Traditio Articles by Author
Traditio 1 (1943) – 74 (2019)
ADAMS, R. “The Nature of Need in Piers Plowman XX.” TR 34 (1978): 273–302.
———. “Piers’s Pardon and Langland’s Semi-Pelagianism.” TR 39 (1983): 367–418.
ADELSON, H., and R. BAKER. “The Oath of Purgation of Pope Leo III in 800.” TR 8 (1952): 35–80.
AFFELDT, W. “Verzeichnis der Römerbriefkommentare der lateinischen Kirche bis zu Nikolaus von Lyra.” TR 13 (1957): 369–406.
AHERNE, C. M. “Late Visigothic Bishops: Their Schools and the Transmission of Culture.” TR 22 (1966): 435–43.
AITCHISON, N. B. “Kingship, Society, and Sacrality: Rank, Power, and Ideology in Early Medieval Ireland.” TR 45 (1994): 45–75.
ALLEN, J. B. “An Anonymous Twelfth-Century ‘De natura deorum’ in the Bodleian Library.” TR 26 (1970): 352–63.
———. “Some Aspects of Hellenism in the Early Greek Church Historians.” TR 43 (1987): 368–81.
ALLERS, R. “Microcosmus: From Anaximandros to Paracelsus.” TR 2 (1944): 319–408.
AMBROSE, K. “A Visual Pun at Vézelay: Gesture and Meaning on a Capital Representing the Fall of Man.” TR 55 (2000): 105–23.
AMT, E. “Ela Longespee’s Roll of Benefits: Piety and Reciprocity in the Thirteenth Century.” TR 64 (2009): 1–56.
ANDERSON, W. S. “The Marston Manuscript of Juvenal.” TR 13 (1957): 407–14.
———. “Valla, Juvenal and Probus.” TR 21 (1965): 383–424.
———. “Plautus’ ‘Trinummus’: The Absurdity of Officious Morality.” TR 35 (1979): 333–44.
ANDRÉE, A. “Peter Comestor’s Lectures on the Glossa ‘ordinaria’ on the Gospel of John: The Bible and Theology in the Twelfth-century Classroom.” TR 71 (2016): 203–35.
APPLEBY, D. “Beautiful on the Cross, Beautiful in His Torments: The Place of the Body in the Thought of Paschasius Radbertus.” TR 60 (2005): 1–46.
ARBESMANN, R. “Jordanus of Saxony’s Vita Sancti Augustini: The Source of John Capgrave’s Life of St. Augustin.” TR 1 (1943): 341–55.
———. “The ‘malleus’ Metaphor in Medieval Characterization.” TR 3 (1945): 389–91.
———. “Fasting and Prophecy in Pagan and Christian Antiquity.” TR 7 (1949–51): 1–72.
———. “The Concept of ‘Christus medicus’ in St. Augustinus.” TR 10 (1954): 1–28.
———. “The ‘Daemonium meridianum’ and Greek and Latin Patristic Exegesis.” TR 14 (1958): 17–32.
———. “The ‘Vita Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi’ in Codex Laurent. Plut. 90 sup. 48.” TR 18 (1962): 319–56.
———. “The ‘Cervuli’ and ‘Anniculae’ in Caesarius of Arles.” TR 35 (1979): 89–120.
ARDISSINO, E. “Saggio per l’edizione critica dell’Ovidio Metamorfoseos Vulgare di Giovanni di Bonsignori: Il Proemio e l’Esordio.” TR 48 (1993): 107–71.
ASHWORTH, H. “Gregorian Elements in Some Early Gallican Service Books.” TR 13 (1957): 431–42.
———. “The Liturgical Prayers of St. Gregory the Great.” TR 15 (1959): 107–62.
———. “Further Parallels to the ‘Hadrianum’ from St. Gregory the Great’s Commentary on the First Book of Kings.” TR 16 (1960): 364–72.
AUDET, T. A. “Orientations théologiques chez Saint Irénée: Le contexte mental d’une ΓΝΩΣΙΣ ΑΛΗΘΗΣ.” TR 1 (1943): 15–54.
AVALOS, H. I. “The Biblical Sources of Columbus’s Libro de las Profecias.” TR 49 (1994): 331–35.
AVERY, W. T. “A Crux in Aulus Gellius: Noctes Atticae 1.15.1.” TR 17 (1961): 427–31.
BABCOCK, R. G. “Heriger and the Study of Philosophy at Lobbes in the Tenth Century.” TR 40 (1984): 307–17.
———. “Astrology and Pagan Gods in Carolingian Vitae of St. Lambert.” TR 42 (1986): 95–114.
BACHRACH, B. S. “The Alans in Gaul.” TR 23 (1967): 476–88.
———. “Another Look at the Barbarian Settlement in Southern Gaul.” TR 25 (1969): 354–57.
BAKER, R., see Adelson, H.
BALDWIN, B. “Fulgentius and His Sources.” TR 44 (1988): 37–58.
BALDWIN, S. “On the Meaning of the Term ‘Liber commicus.’” TR 39 (1983): 439–43.
BANTA, F. G. “Berthold von Regensburg: Investigations Past and Present.” TR 25 (1969): 472–80.
BARON, R. “Hugonis de Sancto Victore Epitome Dindimi in philosophiam: Introduction, texte critique et notes.” TR 11 (1955): 91–148.
——. “Hugues de Saint-Victor: Contribution à un nouvel examen de son oeuvre.” TR 15 (1959): 223–98.
BARRATT, A. “The Characters ‘Civil’ and ‘Theology’ in Piers Plowman.” TR 38 (1982): 352–64.
BARROW, G. W. S. “Angerius Brito, Cathensis Episcopus.” TR 26 (1970): 351.
BARROW, J. “Tractatus Magistri Petri Abaielardi De sacramento altaris.” TR 40 (1984): 328–36.
BASWELL, C. “The Medieval Allegorization of the Aeneid: MS Cambridge, Peterhouse 158.” TR 41 (1985): 181–238.
BATTS, M. S. “The Origins of Numerical Symbolism and Numerical Patterns in Medieval German Literature.” TR 20 (1964): 462–72.
BAUR, C. “Drei unedierte Festpredigten aus der Zeit der nestorianischen Streitigkeiten.” TR 9 (1953): 101–26.
BAYLEN, J. O. “John Maunsell and the Castilian Treaty of 1254: A Study of the Clerical Diplomat.” TR 17 (1961): 482–92.
BECKER, M. B. “Florentine ‘Libertas’: Political Independents and ‘Novi Cives,’ 1372–1378.” TR 18 (1962): 393–406.
BENTON, J. F. “Nicholas of Clairvaux and the Twelfth-Century Sequence, with Special Reference to Adam of St. Victor.” TR 18 (1962): 149–80.
BERGER, A. “Tipoukeitos: The Origin of a Name. A Contribution to the History of Byzantine Legal Science.” TR 3 (1945): 394–402.
BERGER, H. “Ein bemerkenswerter spätmittelalterlicher Codex zur Philosophie, Astronomie und Medizin: Mainz, Stadtbibliothek, HS 1613.” TR 62 (2007): 237–58.
