Traditio Issues

Previous Volumes

  • Roberts, M. "Advice to a Sister: Avitus on Chastity (De consolatoria castitatis laude)," Traditio 78 (2023): 1-16.

    Palmer, J. T. "Merovingian Medicine between Practical Art and Philosophy," Traditio 78 (2023): 17-45.

    Sowerby, R. "The 'Second Synod of St. Patrick' and the 'Romans' of the Early Irish Church," Traditio 78 (2023): 47-78.

    Neidorf, L. "Woden and Maxims I," Traditio 78 (2023): 79-104.

    Leja, M. "Beyond the Body and Back Again: Visions of Otherworldly Journeys in Carolingian Theology," Traditio 78 (2023): 105-39.

    Wolever, E. "Post-Carolingian Geographies of North and West in Rodulfus Glaber," Traditio 78 (2023): 141-74.

    Larson, A. A. and C. Killion. "The Exegetical World that Paved the Way for the Glossa Ordinaria: A Study of Manuscripts, Glosses, and Commentaries on Matthew in the Twelfth Century," Traditio 78 (2023): 175-213.

    Pick, L. K. "'Members of the Covenant of the Guide': Reading Maimonides in Christian Toledo," Traditio 78 (2023): 215-61.

    Hayton, M. and R. L. Shaw. "Apocalyptic Asceticism: Completing the Edition of Alexander Minorita's Expositio in Apocalypsim as it is Found in Cambridge, University Library, MM.5.31," Traditio 78 (2023): 263-372.

  • Arbabzadah, M. "Texts Relating to the Death of Matilda de Bailleul, Abbess of Wherwell: St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Lat.Q.V.I.62, fol. 12v," Traditio 77 (2022): 1-29.

    Bird, J. L. "Prophecy, Eschatology, Global Networks, and the Crusades, from Hattin to Frederick II," Traditio 77 (2022): 31-106.

    Calleja-Puerta, M. "Equum et rationale est: Extensión y usos de un preámbulo de memoria en la ciudad de Oviedo (Siglos XII-XIII)," Traditio 77 (2022): 107-27.

    Winkler, E. A. "Grief, Grieving, and Loss in High Medieval Historical Thought," Traditio 77 (2022): 129-83.

    Morreale, L. K. "Wealth and Material Goods in Medieval Italian Civic Historiography," Traditio 77 (2022): 185-233.

    Di Liscia, D. A. and A. Panzica, "The Writings of Nicole Oresme: A Systematic Inventory," Traditio 77 (2022): 235-375.

    Brînzei, M. "Principia on the Sentences in the Faculty of Theology of Bologna: The Case of Augustinus Favaronni of Rome, OESA (†1443)," Traditio 77 (2022): 377-463.

  • Neidorf, L. "The Beowulf Poet's Sense of Decorum," Traditio 76 (2021): 1-28.

    Chazelle, C. "The Power of Oratory: Rereading the Whitby Liber Beati Gregorii," Traditio 76 (2021): 29-77.

    Carlos Martín-Iglesias and S. Iranzo-Abellán, "El tratado Serpens ille veternosus (CPL 1263) atribuido a Julián de Toledo: Estudio, Edición y Traducción," Traditio 76 (2021): 79-115.

    Liu, Y. "Bapistmal Renunciation and the Moral Reform of Charlemagne's Christian Empire," Traditio 76 (2021): 117-55.

    Vanderputten, S. "'Columbanus Wore a Single Cowl, Not a Double One': The Vita Deicoli and the Legacy of Columbanian Monasticism at the Turn of the First Millennium," Traditio 76 (2021): 157-84.

    Harris, N. "The Lion in Medieval Western Europe: Toward an Interpretive History," Traditio 76 (2021): 185-213.

    Miller, M. C. "The Bishops' Books of Città di Castello in Context," Traditio 76 (2021): 215-46.

    Lee, E. L. "Lest the Keys Be Scorned: The Implications of Indulgences for the Church Hierarchy and Thirteenth-Century Canonists' Resistance to the Treasury of Merit," Traditio 76 (2021): 247-87.

