IRB Education
For more information on CITI training, please visit our Submission and Review Process page.
IRB Seminar at Your Door Service
Are you teaching a class and think a presentation on the IRB would be a great addition? Or do you think your school, department, or program would benefit from a presentation about the IRB?
Reach out to the IRB to make a request.
Seminar Topics
- Intro to the IRB
- Customize your own seminar by asking for specific topics that would benefit your group!Survey Software
Qualtrics is a survey software you may use in your research. Please use the links below to read further about Qualtrics.
Qualtrics Overview and Information
Qualtrics Research Suite
Learning Qualtrics in 5 Easy Steps
ResearchMatch is a national recruitment registry that brings together researchers and people who are interested to learn more about research studies via a secure website. Read More about ResearchMatch.
Websites of Interest:
Office for Human Research Protections
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of Education
National Institutes of Health
National Endowment for the Humanities
American Psychological Association - Ethical Standards
American Sociological Association - Code of Ethics
American Historical Association - Professional Conduct
National Association of Social Workers - Code of Ethics
Ethics Education
Fordham University's Center for Ethics Education
Office of Human Subject Research (NIH) - Computer-Based Training Module