BERGREN, THEODORE. A. “Greek Loan-words in the Vulgate New Testament and the Latin Apostolic Fathers.” TR 74 (2019): 1–25.
BERRIGAN, J. R. “The Prehumanism of Benzo d’Alessandria.” TR 25 (1969): 249–64.
BEVENOT, M. “St. Cyprian and Moissac: A Thirteenth-Century Sequence.” TR 19 (1963): 147–66.
BIELER. L. “The Mission of Palladius.” TR 6 (1948): 1–32.
BIGGS, F. M. “The Fourfold Division of Souls: The Old English Christ 111 and the Insular Homiletic Tradition.” TR 45 (1989): 35–52.
BLACK, A. J. “Panormitanus on the Decretum.” TR 26 (1970): 440–43.
BLACK, W. “William of Auvergne on the Dangers of Paradise: Biblical Exegesis between Natural Philosophy and Anti-Islamic Polemic.” TR 68 (2013): 233–58.
BLAKE, N. F. “The Biblical Additions in Caxton’s ‘Golden Legend.’” TR 25 (1969): 231–48.
BLENKER, L. “The Theological Structure of ‘Pearl.’” TR 24 (1968): 43–76.
BLOCH, H. “The Schism of Anacletus II and the Glanfeuil Forgeries of Peter the Deacon.” TR 8 (1952): 159–264.
BLOOMFIELD, M. W. “Beowulf and Christian Allegory: An Interpretation of Unferth.” TR 7 (1949–51): 410–15.
———. “A Preliminary List of Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, Mainly of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth Centuries.” TR 11 (1955): 259–380.
———. “Joachim of Flora: A Critical Survey of His Canon, Teachings, Sources, Biography, and Influence.” TR 13 (1957): 249–312.
BLUM, O. J. “Alberic of Monte Cassino and the Hymns and Rhythms Ascribed to Saint Peter Damian.” TR 12 (1956): 87–148.
BOHACEK, M. “Un manuscrit intéressant du ‘Compendium’ de Werner von Schussenried.” TR 18 (1962): 472–81.
BÖHNER, P. “The Notitia Intuitiva of Non-Existents According to William Ockham: With a Critical Study of the Text of Ockham’s Reportatio and a Revised Edition of Rep. II.Q.14–15.” TR 1 (1943): 223–76.
———. “The Realistic Conceptualism of William Ockham.” TR 4 (1946): 307–36.
BOLTON, D. K. “Remegian Commentaries on the ‘Consolation of Philosophy’ and Their Sources.” TR 33 (1977): 381–93.
BOLTON, W. F. “Parable, Allegory and Romance in the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat.” TR 14 (1958): 359–66.
———. “A Bede Bibliography: 1935–1960.” TR 18 (1962): 436–46.
BOND, G. A. “Iocus amoris: The Poetry of Baudri of Bougueil and the Formation of the Ovidian Subculture.” TR 42 (1986): 143–95.
BONO, J. J. “Medical Spirits and the Medieval Language of Life.” TR 40 (1984): 91–130.
BORDIER, S. see Taylor, P. B.
BOYNTON, S. “A Lost Mozarabic Liturgical Manuscript Rediscovered: New York, Hispanic Society of America, B2916, Olim Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, 33.2.” TR 57 (2002): 189–215.
———. “A Monastic Death Ritual from the Imperial Abbey of Farfa.” TR 64 (2009): 57–84.
BRADY, LINDY. “Crowland Abbey as Anglo-Saxon Sanctuary in the Pseudo-Ingulf Chronicle.” TR 73 (2018) 19–42.
BRADY, M. T. “The Pore Caitif: An Introductory Study.” TR 10 (1954): 529–48.
———. “Rolle’s Form of Living and The Pore Caitif.” TR 36 (1980): 426–35.
———. “Rolle and the Pattern of Tracts in The Pore Caitif.” TR 39 (1983): 456–65.
———. “Lollard Sources of The Pore Caitif.” TR 44 (1988): 389–418.
BRAMPTON, C. K. “The Probable Order of Ockham’s Non-polemical Works.” TR 19 (1963): 469–82.
BRAND, C. M. “Two Byzantine Treatises on Taxation.” TR 25 (1969): 35–60.
BRANNAN, P. T. “Herodotus and History: The Constitutional Debate Preceeding Darius’ Accession.” TR 19 (1963): 427–37.
BRENNAN, B. “The Career of Venantius Fortunatus.” TR 41 (1985): 49–78.
BRENNAN, BRIAN. “Weaving with Words: Venantius Fortunatus’s Figurative Acrostics on the Holy Cross.” TR 74 (2019): 27–53.
———. “Deathless Marriage and Spiritual Fecundity in Venantius Fortunatus’s De Virginitate.” TR 51 (1996): 73–97.
BRENTANO, R. “An Endorsed Subdelegation: 1284.” TR 13 (1957): 452–55.
———. “A Ravello Document.” TR 15 (1959): 401–4.
———. “The Bishops’ Book of Città di Castello.” TR 16 (1960): 241–54.
BROOKE, C. N. L. “Canons of English Church Councils in the Early Decretal Collections.” TR 13 (1957): 471–80.
BROWN, E. “Epicurus and Voluptas in Late Antiquity: The Curious Testimony of Martianus Capella.” TR 38 (1982): 75–106.
BROWN, E. A. R. “The Ceremonial of Royal Succession in Capetian France: The Double Funeral of Louis X.” TR 34 (1978): 227–72.
———. “The Cistercians in the Latin Empire of Constantinople and Greece, 1204–1276.” TR 14 (1958): 63–120.
———. “Customary Aids and Royal Fiscal Policy under Philip VI of Valois.” TR 30 (1974): 191–258.
———. “Introduction to Ritual Brotherhood in Ancient and Medieval Europe: A Symposium.” TR 52 (1997): 261–83.
———. “Ritual Brotherhood in Western Medieval Europe.” TR 52 (1997): 357–81.
———. “Subsidy and Reform in 1321: The Accounts of Najac and the Policies of Philip V.” TR 27 (1971): 399–432.
BROWN, E. A. R., and R. E. LERNER. “On the Origins and Import of the Columbinus Prophecy.” TR 45 (1989): 219–56.
BROWN, E. A. R., and S. ZALE. “Louis Le Blanc, Estienne Le Blanc, and the Defense of Louis IX’s Crusades, 1498-1522.” TR 55 (2000): 235–92.
BROWN, S. F. “Petrus Joannis Olivi, Quaestiones logicales: Critical Text.” TR 42 (1986): 335–88.
———. “Peter Aureoli ‘De unitate conceptus entis’ (Reportatio Parisiensis in I Sententiarum dist. 2, p. 1, qq. 1–3 et p. 2, qq. 1–2).” TR 50 (1995): 199–248.
BRUCK, E. F. “Ethics vs. Law: St. Paul, the Fathers of the Church and the ‘Cheerful Giver’ in Roman Law.” TR 2 (1944): 97–122.
BRUCKER, G. “An Unpublished Source on the Avignonese Papacy: The Letters of Francesco Bruni.” TR 19 (1963): 351–70.