    Carabias Orgaz, M. "Dos textos profético-apocalípticos del siglo XIII: De antichristo qui natus est (1227) y Cedrus alta libani (1240)," Traditio 76 (2021): 289-312.

    Lerner, R. E. "Peter of Auvergne's Question 'Whether One is to Believe a Good Angel Revealing Something Good about the Advent of Christ or Antichrist'," Traditio 76 (2021): 313-18.

    Fidora, A. "Stephen of Besançon's Principium in aula (1286): An Epistemological Approach to the Relation between Philosophy and Theology," Traditio 76 (2021): 319-36.

  • Welton, M. "The City Speaks: Cities, Citizens, and Civic Discourse in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages," Traditio 75 (2020): 1-37.

    Trout, D. "Poets and Readers in Seventh-Century Rome: Pope Honorius, Lucretius, and the Doors of St. Peter's," Traditio 75 (2020): 39-85.

    Gamble, J. L. "A Defense of the Carolingian 'Defense of Medicine': Introduction, Translation, and Notes," Traditio 75 (2020): 87-125.

    Bruce, S. G. "Textual Triage and Pastoral Care in the Carolingian Age: The Example of the Rule of Benedict," Traditio 75 (2020): 127-41.

    Phelan, O. M. "The Carolingian Renewal in Early Medieval Europe through Hrabanus Maurus's Commentary on Matthew," Traditio 75 (2020): 143-75.

    Andrés Fernández, D., C. Julia Gutiérrez, E. Hornby, and R. Rojo Carrillo. "Processions and their Chants in the Old Hispanic Liturgy," Traditio 75 (2020): 177-223.

    Pace, M. "Ut animalium pictura: Aristotle's Heart in the Poetry of Giacomo da Lentini," Traditio 75 (2020): 225-51.

    Adams, M. T. "Bonaventure Pondering with Augustine: De civitate Dei 11.2 and the Making of the Itinerarium Mentis in Deum," Traditio 75 (2020): 253-88.

    Dezza, E. "John Duns Scotus on Human Beings in the State of Innocence," Traditio 75 (2020): 289-310.

    McManamon, J. M. "The Lettered Public for the Funeral Orations of Poggio Bracciolini on Francesco Zabarella and Leonardo Giustiniani on Carlo Zeno," Traditio 75 (2020): 311-84.

    Pohl, B. and R. Allen. "Rewriting the Gesta Normannorum Ducum in the Fifteenth Century: Simon de Plumetot's Brevis Cronica Compendiosa Ducum Normannie," Traditio 75 (2020): 385-435.

  • Bergren, T. A. “Greek Loan-Words in the Vulgate New Testament and the Latin Apostolic Fathers,” Traditio 74 (2019): 1–25.

    Brennan, B. “Weaving with Words: Venantius Fortunatus’s Figurative Acrostics on the Holy Cross,” Traditio 74 (2019): 27–53.

    Marafioti, N. “Unconsecrated Burial and Excommunication in Anglo-Saxon England: A Reassessment," Traditio 74 (2019): 55–123.

    Jarrett, J. “Nuns, Signatures, and Literacy in Late-Carolingian Catalonia,” Traditio 74 (2019): 125–52.

    Osborn, M. “The Alleged Murder of Hrethric in Beowulf,Traditio 74 (2019): 153–77.

    Hamilton, S. “Liturgy as History: The Origins of the Exeter Martyrology,” Traditio 74 (2019): 179–222.

    Clark, M. J. “Lincoln MS 230: An Early Version of Peter Lombard’s Lectures on the Sentences,” Traditio 74 (2019): 223–47.

    De Carolos Villamarín, H. “Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada y la compilación historiográfica del códice de Bamberg Hist. 3,” Traditio 74 (2019): 249–70.

    Estévez Sola, J. A. “Los versos desconocidos del Toledano: Propuesta de identificación,” Traditio 74 (2019): 271–78.

    Donavin, G. “The Virgin Mary as Lady Grammar in the Medieval West,” Traditio 74 (2019): 279–305.

    Resnick, I. M. “Albert the Great on Nature and the Production of Hermaphrodites: Theoretical and Practical Considerations," Traditio 74 (2019): 307–34.

