Stephanie M. Huezo

Assistant Professor, History Department, Arts and Sciences

[email protected]

Areas of Research:
Modern Latin America, Central American Studies, Oral History, Immigration, Popular Education, El Salvador.

Dr. Stephanie M. Huezo is an assistant professor of Latin American History and Central American Studies at Fordham University. Her research focuses on grassroots organizing and popular education in Salvadoran communities both in El Salvador and the United States. Her manuscript, tentatively titled Revolutionary Learners: Grassroots Organizing and Political Consciousness in Salvadoran communities (1980-2020), uses oral history, archival research, and ethnography to demonstrate how Salvadorans developed a repertoire of organizing tools based on popular and political consciousness and a critical examination of their reality, popular education, to resist social, legal, and physical violence in everyday life both in El Salvador and the United States. Huezo is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)’s Popular Education Collective where she serves as an advisor for the various materials developed for day laborer and immigrant-serving organizations. She is also a member of the editorial board for NDLON’s Popular Education Blog.


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