BRÜCKMANN, J. “Latin Manuscript Pontificals and Benedictionals in England and Wales.” TR 29 (1973): 391–99.
BRUNDAGE, J. A. “An Errant Crusader: Stephen of Blois.” TR 16 (1960): 380–94.
———. “‘Cruce signari’: The Rite for Taking the Cross in England.” TR 22 (1966): 289–310.
———. “The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine.” TR 24 (1968): 77–118.
BUETTNER, B. “The Good Friday Scene in Chrétien de Troyes’ Perceval.” TR 36 (1980): 415–25.
BUGBEE, JOHN. “Chaucer’s Lucretia and What Augustine Really Said about Rape: Two Reconsiderations.” TR 74 (2019): 335–73.
BUGYIS, K. A.-M. “The Development of the Consecration Rite for Abbesses and Abbots in Central Medieval England.” TR 71 (2016): 91–142.
BÜHLER, C. F. “A Rhenish ‘Sammelband’ of the Fifteenth Century (Libri impressi cum notis manuscriptis-IV).” TR 4 (1946): 429–36.
BULATKIN, E. W. “The Spanish Word ‘matiz’: Its Origin and Semantic Evolution in the Technical Vocabulary of Medieval Painters.” TR 10 (1954): 459–528.
BURCHMORE, S. “Traditional Exegesis and the Question of Guilt in the Old English Genesis B 117.” TR 41 (1985): 117–44.
BURGESS, R. W. “The Date, Purpose, and Historical Context of the Original Greek and the Latin Translation of the So-called Excerpta Latina Barbari.” TR 68 (2013): 1–56.
BURGHARDT, W. J. “Cyril of Alexandria on ‘Wool and Linen.’” TR 2 (1944): 484–86.
BURR, D. “Olivi, Apocalyptic Expectation, and Visionary Experience.” TR 41 (1985): 273–88.
BURSILL-HALL, G. L. “A Check-List of Incipits of Medieval Latin Grammatical Treatises: A–G.” TR 34 (1978): 439–74.
CADDEN, J. “It Takes All Kinds: Sexuality and Gender Differences in Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Compound Medicine.” TR 40 (1984): 149–74.
CALLAHAN, J. F. “The Serpent and Η ΡΑΧΙΑ in Gregory of Nyssa.” TR 24 (1968): 17–42.
CALLAHAN, V. W. “Recent Views on Tragedy Ancient and Modern.” TR 15 (1959): 443–48.
CAMARGO, M. “A Twelfth-Century Treatise on ‘Dictamen’ and Metaphor.” TR 47 (1992): 161–214.
CAMPBELL, G. J. “The Protest of Saint Louis.” TR 15 (1959): 405–18.
———. “Temporal and Spiritual Regalia during the Reigns of St. Louis and Philip II.” TR 20 (1964): 351–84.
CAMPBELL, M. W. “Earl Godwin of Wessex and Edward the Confessor’s Promise of the Throne to William of Normandy.” TR 28 (1972): 141–58.
CARELLA, B. “The Earliest Expression of Outlawry in Anglo-Saxon Law.” TR 70 (2015): 111¬–43.
CARLSON, D. R. “Gower on Henry IV’s Rule: The Endings of the Cronica Tripartita and Its Texts.” TR 62 (2007): 207–36.
CARLSON, ERIK. “Dryhthelm’s Desire: Compunction and Bede’s Celestial Topography.” TR 73 (2018) 1–17.
CARLSON, P. J. “Lady Meed and God’s Meed: The Grammar of Piers Plowman B 3 and C 4.” TR 46 (1991): 291–311.
CAROTI, S. “Modi rerum and Materialism: A Note on a Quotation of a Condemned Articulus in Some Fourteenth-Century Parisian De anima Commentaries.” TR 55 (2000): 211–34.
CARTER, R. E. “The Chronology of Saint John Chrysostom’s Early Life.” TR 18 (1962): 357–63.
———. “The Chronology of Twenty Homilies of Severian of Gabala.” TR 55 (2000): 1–17.
———. “A Greek Homily on the Temptation (CPG 4906) by Severian of Gabala: Introduction, Critical Edition, and Translation.” TR 52 (1997): 47–71.
———. “An Index of Scriptural References in the Homilies of Severian of Gabila.” TR 54 (1999): 323–51.
———. “Saint John Chrysostom’s Rhetorical Use of the Socratic Distinction between Kingship and Tyranny.” TR 14 (1958): 367–70.
CASAGRANDE, G., and C. KLEINHENZ. “Literary and Philosophical Perspectives on the Wheel of the Five Senses in Longthorpe Tower.” TR 41 (1985): 311–28.
CASTEIGT, JULIE. “Metaphysics and Testimonial Knowledge in the Super Iohannem of Albert the Great.” TR 73 (2018) 255–89.
CASTER, K. J. “The Real Distinction Between Being and Essence According to William of Auvergne.” TR 51 (1996): 201–23.
CAVADINI, J. “The Sources and Theology of Alcuin’s De fide sanctae et individuae Trinitatis.” TR 46 (1991): 123–46.
CAVARNOS, J. P. “Greek Translations of the ‘Adoro te devote’ and the ‘Ave verum.’” TR 8 (1952): 418–23.
CAZELLES, R. “La stabilisation de la monnaie par la création du franc (décembre 1360) —blocage d’une société.” TR 32 (1976): 293–312.
CELANO, A. J. “Boethius of Dacia: On the Highest Good.” TR 43 (1987): 199–214.
CELENZA, C. S. “The Will of Cardinal Giordano Orsini (ob. 1438).” TR 51 (1996): 257–86.
CHARLIER, C. “Une oeuvre inconnue de Florus de Lyon: La collection ‘De fide’ de Montpellier.” TR 8 (1952): 81–110.
CHAZELLE, C. “Figure, Character, and the Glorified Body in the Carolingian Eucharistic Controversy.” TR 47 (1992): 1–36.
CHENEY, C. R. “Decretals of Innocent III in Paris, B.N. MS lat. 3922A.” TR 11 (1955): 149–62.
———. “Three Decretal Collections before Compilatio IV: Pragensis, Palatina I and Abrincensis II.” TR 15 (1959): 464–82.
———. “On the Cheltenham (Phillipps) Manuscripts and Some Others Described in Papsturkunden in England 3.73–87.” TR 23 (1967): 512–15.
CHEYETTE, F. “Kings, Courts, Cures and Sinecures: The Statute of Provisors and the Common Law.” TR 19 (1963): 295–350.
CHODOROW, S. A. “Magister Gratian and the Problem of ‘Regnum’ and ‘Sacerdotium.’” TR 26 (1970): 364–80.
CHRISTESEN, PAUL, and ZARA MARTIROSOVA-TORLONE. “The Olympic Victor List of Eusebius: Background, Text, and Translation.” TR 61 (2006): 31–93.
CHIU, H., and D. JUSTE. “The De tonitruis Attributed to Bede: An Early Medieval Treatise on Divination by Thunder Translated from Irish.” TR 68 (2013): 97–124.
CIARDI, A. M. “‘Per clerum et populum’? Reflections on Legal Terminology and Episcopal Appointments in Denmark, 1059–1225.” TR 71 (2016): 143–78.