    Bugbee, J. “Chaucer’s Lucretia and What Augustine Really Said about Rape: Two Reconsiderations,” Traditio 74 (2019): 335–73.

    Ledo, J. “The Recovery of Freedom of Speech in the Culture of Humanists and the Communicative Origins of the Reformation,” Traditio 74 (2019): 375–422.

    Fox, Y. “Chronicling the Merovingians in Hebrew: The Early Medieval Chapters of Yosef Ha-Kohen’s Divrei Hayamim,” Traditio 74 (2019): 423–47.

  • Carlson, E. “Dryhthelm’s Desire: Compunction and Bede’s Celestial Topography,” Traditio 73 (2018): 1–17.

    Brady, L. “Crowland Abbey as Anglo-Saxon Sanctuary in the Pseudo-Ingulf Chronicle,” Traditio 73 (2018): 19–42.

    Forey, A. J. “The Papacy and the Commutation of Crusading Vows from One Area of Conflict to Another (1095–c. 1300)," Traditio 73 (2018): 43–82.

    O'Hagan, P. “Glossing the Gloss: Reading Peter Lombard’s Collectanea on the Pauline Epistles as a Historical Act," Traditio 73 (2018): 83–116.

    Grant, A. “The Mongol Invasions between Epistolography and Prophecy: The Case of the Letter ‘Ad flagellum,’ c. 1235/36–1338,” Traditio 73 (2018): 117–77.

    Mir, A. “Fluidity in Stillness: A Reading of Hadewijch’s Strofische Gedichten / Poems in Stanzas," Traditio 73 (2018): 179–211.

    Kriesel, J. C. “The Marvelous between Dante and Boccaccio," Traditio 73 (2018): 213–54.

    Casteigt, J. “Metaphysics and Testimonial Knowledge in the Super Iohannem of Albert the Great," Traditio 73 (2018): 255–89.

    Wenzel, S. “The Work Called Congesta and Fifteenth-Century English Theology,” Traditio 73 (2018): 291–319.

  • Lienhard, J. T., S.J. “Traditio: Seventy-Five Years,” Traditio 72 (2017): 1–7.

    Newman, B. “New Seeds, New Harvests: Thirty Years of Tilling the Mystic Field,” Traditio 72 (2017): 9–20.

    De Maeyer, N. and A. Dupont. “Patrum uestigia sequens: The Transmission and Reception of Augustine’s Exegesis of Eph. 3, 17–18 in the Venerable Bede’s Collectio ex opusculis sancti Augustini in epistulas Pauli apostoli,Traditio 72 (2017): 21–59.

    Wright, C. D. and S. Pelle. "The Alphabet of Words in the Durham Collectar: An Edition with Two New Manuscript Witnesses," Traditio 72 (2017): 61–108.

    Cronan, D. "Hroðgar and the Gylden Hilt in Beowulf," Traditio 72 (2017): 109–32.

    Smith, T. W. "Scribal Crusading: Three New Manuscript Witnesses to the Regional Reception and Transmission of the First Crusade Letters," Traditio 72 (2017): 133–69.

    Clark, M. J. “Peter Lombard, Stephen Langton, and the School of Paris: The Making of the Twelfth-century Scholastic Biblical Tradition,” Traditio 72 (2017): 171–274.

    Katherine E. C. Willis. “The Poetry of the Poetria Nova: The Nubes serena and Peregrinatio of Metaphor.” Traditio 72 (2017): 275–300.

    Edward A. Reno III. “Ad agendam penitentiam perpetuam detrudatur: Monastic Incarceration of Adulterous Women in Thirteenth-century Canonical Jurisprudence.” Traditio 72 (2017): 301–40.

    Ayelet Even-Ezra. “Visualizing Narrative Structure in the Medieval University: Divisio textus Revisited.” Traditio 72 (2017): 341–76.

    Marie Schilling Grogan. “Baptisms by Blood, Fire, and Water: A Typological Rereading of the Passio S. Margaretae.” Traditio 72 (2017): 377–409.

