Regulation of Online Reputation

Join the McGannon Center staff for lunch and a discussion by Arthur Hayes on the regulation of online reputation on Friday, February 2, 2018. This week we will be at the McGannon Center, located at 2532 Hughes Ave., Bronx, NY. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. with discussion to follow.
Arthur Hayes joined academia full-time in 1998 after working as a writer and editor at several print outlets: Horizon magazine, Trans-urban News Service, The Record in Bergen County, N.J., the Philadelphia Bulletin, Tennis magazine, The American Lawyer, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly in Westport, Ct., and The National Law Journal. While attending law school, he started a career as a legal journalist, practicing that specialty at the American Lawyer and The Wall Street Journal. Later, he worked as an associate editor at the National Law Journal. While teaching at Quinnipiac University, he served as a consulting editor with The New York Law Journal and part-time editor with the National Law Journal. At Quinnipiac, he served as director of the undergraduate and graduate journalism programs in the university?s School of Communications.
His research interests are varied: ethnic media ownership, journalism ethics, the history, theory and practice of press criticism and press critics, First Amendment doctrine and theory, democratic discourse theory, and the intersection of mass media law and mass media technologies.