CLAIR, E. St. “Algazel on the Soul: A Critical Edition.” TR 60 (2005): 47–84.
CLARK, JOHN R. “Anonymous on Alchemy, Aristotle, and Creation: An Unedited Thirteenth-Century Text.” TR 61 (2006): 149–66.
CLARK, MARK J. “Lincoln MS 230: An Early Version of Peter Lombard’s Lectures on the Sentences.” TR 74 (2019): 223–47.
CLARK, M. J. “Peter Comestor and Peter Lombard: Brothers in Need.” TR 60 (2005): 85–142.
CLARK, M. J. “Peter Lombard, Stephen Langton, and the School of Paris: The Making of the Twelfth-century Scholastic Biblical Tradition.” TR 72 (2017): 171–274.
CLARK, R. J. “Peter of Eboli, De Balneis Puteolanis: Manuscripts from the Aragonese Scriptorium in Naples.” TR 45 (1989): 380–89.
CLAUSSEN, M. A. “Peregrinatio and Peregrini in Augustine’s City of God.” TR 46 (1991): 33–76.
CLAXTON, J. H. “On the Name of Urban II.” TR 23 (1967): 489–94.
CLINTON, K. “The ‘Hymn to Zeus,’ PAQEI MAQOS, and the End of the Parodos of ‘Agamennon.’” TR 35 (1979): 1–20.
COHEN, J. “The Jews as Killers of Christ in the Latin Tradition, from Augustine to the Friars.” TR 39 (1983): 1–28.
COLISH, M. L. “Peter of Bruys, Henry of Lausanne, and the Facade of St.-Gilles.” TR 28 (1972): 451–59.
———. “Habitus Revisited: A Reply to Cary Nederman.” TR 48 (1993): 77–92.
COLKER, M. L. “Fulcoii Belvacensis Epistulae.” TR 10 (1954): 191–274.
———. “Heinrici Augustensis Planctus Evae.” TR 12 (1956): 149–230.
———. “Anecdota Medievalia.” TR 17 (1961): 469–81.
———. “Richard of Saint Victor and the Anonymous of Bridlington.” TR 18 (1962): 181–228.
———. “The ‘Karolinus’ of Egidius Parisiensis.” TR 29 (1973): 199–326.
COLLEDGE, E., and J. C. MARLER. “‘Céphalologie’: A Recurring Theme in Classical and Medieval Lore.” TR 37 (1981): 411–25.
COLTON, R. E. “Echoes of Martial in Juvenal’s Third Satire.” TR 22 (1966): 403–18.
———. “Juvenal and Propertius.” TR 23 (1967): 442–60.
COMBES, A., F. RUELLO and P. VIGNAUX. “Jean de Ripa I Sent. Dist. XXXVII: ‘De modo inexistendi divinae essentiae in omnibus creaturis.’” TR 23 (1967): 191–268.
CONSTABLE, G. “The Second Crusade as Seen by Contemporaries.” TR 9 (1953): 213–80.
———. “The Disputed Election at Langres in 1138.” TR 13 (1957): 119–52.
———. “Monasticism, Lordship, and Society in the Twelfth-Century Hesbaye: Five Documents on the Foundation of the Cluniac Priory of Bertrée.” TR 33 (1977): 159–224.
COOLMAN, B. T. “Pulchrum esse: The Beauty of Scripture, the Beauty of the Soul, and the Art of Exegesis in Hugh of St. Victor.” TR 58 (2003): 175–200.
CORNISH, A. “The Epistle of James in Inferno 26.” TR 45 (1989): 367–79.
COURTENAY, W. J. “The King and the Leaden Coin: The Economic Background of ‘Sine qua non’ Causality.” TR 28 (1972): 185–210.
———. “The Sentences-Commentary of Stukle: A New Source for Oxford Theology in the Fourteenth Century.” TR 34 (1978): 435–38.
CRANZ, F. E. “The Publishing History of the Aristotle Commentaries of Thomas Aquinas.” TR 34 (1978): 157–92.
CRAUN, E. D. “Inordinata locutio: Blasphemy in Pastoral Literature, 1200–1500.” TR 39 (1983): 135–62.
CRONAN, D. “Hroðgar and the gylden hilt in Beowulf.” TR 72 (2017): 109–32.
CROSS, J. E. “‘Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis’: A Sermon for All Saints, and its Use in Old English Prose.” TR 33 (1977): 101–36.
———. “Atto of Vercelli, De pressuris ecclesiasticis, Archbishop Wulfstan and Wulfstan’s Commonplace Book.” TR 48 (1993): 237–46.
CROSS, J. E., and C. J. TUPLIN. “An Unrecorded Variant of the ‘Passio S. Christinae’ and the Old English Martyrology.” TR 36 (1980): 161–236.
CURLEY, M. J. “The Miracles of Saint David: A New Text and Its Context.” TR 62 (2007): 135–205.
CURSCHMANN, M. “Imagined Exegesis: Text and Picture in the Exegetical Works of Rupert of Deutz, Honorius Augustodunensis, and Gerhoch of Reichersberg.” TR 44 (1988): 145–69.
DALES, R. C. “Robert Grosseteste’s Treatise ‘De finitate motus et temporis.’” TR 19 (1963): 245–66.
———. “Early Latin Discussions of the Eternity of the World in the Thirteenth Century.” TR 43 (1987): 171–98.
DALEY, B. “Apollo as a Chalcedonian: A New Fragment of a Controversial Work from Early 6th-Century Constantinople.” TR 50 (1995): 31–54.
DALY, L. D. “Early Alphabetical Indices in the Vatican Archives.” TR 19 (1963): 483–86.
DALY, W. M. “An Adverse Consensus Questioned: Does Sidonius’s Euchariston (Carmen XVI) Show That He Was Scripturally Naïve?” TR 55 (2000): 19–71.
———. “Caesarius of Arles, A Precursor of Medieval Christendom.” TR 26 (1970): 1–28.
DANIEL, E. R. “Apocalyptic Conversion: The Joachite Alternative to the Crusades.” TR 25 (1969): 127–54.
DAVIDSON, C. “The Unity of the Wakefield ‘Mactatio Abel.’” TR 23 (1967): 495–500.
DAVIS, L. D. “Hincmar of Rheims as a Theologian of the Trinity.” TR 27 (1971): 455–67.
DE CARLOS VILLAMARIN, HELENA. “Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada y la compilación historiográfica del códice de Bamberg Hist. 3.” TR 74 (2019): 249–70.
DE MAEYER, N., and DUPONT, A. “Patrum uestigia sequens: The Transmission and Reception of Augustine’s Exegesis of Eph. 3, 17–18 in the Venerable Bede’s Collectio ex opusculis sancti Augustini in epistulas Pauli apostoli.” TR 72 (2017): 21–59.
DEGREGORIO, S. “The Venerable Bede on Prayer and Contemplation.” TR 54 (1999): 1–39.
DEKKERS. E. “La tradition des textes et les problèmes de l’édition diplomatique.” TR 10 (1954): 549–54.
DELCOURT, J. “Saint Thomas More and France.” TR 5 (1947): 285–310.