    Robert Lerner. “Alfonso Pecha’s Treatise on the Origins of the Great Schism: What an Insider ‘Saw and Heard.’” Traditio 72 (2017): 411–51.

    Magda Hayton. “Hildegardian Prophecy and French Prophecy Collections, 1378–1455: A Study and Critical Edition of the ‘Schism Extracts.’” Traditio 72 (2017): 453–91.

  • Megino Rodriguez, C. “Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo: The Transmission of Cicero and the Context of Their Use,” Traditio 71 (2016): 1–31.

    Ireland, C. “Vernacular Poets in Bede and Muirchú: A Comparative Study of Early Insular Cultural Histories," Traditio 71 (2016): 33–61.

    Phelan, O. M. “New Insights, Old Texts: Clerical Formation and the Carolingian Renewal in Hrabanus Maurus,” Traditio 71 (2016): 63–89.

    Bugyis, K. “The Development of the Consecration Rite for Abbesses and Abbots in Central Medieval England,” Traditio 71 (2016): 91–141.

    Ciardi, A. M. “‘Per clerum et populum’? Reflections on Legal Terminology and Episcopal Appointments in Denmark, 1059–1225," Traditio 71 (2016): 143–78.

    Williams, B. “Glossa ordinaria and Glossa Hebraica — Midrash in Rashi and the Gloss,Traditio 71 (2016): 179–201.

    Andrée, A. “Peter Comestor’s Lectures on the Glossa ‘ordinaria’ on the Gospel of John: The Bible and Theology in the Twelfth-Century Classroom,” Traditio 71 (2016): 203–34.

    Eldevik, J. “Saints, Pagans, and the Wonders of the East: The Medieval Imaginary and Its Manuscript Contexts,” Traditio 71 (2016): 235–72.

    Schenk, J. “Aspects and Problems of the Templars’ Religious Presence in Medieval Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries," Traditio 71 (2016): 273–302.

    Speed, J. “The Thirteenth-Century Codification of the Fueros de Aragón,Traditio 71 (2016): 303–31.

    Hirsh, J. C. “The Twenty-Five Joys of Our Lady: An English Marian Rosary of the Fifteenth Century from Bodleian Library MS Don. d. 85," Traditio 71 (2016): 333–42.

  • Halfond, G. I. “The Endorsement of Royal-Episcopal Collaboration in the Fredegar Chronica,Traditio 70 (2015): 1–28.

    Ireland, C. A. “Where Was King Aldfrith of Northumbria Educated? An Exploration of Seventh-Century Insular Learning,” Traditio 70 (2015): 29–73.

    Sayers, W. “Mesocosms and the Organization of Interior Space in Early Ireland," Traditio 70 (2015): 75–110.

    Carella, B. “The Earliest Expression for Outlawry in Anglo-Saxon Law,” Traditio 70 (2015): 111–43.

    Ivanov, S. “A Note on the Calendar of the Liber Floridus.” Traditio 70 (2015): 145–58.

    Hayward, P. A. “The Cronica de Anglia in London, British Library, Cotton MS Vitellius C.VIII, fols. 6v–21v: Another Product of John of Worcester’s History Workshop.” Traditio 70 (2015): 159–236.

    Schabel, C. “The Myth of the White Monks’ ‘Mission to the Orthodox’: Innocent III, the Cistercians, and the Greeks.” Traditio 70 (2015): 237–61.

    Mensa i Valls, J. “Arnau de Vilanova, el ‘Pequeño Cristo’: Significado y sentido del neologismo christinus en su obra espiritual.” Traditio 70 (2015): 263–80.

    Müller, W. P. “Yes and No: Late Medieval Dispensations from Canonical Bigamy in Theory and Practice," Traditio 70 (2015): 281–305.

    McManamon, J. M., S.J. “Res nauticae: Mediterranean Seafaring and Written Culture in the Renaissance," Traditio 70 (2015): 307–67.

    Edelheit, A. “Poliziano and Philosophy: The Birth of the Modern Notion of the Humanities?” Traditio 70 (2015): 369–405.

    Duffy, R. F. and J. Reppert. “Publications: Fr. Charles H. Lohr, S.J., 1925–2015,” Traditio 70 (2015): 407–22.

