Spring 2023 Research Events

Research Day 2023
Every year, the University recognizes faculty research at Fordham Research Day, an in-person event held this past March at the Fordham School of Law. The keynote speaker was Jeannette Wing, Ph.D., executive vice president of research and professor of computer science at Columbia University. Dr. Wing spoke about “Trustworthy AI.”
Also, we honored five faculty members with this year’s Distinguished Research Awards, and heard presentations from six new book authors during concurrent sessions. See the Research in the News section to review a synopsis of each of the six books presented by their authors.

From left to right: Jonathan Crystal, Ipsita Banerjee, Atinuke Adediran, Benjamin Segal for Grace Lee, Juntao Chen, Asif Siddiqi, Dennis Jacobs
International Conference on Social and Environmental Justice
May 1 & 2, 2023

This conference drew on over 80 scholars residing in 13 foreign countries on four continents – Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America – who submitted abstracts, and 50 of them were selected to deliver presentations. From community gardens to technology access, this multi-disciplinary conference addressed the sources of environmental degradation, racism, ableism, and rising inequality with regard to access to resources and information around the world.
In her opening remarks to those attending, President Tania Tetlow offered her “hope…that you will energize and inspire each other [and that] we will come up with the sorts of solutions that lie in the complexity… And that we do it in a way that models that for our students because that is all about where we can locate the hope.”

The research of this conference has captured the attention of a top journal in Europe, Social Science. The organizing committee has been invited to publish a special issue of this journal on Social and Environmental Justice which will feature papers written by some of the conference presenters. This journal invitation is a prime example of the positive outcomes of a forum such as this for researchers, activists and students imagining together a more just and humane landscape. The Fordham News article on this conference offers more details.

From left to right: Nina Gray from NYU, Skyllar Walkes from Columbia University, Chief Research Officer George Hong, Provost Dennis Jacobs, President Tania Tetlow