DELIO, I. “From Prophecy to Mysticism: Bonaventure’s Eschatology in Light of Joachim of Fiore.” TR 52 (1997): 153–77.
DELHAYE, P. “L’organisation scolaire au XIIe siècle.” TR 5 (1947): 211–68.
DEMAITRE, L. “The Medical Notion of ‘Withering’ From Galen to the Fourteenth Century: The Treatise on Marasmus by Bernard of Gordon.” TR 47 (1992): 259–307.
DEMPSEY, G. T. “Aldhelm of Malmesbury and High Ecclesiasticism in a Barbarian Kingdom.” TR 63 (2008): 47–88.
DENISE, M. “The Orchard of Syon: An Introduction.” TR 14 (1958): 269–94.
DENNIS, G. T. “The Correspondence of Rodolfo de Sanctis, Canon of Patras, 1386.” TR 17 (1961): 285–322.
DePROOST, P.-A. “La mise en scène d’un drame intérieure dans le poème Sur le péché originel d’Avit de Vienne.” TR 51 (1996): 43–72.
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HURLEY, M. “‘Scriptura sola’: Wyclif and his Critics.” TR 16 (1960): 275–352.
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IHM, SIBYLLE. “Neue griechische Proclus-Fragmente aus dem Florilegium des Ps.-Maximus.” TR 56 (2001): 1–13.
ILARDI, V. “ ‘Italianità’ among Some Italian Intellectuals in the Early Sixteenth Century.” TR 12 (1956): 339–68.
IMBACH, R. “Das Centheologicon des Heymericus de Campo und die darin enthaltenen Cusanus-Reminiszenzen: Hinweise und Materialien.” TR 39 (1983): 466–77.
INGLIS, J. “A Rationale for Material Elements in Christ's Human Cognition: Reading Aquinas within His Dominican Theological and Political Context.” TR 58 (2003): 257–84.
INHAT, K. “Early Evidence for the Cult of Anne in Twelfth-Century England.” TR 69 (2014): 1–44.
- Annual report: TR 11 (1955): 429–38 (Roman Meeting, Medieval Canon Law Bulletin); TR 12 (1956): 557–59 (General Report, Canon Law); TR 13 (1957): 463–66; TR 14 (1958): 457–461; TR 15 (1959): 449–51; TR 16 (1960): 416–18 (The Borthwick Institute of Historical Research); TR 16 (1960): 531–33; TR 17 (1961): 503–05; TR 18 (1962): 447–49; TR 19 (1963): 509–11; TR 19 (1963): 512–15 (Second Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Boston College 1963); TR 20 (1964): 491–94; TR 21 (1965): 477–79; TR 22 (1966): 463–65; TR 23 (1967): 501–3; TR 24 (1968): 489–92; TR 25 (1969): 481–84; TR 26 (1970): 427–33.
- Notes: TR 13 (1957): 505–9; TR 14 (1958): 502–9; TR 15 (1959): 498–99 (Notes on Manuscripts); TR 17 (1961): 533–44 (Notes on Manuscripts); TR 19 (1963): 536–37; TR 22 (1966): 471–81 (Emendationes et notae variae); TR 24 (1968): 504–7.
- Select Bibliography: TR 12 (1956): 616–19 (1955–56, B. Tierney); TR 13 (1957): 510–12 (1956–57, B. Tierney); TR 14 (1958): 510–12 (1957–58, B. Tierney); TR 15 (1959): 500–3 (1958–59); TR 16 (1960): 564–70 (1959–60); TR 17 (1961): 545–51 (1960–61); TR 18 (1962): 482–89 (1961–62); TR 19 (1963): 538–52 (1962–63); TR 20 (1964): 513–23 (1963–64); TR 21 (1965): 520–38 (1964–65); TR 22 (1966): 482–98 (1965–66); TR 24 (1968): 512–47 (1966–68); TR 25 (1969): 518–44 (1968–69, J. F. Kenney and R. Somerville); TR 26 (1970): 478–503 (1969–70).
- Manuscripts, Microfilms and Photostats: TR 11 (1955): 439–48 (Interim Checklist of Manuscripts); TR 12 (1956): 611–15 (Manuscripts and Incunabula Exhibited at the Inauguration of the Institute, May 1956); TR 12 (1956): 560–65 (Interim Checklist); TR 13 (1957): 467–70 (Interim Checklist); New Acquisitions: TR 12 (1956): 620–22; TR 13 (1957): 513–14; TR 14 (1958): 512–13; TR 15 (1959): 504–5; TR 16 (1960): 571–72; TR 17 (1961): 552–54; TR 18 (1962): 490–91; TR 19 (1963): 553 (Cumulative List); TR 20 (1964): 524; TR 20 (1964): 524–26 (Holtzmann Estate); TR 21 (1965): 539; TR 22 (1966): 499; TR 23 (1967): 536–37; TR 24 (1968): 548–49; TR 25 (1969): 545; TR 26 (1970): 504–5.
IRELAND, C. A. “Vernacular Poets in Bede and Muirchú: A Comparative Study of Early Insular Cultural Histories.” TR 71 (2016): 33–62.
———. “Where Was King Aldfrith of Northumbria Educated? An Exploration of Seventh-Century Insular Learning.” TR 70 (2015): 29–73.
IRIBARREN, I. “Some Points of Contention in Medieval Trinitatian Theology: The Case of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain in the Early Fourteenth Century.” TR 57 (2002): 289–315.
IVANOV, S. “A Note on the Calendar of the Liber Floridus.” TR 70 (2015): 145–58.
IWAKUMA, Y. “‘Vocales’ or Early Nominalists.” TR 47 (1992): 37–112.
JACKSON, P. “Cyril of Jerusalem’s Treatment of Scriptural Texts Concerning the Holy Spirit.” TR 46 (1991): 1–32.
JAEGER, W. “Greek Uncial Fragments in the Library of Congress in Washington (with 12 plates).” TR 5 (1947): 79–102.
JARRETT, JONATHAN. “Nuns, Signatures, and Literacy in Late-Carolingian Catalonia.” TR 74 (2019): 125–52.
JEAUNEAU, E. “Le Cogito Érigénien.” TR 50 (1995): 95–110.
JEREMY, M. “Caxton and the ‘Synfulle Wretche.’” TR 4 (1946): 423–28.
JEWETT, M., and R. J. LONG. “A Newly Discovered Witness of Fishacre’s Sentence-Commentary: University of Chicago MS 156.” TR 50 (1995): 342–45 .
JOHNSON, R. F. “Archangel in the Margins: St. Michael in the Homilies of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41.” TR 53 (1998): 63–91.
JOLLY, KAREN LOUISE. “Prayers from the Field: Practical Protection and Demonic Defense in Anglo-Saxon England.” TR 61 (2006): 95–147.
JONES, R. F. “A Liturgical Miscellany in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 190.” TR 54 (1999): 103–40.
JONES, W. R. “Franciscan Education and Monastic Libraries: Some Documents.” TR 30 (1974):435–44.
JORDAN, M. D. “Medicine as Science in the Early Commentaries on ‘Johannitius.’” TR 43 (1987): 121–46.