  • Inhat, K. “Early Evidence for the Cult of Anne in Twelfth-Century England,” Traditio 69 (2014): 1–44.

    Pohl, B.Abbas qui et scriptor? The Handwriting of Robert of Torigni and His Scribal Activity as Abbot of Mont-Saint-Michel (1154–1186),” Traditio 69 (2014): 45–86.

    Kraebel, A. B. “Middle English Gospel Glosses and the Translation of Exegetical Authority,” Traditio 69 (2014): 87–124.

    Wolf, K. “Somatic Semiotics: Emotion and the Human Face in the Sagas and þættir of Icelanders," Traditio 69 (2014): 125–146.

    Hays, G. “A Poem by Guarino on Leonello of Ferrara,” Traditio 69 (2014): 147–152.

    Minnema, A. “Algazel Latinus: The Audience of the Summa theoricae philosophiae, 1150–1600,” Traditio 69 (2014): 153–215.

  • Burgess, R. W. “The Date, Purpose, and Historical Context of the Original Greek and the Latin Translation of the So-called Excerpta Latina Barbari,” Traditio 68 (2013): 1–56.

    Rose, E.Virtutes apostolorum: Origin, Aim, and Use,” Traditio 68 (2013): 57–96.

    Chiu, H., and D. Juste. “The De tonitruis Attributed to Bede: An Early Medieval Treatise on Divination by Thunder Translated from Irish,” Traditio 68 (2013): 97–124.

    Ritari, K. “The Irish Eschatological Tale The Two Deaths and Its Sources," Traditio 68 (2013): 125–51.

    Forey, A. J. “Western Converts to Islam (Later Eleventh to Later Fifteenth Centuries),” Traditio 68 (2013): 153–231.

    Black, W. “William of Auvergne on the Dangers of Paradise: Biblical Exegesis between Natural Philosophy and Anti-Islamic Polemic," Traditio 68 (2013): 233–58.

    Stutz, D. D. “Papal Legates against the Albigensians: The Debts of the Church of Valence (1215–1250),” Traditio 68 (2013): 259–76.

    Moureau, S.Elixir atque fermentum: New Investigations about the Link between Pseudo-Avicenna’s Alchemical De anima and Roger Bacon: Alchemical and Medical Doctrines,” Traditio 68 (2013): 277–325.

    Febert, H. L. “The Poor Sisters of Söflingen: Religious Corporations as Property Litigants, 1310–1317," Traditio 68 (2013): 327–433.

  • Donato, A. "Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy and the Greco-Roman Consolatory Tradition," Traditio 67 (2012): 1–42.

    Shuler, E. "Caesarius of Arles and the Development of the Ecclesiastical Tithe: From a Theology of Almsgiving to Practical Obligations," Traditio 67 (2012): 43–70.

    Ponesse, M. "Standing Distant from the Fathers: Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel and the Reception of Early Medieval Learning," Traditio 67 (2012): 71–100.

    Albertson, D. "Achard of St. Victor (d. 1171) and the Eclipse of the Arithmetic Model of the Trinity," Traditio 67 (2012): 101–44.

    Jones, E. A. "Rites of Enclosure: The English Ordines for the Enclosing of Anchorites, S. XXII – S. XVI," Traditio 67 (2012): 145–234.

    Obrist, B. "Twelfth-Century Cosmography, the De secretis philosophie, and Masha'allah (Attr. to), Liber de Orbe," Traditio 67 (2012): 235–76.

    Craun, E. D. "Aristotle's Biology and Pastoral Ethics: John of Wales's De lingua and British Pastoral Writing on the Tongue," Traditio 67 (2012): 277–304.

    Gonzalez Manjarres, M. Á. "La rise en la fisiognomía antigua y medieval," Traditio 67 (2012): 305–40.

    Mantello, F. A. C., and J. Goering. "Robert Grosseteste's Quoniam Cogitatio, A Treatise on Confession," Traditio 67 (2012): 341–84.

    Johnson, H. "The Divine Dinner Party: Domestic Imagery and Easter Preaching in Late Medieval England," Traditio 67 (2012): 385–415.

