2024) A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Life-Prolonging Effect of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs for Persons with Dementia and Pain. Applied Economics.
Marshall, A., Ding, Y., Harris, A., Zusho, A., Shen, Y.-Q., & Wu, Y. (2023) Graduate training in school psychology: Applied behavior analysis and autism spectrum disorder. Psychology in the Schools, 60 (6), 2090-2111.
Nascimento Dial, A., Mitra, S., Vicente, D., Teodoro, D. & Rivas Velarde, M. (2024). Did high frequency phone surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic include disability questions? An assessment ofCOVID-19 surveys from March 2020 to December 2022. BMJ Open, 14:e079760.
Mont, D., Madans, J., Goodman, N., Mitra, S., Morris, Z., Ne’eman, A., & Wittenburg, D. (2024). When Designing Disability Survey Questions, Align Measurement To Purpose: A Response To Landes et al. HealthAffairs Forefront.
Carpenter, B., Kamalakannan, S., Patchaiappan, K., Theiss, K., Yap, J., Hanass-Hancock, J., Murthy, GVS, Pinilla-Roncancio, M., Rivas Velarde, M., Teodoro, D., and Mitra, S. (2024). The Disability Statistics – Estimates Database (DS-E Database): an innovative database of internationally comparable statistics on disability inequalities. International Journal of Population Data Science. In press.
Carpenter, B., Kamalakannan, S., Saikam, P., Vicente Alvarez, D., Hanass-Hancock, J., Murthy, GVS, Pinilla-Roncancio, M., Rivas Velarde, M., Teodoro, D., and Mitra, S. (2024). The Disability Statistics - Questionnaire Review Database (DS-QR Database): a database of population censuses and household surveys with internationally comparable disability questions. International Journal of Population Data Science. In press.
Wernick, L. J., Singh, R.C.B., Lee-Johnson, N.M., Kattari, S.K., & Holloway, B. T. (2024) Action Steps Toward Dismantling Ableism in Social Work Education. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 51 (1/2), 370-357.
Singh, R. C. B., Yakas, L., Wernick, L. J., Kattari, S. K., Slayter, E., & Taylor, S. (2024) Anti-ableist and disability justice pedagogy in social work education. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 51 (1/2), 330-402.
Azhar, S., Rahman, R, DeVylder, J., Wernick, L. J., Cohen, M., & Maschi, T. (2024) What would Josocialhn do? COVID-19 stigmatization, distance and race. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
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