JORDAN, P. “Pythagoras and Monachism.” TR 17 (1961): 432–40.
JUSTE, D., and H. CHIU. “The De tonitruis Attributed to Bede: An Early Medieval Treatise on Divination by Thunder Translated from Irish.” TR 68 (2013): 97–124.
JUSTICE, S., see Kerby-Fulton, K.
KAEGI, W. E. “Arianism and the Byzantine Army in Africa, 533–546.” TR 21 (1965): 23–54.
KAHANE, H., and R. KAHANE. “Pearls Before Swine? A Reinterpretation of Matt. 7.6.” TR 13 (1957): 421–24.
KAHANE, R., see Kahane, H.
KALUZA, Z. “La Nature des ecrits de Jean de Ripa.” TR 43 (1987): 257–98.
KAMMERER, W. “A Coptic Bibliography.” TR 2 (1944): 507–12.
KARLIN-HAYTER, P. “ ‘When Military Affairs were in Leo’s Hands’: A Note on Byzantine Foreign Policy, (886–912).” TR 23 (1967): 15–40.
KARRAS, R. M. “Gendered Sin and Misogyny in John of Bromyard’s ‘Summa Predicantium.’” TR 47 (1992): 233–58.
KASKE R. E., Two Cruxes in ‘Pearl’: 596 and 609–10: TR 15 (1959): 418–27.
———. “Dante’s ‘DXV’ and ‘Veltro.’” TR 17 (1961): 185–254.
———. “A Poem of the Cross in the Exeter Book: ‘Riddle 60’ and ‘The Husband’s Message.’” TR 23 (1967): 41–72.
———. “Some Newly Discovered Wall Paintings at Madley, Heresfordshire.” TR 24 (1968): 464–70.
———. “A Dagger in Relief on Stonehenge?” TR 31 (1975): 315–16.
———. “Amnon and Thamar on a Misericord in Hereford Cathedral.” TR 45 (1989): 1–6.
KAUFMANN, H. “‘Causa debendi’ und ‘causa petendi’ bei Glanvill sowie im römischen und kanonischen Recht seiner Zeit.” TR 17 (1961): 107–62.
KAUP, MATTHIAS, AND ROBERT E. LERNER. “Gentile of Foligno Interprets the Prophecy ‘Woe to the World,’ with an Edition and English Translation.” TR 56 (2001): 149–211. (See also the same article listed under Lerner, Robert E., and Matthias Kaup.)
KAY, R. “Hostiensis and Some Embrun Provincial Councils.” TR 20 (1964): 503–12.
———. “Walter of Coventry and the Barnwell Chronicle.” TR 54 (1999): 141–67.
KAY, R., see Post, G.
KEEFER, S. L. “Margin as Archive: The Liturgical Marginalia of a Manuscript of the Old English Bede.” TR 51 (1996): 147–77.
KEEN, M. H., see Donovan, G. M.
KEELE, RONDO. “Richard Lavenham’s De causis naturalibus: A Critical Edition.” TR 56 (2001): 113–47.
KELLEY, D. R. “Fides Historiae: Charles Dumoulin and the Gallican View of History.” TR 22 (1966): 347–402.
KELLOGG, A. L. “St. Augustine and the Parson’s Tale.” TR 8 (1952): 424–30.
———. “Note on Line 274 of the ‘Pearl.’” TR 12 (1956): 406–8.
———. “Langland and Two Scriptural Texts.” TR 14 (1958): 385–98.
KELLY, D. “Courtly Love in Perspective: The Hierarchy of Love in Andreas Capellanus.” TR 24 (1968): 119–48.
KELLY, H. A. “Canonical Implications of Richard III’s Plan to Marry His Niece.” TR 23 (1967): 269–312.
———. “Tragedy and the Performance of Tragedy in Late Roman Antiquity.” TR 35 (1979): 21–44.
KELLY, J. F. “A Catalogue of Early Medieval Hiberno-Latin Biblical Commentaries.” TR 44 (1988): 537–71; TR 45 (1989): 393–434.
KENNAN, E. “The ‘De Consideratione’ of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and the Papacy in the Mid-Twelfth Century: A Review of Scholarship.” TR 23 (1967): 73–116.
———. “Innocent III and the First Political Crusade.” TR 27 (1971): 231–50.
KERBY-FULTON, K. “Hildegard of Bingen and Anti-mendicant Propaganda.” TR 43 (1987): 386–99.
KERBY-FULTON, K. and S. JUSTICE. “Reformist Intellectual Culture in the English and Irish Civil Service: The Modus tenendi parliamentum and Its Literary Relations.” TR 53 (1998): 149–202.
KERTZ, K. G. “Meister Eckhart’s Teaching on the Birth of the Divine Word in the Soul.” TR 15 (1959): 327–64.
KIBRE, P. “Hippocrates Latinus: Repertorium of Hippocratic Writings in the Latin Middle Ages.” TR 31 (1975): 99–126; TR 32 (1976): 257–92; TR 33 (1977): 253–95; TR 34 (1978): 193–226; TR 35 (1979): 273–302; TR 36 (1980): 347–72; TR 37 (1981): 267–90; TR 38 (1982): 165–92.
KIM, M. “The Politics of Consuming Worldly Goods: Negotiating Christian Discipline and Feudal Power in Piers Plowman.” TR 59 (2004): 339–68.
KIRKHAM, V. “Numerology and Allegory in Boccaccio’s Caccia di Diana.” TR 34 (1978): 303–30.
KITANOV, S. V. “Displeasure in Heaven, Pleasure in Hell: Four Franciscan Masters on the Relationship between Love and Pleasure, and Hatred and Displeasure.” TR 58 (2003): 285–340.
KLEINHENZ, C., see Casagrande, G.
KLINGSHIRN, W. “Isidore of Seville's Taxonomy of Magicians and Diviners.” TR 58 (2003): 59–90.
KLOOS, R. M. “Kaiser Friedrich II: Literaturbericht 1950–1956.” TR 12 (1956): 426–56.
KNIBBS, E. “The Manuscript Evidence for the De octo quaestionibus Ascribed to Bede.” TR 63 (2008): 129–83.
KOHL, B. G. “The Works of Giovanni di Conversino da Ravenna: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Editions.” TR 31 (1975): 349–68.
KOSTO, ADAM J. “The Limited Impact of the Usatges de Barcelona in Twelfth-Century Catalonia.” TR 56 (2001): 53–88.
KOVAÈIÆ, F. “Die Natur als Kunstler und Baumeister bei Galen.” TR 58 (2003): 1–58.
———. “Intensität der Elementarqualitäten nach Galen.” TR 63 (2008): 1–45.
KOSZTOLNYIK, Z. J. “The Importance of Gerard of Csanád as the First Author in Hungary.” TR 25 (1969): 376–85.
KRAEBEL, A. B. “Middle English Gospel Glosses and the Translation of Exegetical Authority.” TR 69 (2014): 87–124.
KRAPPE, A. H. “The Indian Provenance of a Medieval Exemplum.” TR 2 (1944): 499–501.
———. “St. Patrick and the Snakes.” TR 5 (1947): 323–30.