  • Santamaria Hernandez, M. T. "El capítulo De Vulture del Liber medicinae ex animalibus de Sexto Plácido: Relación con la zooterapia hermética y propuestas de enmienda al texto," Traditio 66 (2011): 1–26.

    Pick, L. K. "Liturgical Renewal in Two Eleventh-Century Royal Spanish Prayerbooks," Traditio 66 (2011): 27–66.

    Norton, M. L.,and A. J. Carr. "Liturgical Manuscripts, Liturgical Practice, and the Women of Klosterneuburg," Traditio 66 (2011): 67–170.

    Yeager, S. "The South English Legendary 'Life of St. Egwine': An Edition," Traditio 66 (2011): 171–88.

    Dzon, M. "Jesus and the Birds in Medieval Abrahamic Traditions," Traditio 66 (2011): 189–230.

    Hobbins, D. "A Rediscovered Work of Jean Gerson on a Spiritual Classic: Admonitio super librum qui dicitur Clymachus de xxx gradibus perfectionis (ca. 1396–1400)," Traditio 66 (2011): 231–66.

    Hernandez Lobato, J. "La recepción de Sidonio Apolinar en los albores del Humanismo: Petrarca y Salutati como intérpretes y transmisores de la cultura tardoantigua," Traditio 66 (2011): 267–306.

  • O’Loughlin, T. “Harmonizing the Truth: Eusebius and the Problem of the Four Gospels,” Traditio 65 (2010): 1–29.

    Svensson, M. “¿Adiaphora en San Agustín?” Traditio 65 (2010): 31–46.

    Vanderputten, S., and B. Meijns. “Realities of Reformist Leadership in Early Eleventh-Century Flanders: The Case of Leduin, Abbot of Saint-Vaast,” Traditio 65 (2010): 47–74.

    Skemer, D. C.Armis Gunfe: Remembering Egyptian Days,” Traditio 65 (2010): 75–106.

    Mesler, K. “The Epistle of Merlin on the Popes: A New Source on the Late Medieval Notion of the Angel Pope,” Traditio 65 (2010): 107–76.

    Pontani, F. “The World on a Fingernail: An Unknown Byzantine Map, Planudes, and Ptolemy,” Traditio 65 (2010): 177–200.

    Weill-Parot, N. “Astrology, Astral Influences, and Occult Properties in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries,” Traditio 65 (2010): 201–30.

    Frazier, A. “A Layman’s Life of St. Augustine in Late Medieval Italy: Patronage and Polemic,” Traditio 65 (2010): 231–86.

  • Amt, E. “Ela Longespee’s Roll of Benefits: Piety and Reciprocity in the Thirteenth Century," Traditio 64 (2009): 1–56.

    Boynton, S. “A Monastic Death Ritual from the Imperial Abbey of Farfa,” Traditio 64 (2009): 57–84.

    Ferraces Rodriguez, A.Ad profluvia sanguinis remedia tria: Un texto sobre las propiedades hemostáticas y enmenagogas del moral y del puerro,” Traditio 64 (2009): 85–103.

    Florio, R. “Discere-Docere: Tertuliano y Alcuino frente a la paideia oficial," Traditio 64 (2009): 105–38.

    Fredborg, K. M. “Petrus Helias’s Summa on Cicero’s De inventione,Traditio 64 (2009): 139–82.

    Gundacker, J. “Absolutions and Acts of Disobedience: Excommunication and Society in Fourteenth-Century Armagh,” Traditio 64 (2009): 183–212.

    Teske, R. J. “Henry of Ghent on Anselm’s Proslogion Argument,” Traditio 64 (2009): 213–28.

    Van Der Lugt, M. “‘Abominable Mixtures’: The Liber vaccae in the Medieval West, or The Dangers and Attractions of Natural Magic,” Traditio 64 (2009): 229–77.

    Wei, J. “Gratian and the School of Laon," Traditio 64 (2009): 279–322.

  • Kovacic, F. “Intensität der Elementarqualitäten nach Galen,” Traditio 63 (2008): 1–45.

