Julie Kleinman

Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Department, Arts and Sciences

[email protected]

Areas of Research:
African migration; West African social movements; global south cities, infrastructure, and urbanism.

Dr. Julie Kleinman is an urban anthropologist working in France and francophone West Africa. Her research examines how migration changes urban spaces and social relations. Her book, Adventure Capital: Migration and the Making of an African Hub in Paris, examines how West African migrants retool French urban infrastructures to create alternative pathways toward social and economic integration where state institutions have failed. She has also been conducting fieldwork in Mali (Bamako and Kayes) for a second book project on everyday pan-Africanism as seen through African migrants’ experience in Mali, deportee rights activism, and return migrants’ novel approaches to political participation and development projects. Dr. Kleinman has also done research on the construction of cultural difference in French schools, French urban planning and “African” markets in Paris, social activism and humanitarian aid in Mali, and the transnational kinship practices of Malian migrants.


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