KREUZER, J. R. “Thomas Brampton’s Metrical Paraphrase of the Seven Penitential Psalms: A Diplomatic Edition of the Version in MS Pepys 1584 and MS Cambridge University Ff 2.38 with Variant Readings from all Known Manuscripts.” TR 7 (1949–51): 359–404.
KRIES, D. “Origen, Plato, and Conscience (Synderesis) in Jerome’s Ezekiel Commentary.” TR 57 (2002): 67–83.
KRIESEL, JAMES C. “The Marvelous between Dante and Boccaccio.” TR 73 (2018) 213–54.
KRISTELLER, P. O. “The Scholastic Background of Marsilio Ficino, With an Edition of Unpublished Texts.” TR 2 (1944): 257–318.
———. “Latin Manuscript Books before 1600: A Bibliography of the Printed Catalogues of Extant Collections.” TR 6 (1948): 227–318; TR 9 (1953): 393–418 (Part II).
KRIVOUCHINE, I. “L’époque préchrétienne dans l’Histoire Eccléstique d’Eusèbe de Césarée.” TR 51 (1996): 287–94.
KUCZYNSKI, M. P. “A New Manuscript of Nicholas of Lynn’s Kalendarium: MS Chapel Hill 522 fols. 159–202.” TR 43 (1987): 299–319.
KUNZE, P., see Lohr, C. H.
KUTTNER, S. “Bernardus Compostellanus Antiquus: A Study in the Glossators of the Canon Law.” TR 1 (1943): 277–340.
———. “Pierre de Roissy and Robert of Flamborough.” TR 2 (1944): 492–98.
———. “Cardinalis: The History of a Canonical Concept.” TR 3 (1945): 129–214.
———. “Notes on a Projected Corpus of Twelfth-Century Decretal Letters.” TR 6 (1948): 345–50.
———. “Bertram of Metz.” TR 13 (1957): 501–4.
———. “Notes on the Presentation of Text and Apparatus in Editing Works of the Decretists and Decretalists.” TR 15 (1959): 452–63.
———. “Some Gratian Manuscripts with Early Glosses.” TR 19 (1963): 532–35.
KUTTNER, S., and E. RATHBONE. “Anglo-Norman Canonists of the Twelfth Century: An Introductory Study.” TR 7 (1949–51): 279–358.
KUTTNER, S., and A. GARCIA. “A New Eyewitness of the Fourth Lateran Council.” TR 20 (1964): 115–78.
KUTTNER, S., see Vetulani, A.
KUTTNER, S., see Institute of Research and Study in Medieval Canon Law.
KYTZLER, B. “Notae Minucianae.” TR 22 (1966): 419–34.
———. “Beobachtungen zu den Wettspielen in der Thebais des Statius.” TR 24 (1968): 1–16.
LADNER, G. B. “The History of Ideas in the Christian Middle Ages from the Fathers to Dante in America and Canadian Publications of the Years 1940–1952.” TR 9 (1953): 439–514.
———. “Varia Archaeologica et Ideologica.” TR 16 (1960): 425–521.
LAFLEUR, R. A., see Gibaldi J.
LAGORIO, V. M. “Pan-Brittonic Hagiography and the Arthurian Grail Cycle.” TR 26 (1970): 29–62.
LAIRD, C. “Character and Growth of the ‘Manuel des Pechiez.’” TR 4 (1946): 253–306.
LAIRD, W. R. “Robert Grosseteste on the Subalternate Sciences.” TR 43 (1987): 147–70.
LANDAU, P. “Bericht über das Seminar ‘Das Decretorum Burchards von Worms.” TR 26 (1970): 469–70.
LANDGRAF, A. “Studien zur Theologie des zwölften Jahrhunderts: I. Nominalismus in den theologischen Werken der zweiten Hälfte des zwölften Jahrhunderts; II. Literarische Bemerkungen zu den Sentenzen des Robertus Pullus.” TR 1 (1943): 183–222.
———. “A Quaestio by Master Udo.” TR 2 (1944): 491–92.
———. “Das durch den Knecht gespendete Almosen.” TR 7 (1949–51): 433–43.
LANGMUIR, G. I. “‘Judei nostri’ and the Beginning of Capetian Legislation.” TR 16 (1960): 203–40.
———. “The Jews and the Archives of Angevin England: Reflections on Medieval Anti-Semitism.” TR 19 (1963): 183–244.
LARRAIN, C. J. “Galen, De motibus dubiis: Die lateinische Übersetzung des Niccolo da Reggio.” TR 49 (1994): 171–233.
———. “Kommentar zu Galen De motibus dubiis in der mittelalterlichen lateinischen Übersetzung des Niccolò da Reggio.” TR 51 (1996): 1–41.
———. “Macarius Magnes, ΑΠΟΚΡΙΤΙΚΟΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ: Ein Bislang Unbeachtetes Exzerpt.” TR 57 (2002): 85–127.
———. “Das Excerpt aus Macarius Magnes’ Apocriticus.” TR 59 (2004): 383–400.
LAURENT, M. H. “Alde Manuzio l’Ancien, éditeur de S. Catherine de Sienne (1500).” TR 6 (1948): 357–64.
LECLERCQ, J. “Textes et manuscrits cisterciens dans les bibliothèques des États-Unis.” TR 17 (1961): 163–84.
———. “Une Vie de Jérôme d’Ancône par Ludovico Brunori.” TR 19 (1963): 371–410.
LEDO, JORGE. “The Recovery of Freedom of Speech in the Culture of Humanists and the Communicative Origins of the Reformation.” TR 74 (2019): 375–422.
LEES, C. A. “Theme and Echo in an Anonymous Old English Homily for Easter.” TR 42 (1986): 115–42.
LEGENDRE, P. “Miscellanea Britannica.” TR 15 (1959): 491–96.
———. “Adieu à Gabriel Le Bras.” TR 26 (1970): 434–35.
LERNER, R. “Alfonso Pecha’s Treatise on the Origins of the Great Schism: What an Insider ‘Saw and Heard.’” TR 72 (2017): 411–51.
LERNER, R. E. “Refreshment of the Saints: The Time after Antichrist as a Station for Early Progress in Medieval Thought.” TR 32 (1976): 97–144.
LERNER, R. E. see BROWN, E. A. R.
LERNER, ROBERT E., AND MATTHIAS KAUP. “Gentile of Foligno Interprets the Prophecy ‘Woe to the World,’ with an Edition and English Translation.” TR 56 (2001): 149–211. (See also the same article listed under Lerner, Robert E., and Matthias Kaup.)
LERNER, ROBERT E., and CHRISTINE MOREROD. “The Vision of ‘John, Hermit of the Asturias’: Lucas of Tuy, Apostolic Religion, and Eschatological Expectation.” TR 61 (2006): 195–225.
LEROY, F. J. “Les manuscrits de Montfaucon et l’édition de S. Jean Chrysostome.” TR 20 (1964): 411–17.
LEVY, B. “The Oldest Inventory of St. Nicholas of Bari.” TR 21 (1965): 363–82.
LEVY, I. C. “Grace and Freedom in the Soteriology of John Wyclif.” TR 60 (2005): 279–338.