    Dempsey, G. T. “Aldhelm of Malmesbury and High Ecclesiasticism in a Barbarian Kingdom,” Traditio 63 (2008): 47–88.

    Downey, S. “Too Much of Too Little: Guthlac and the Temptation of Excessive Fasting,” Traditio 63 (2008): 89–127.

    Knibbs, E. “The Manuscript Evidence for the De octo quaestionibus Ascribed to Bede,” Traditio 63 (2008): 129–83.

    Gwara, S. “The Foreign Beowulf and the ‘Fight at Finnsburg.,” Traditio 63 (2008): 185–233.

    Hammer, C. I. “‘Pipinus Rex’: Pippin’s Plot of 792 and Bavaria,” Traditio 63 (2008): 235–76.

    Erismann, C. “The Trinity, Universals, and Particular Substances: Philoponus and Roscelin," Traditio 63 (2008): 277–305.

    Peterson, J. L. “The Politics of Sanctity in Thirteenth-Century Ferrara,” Traditio 63 (2008): 307–26.

    Giralt, S.Proprietas: Las propiedades ocultas según Arnau de Vilanova,” Traditio 63 (2008): 327–60.

  • Whalen, B. “Rethinking the Schism of 1054: Authority, Heresy, and the Latin Rite.” Traditio 62 (2007): 1–24.

    Staley, L. “Susanna and English Communities,” Traditio 62 (2007): 25–58.

    Von Perger, M. “Walter Burley, Quid sit subiectum scientiae naturalis: Eine Edition von Quaestiones super Librum physicorum, q. 2, und von Expositio vetus cum quaestionibus super Librum physicorum, q. 1.1,” Traditio 62 (2007): 59–81.

    Furnish, S. “Thematic Structure and Symbolic Motif in the Middle English Breton Lays,” Traditio 62 (2007): 83–118.

    Morey, J. H. “Chaucer, the ‘corones tweyne,’ and the Eve of Saint Agnes,” Traditio 62 (2007): 119–33.

    Curley, M. J. “The Miracles of Saint David: A New Text and Its Context,” Traditio 62 (2007): 135–205.

    Carlson, D. R. “Gower on Henry IV’s Rule: The Endings of the Cronica Tripertita and Its Texts," Traditio 62 (2007): 207–36.

    Berger, H. “Ein bemerkenswerter spätmittelalterlicher Codex zur Philosophie, Astronomie und Medizin: Mainz, Stadtbibliothek, HS 1613,” Traditio 62 (2007): 237–58.

    Tracy, L. “The Middle English Life of Saint Dorothy in Trinity College, Dublin MS 319: Origins, Parallels, and Its Relationship to Osbern Bokenham’s Legendys of Hooly Wummen,"  Traditio 62 (2007): 259–84.

    Tubau, X. “Los sentidos internos en la prosa medieval castellana (a propósito de Alfonso el Sabio y Juan de Mena),” Traditio 62 (2007): 285–316.

    Fortuna, S. “The Prefaces to the First Humanist Medical Translations," Traditio 62 (2007): 317–35.

  • Fortuna, S., and A. Raia. “Corrigenda and Addenda to Diels’ Galenica by Richard J. Durling: III. Manuscripts and Editions,” Traditio 61 (2006): 1–30.

    Christesen, P., and Z. Martirosova-Torlone. “The Olympic Victor List of Eusebius: Background, Text, and Translation,” Traditio 61 (2006): 31–93.

    Jolly, K. L. “Prayers from the Field: Practical Protection and Demonic Defense in Anglo-Saxon England,” Traditio 61 (2006): 95–147.

    Clark, J. R. “Anonymous on Alchemy, Aristotle, and Creation: An Unedited Thirteenth-Century Text,” Traditio 61 (2006): 149–66.

    Estevez Sola, J. A. “Fuentes Menores del Chronicon Mundi de Lucas de Yuy y un Apéndice de Pedro Coméstor,” Traditio 61 (2006): 167–93.

    Lerner, R. E., and C. Morerod. “The Vision of ‘John, Hermit of the Asturias’: Lucas of Tuy, Apostolic Religion, and Eschatological Expectation,” Traditio 61 (2006): 195–225.

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