LEWENT, K. “The ‘Pistola’ of Cerveri de Girona.” TR 6 (1948): 161–86.
LEWIS, A. R. “Count Gerald of Aurillac and Feudalism in South Central France in the Early Tenth Century.” TR 20 (1964): 41–58.
LEWIS, A.W. “Dynastic Structures and Capetian Throneright: The Views of Giles of Paris.” TR 33 (1977): 225–52.
———. “Fourteen Charters of Robert I of Dreux (1152–1188).” TR 41 (1985): 145–80.
———. “The Career of Philip the Cleric, Younger Brother of Louis VII: A Propos of an Unpublished Charter.” TR 50 (1995): 111–27.
LEWIS, C. E. “Ricarus Anglicus: A ‘familiaris’ of Archbishop Hubert Walter.” TR 22 (1966): 469–70.
LEWIS, S. “Sacred Calligraphy: The Chi Rho Page in the Book of Kells.” TR 36 (1980): 139–60.
———. “Henry III and the Gothic Rebuilding of Westminster Abbey: The Problematics of Context.” TR 50 (1995): 129–72.
LEWIS, S., see Emmerson, R. K.
LIEGEY, G. M. “The ‘Canticum amoris’ of Richard Rolle.” TR 12 (1956): 369–92.
LIENHARD, J. T., S.J. “Traditio: Seventy-Five Years.” TR 72 (2017): 1–7.
LILLICH, M. “The Consecration of 1254: Heraldry and History in the Windows of Le Mans Cathedral.” TR 38 (1982): 344–51.
LIMOR, O. “The Origins of a Tradition: King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion.” TR 44 (1988): 453–62.
LINES, D. A. “The Commentary Literature on Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics in Early Renaissance Italy: Preliminary Considerations.” TR 54 (1999): 245–82.
LITTLE, K. C. “Catechesis and Castigation: Sin in the Wycliffe Sermon Cycle.” TR 54 (1999): 213–44.
LIVESEY, S. J., and R. H. ROUSE. “Nimrod the Astronomer.” TR 37 (1981): 203–66.
LOHR, C. H. “Logica Algazelis: Introduction and Critical Text.” TR 21 (1965): 223–90.
———. “Algazel Latinus: Further Manuscripts.” TR 22 (1966): 444–45.
———. “The Arabic Background to Ramon Lull’s Liber chaos (ca. 1285).” TR 55 (2000): 159–70.
———. “Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries.” TR 23 (1967): 313–414 (Authors A–F); TR 24 (1968): 149–246 (G–I); TR 26 (1970): 135–216 (Jacobus–Johannes Juff); TR 27 (1971): 251–352 (Johannes de Kanthi–Myngodus); TR 28 (1972): 281–396 (Narcissus–Richardus); TR 29 (1973): 93–198 (Robertus–Wilgelmus); TR 30 (1974): 119–44 (Supplementary Authors).
———. “Aristotelica Berolinensia.” TR 54 (1999): 353–423.
———. “Aristotelica Matritensia.” TR 53 (1998): 251–308.
———. “Aristotle in the West: Some Recent Books.” TR 25 (1969): 419–30.
———. “Nicholas Cusanus and Ramon Lull: A Comparison of Three Texts on Human Knowledge.” TR 59 (2004): 229–316.
LOHR, C. H., P. KUNZE and B. MUSSLER. “William of Sherwood, Introductiones in logicam: Critical Text.” TR 39 (1983): 200–300.
LOHR, C. H., and F. DOMÍNGUEZ. “Raimundus Lullus, Liber amici et amati: Introduction and Critical Text.” TR 44 (1988): 325–72; TR 45 (1989): 435.
LONG, R. J. “Adam of Buckfield and John Sackville: Some Notes on Philadelphia Free Library MS Lewis European 53.” TR 45 (1989): 364–67.
———. “The Anonymous Peterhouse Master and the Natural Philosophy of Plants.” TR 46 (1991): 313–26.
LONG, R. J., see Jewett, M.
LORENZ, S. “Studium generale Erfordense: Neue Forschungen zum Erfurter Schulleben.” TR 46 (1991): 261–90.
LOURIE, E. “Black Women Warriors in the Muslim Army Besieging Valencia and the Cid’s Victory: A Problem of Interpretation.” TR 55 (2000): 181–209.
LUTTRELL, A. “Fourteenth-Century Hospitaller Lawyers.” TR 21 (1965): 449–55.
LUTZ, C. E. “Remigius’ Ideas on the Classification of the Seven Liberal Arts.” TR 12 (1956): 65–86.
LYNCH, K. M. “The Venerable Bede’s Knowledge of Greek.” TR 39 (1983): 432–38.
MADIGAN, K. “Did Jesus ‘Progress in Wisdom’? Thomas Aquinas on Luke 2:52 in Ancient and High-medieval Context.” TR 52 (1997): 179–200.
MacISAAC, J. D. “‘The Hand of God’: A Numismatic Study.” TR 31 (1975): 322–27.
MACGENNIS, HUGH. “Warrior Saints, Warfare, and the Hagiography of Ælfric of Eynsham.” TR 56 (2001): 27–51.
MacMULLEN, R. “Fourth-Century Bureaucratese.” TR 18 (1962): 364–78.
MAGOUN, F. P. “Chaucer’s Summary of Statius’ Thebaid II–XII.” TR 11 (1955): 409–20.
MAIER, A. “Die Borghese Handschriften der Bibliotheca Vaticana.” TR 6 (1948): 351–55.
MALINGREY, A.-M. “Étude sur les manuscrits d’un texte de Jean Chrysostome: ‘De providentia Dei.’” TR 18 (1962): 25–68.
———. “Étude sur les manuscrits d’un texte de Jean Chrysostome.” TR 20 (1964): 418–27.
———. “Étude sur les manuscrits des lettres de Jean Chrysostome à Olympias.” TR 21 (1965): 425–44.
———. “Rôle du Parisinus Gr. 657 dans l’établissement du texte des lettres de Jean Chrysostome à Olympias.” TR 23 (1967): 439–41.
———. “Un essai de classement dans la tradition manuscrite des homélies de Jean Chrysostome ‘De Incomprehensibili.’” TR 25 (1969): 339–53.
———. “Pour une édition critique du ‘De sacerdotio’ de Jean Chrysostome.” TR 32 (1976): 347–52.
———. “La double tradition manuscrite de la lettre de Jean Chrysostome à Innocent.” TR 37 (1981): 381–87.
MALONEY, R. P. “Usury in Greek, Roman and Rabbinic Thought.” TR 27 (1971): 79–110.
MARAFIOTI, NICOLE. “Unconsecrated Burial and Excommunication in Anglo-Saxon England: A Reassessment.” TR 74 (2019): 55–123.
MARIE, J. “The Cross in the Towneley Plays.” TR 5 (1947): 331–34.
MARIUS, R. C. “Thomas More and the Early Church Fathers.” TR 24 (1968): 379–408.
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* The article by M. W. F. Stone, entitled “Adrian of Utrecht and the University of Louvain: Theology and the Discussion of Moral Problems in the Late Fifteenth Century,” published in Traditio 61 (2006), 247–87, has been reported as containing plagiarized material.