Office of Research Spring 2024 Newsletter

Audience listening to speaker at Fordham-IBM Workshop on Generative AI - October 27, 2023

From the Chief Research Officer

Dear Fordham community,

I trust this message finds you well and that your Spring semester is off to a positive start. I'm excited to share some noteworthy updates and achievements:

* $50 Million Environmental Justice Grant:

We are thrilled to announce that Fordham has secured a groundbreaking $50 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is the largest single grant in Fordham's history. The grant will focus on addressing environmental concerns in underserved communities. Fordham will play a key role in awarding and administering sub-grants to organizations aligned with the program's objectives. For more details, please refer to the Fordham News article covering this significant achievement. The P.I. for this grant is Dr. Julie Gafney, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Mission Initiatives and Executive Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning.

* Staff Updates in 2023:

The year 2023 marked a significant milestone in terms of staffing. We successfully filled five open positions, and our new team members have demonstrated remarkable dedication and capability in meeting the challenges of their roles. For further information, please review Staff Updates, and join me in extending congratulations and a warm welcome to these valuable additions to our team.

 * Upcoming Events - Spring 2024

A. Save the Date: Research Day – 10:30 am – 2:00 pm, April 22, 2024, Rose Hill campus in Walsh Library.

 Join us for a day of celebration and intellectual exploration on Research Day. Here are some highlights:

 1) Opening Remarks: President Tetlow and Provost Jacobs will set the stage with insightful opening remarks;

 2) Distinguished Research Award Ceremony: Witness the presentation of the 2024 Distinguished Research Awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to our academic community;

 3) Keynote Speaker: We are honored to have Professor David Chalmers from NYU. Dr. Chalmers is a NYU University Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science, and co-director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness.

 4) Research Forum: Research Reports and Accomplishments. Hear from the 2023 Fordham-IBM fellows and interns, as well as the participants of the 2023 Faculty Research Abroad Program, as they share their reports and accomplishments.

B. Second Annual Symposium on Data Science and AI: Empowering Society for the Greater Good – 10 am – 6:00 pm, April 11, 2024 in Law School, Costantino & Bateman rooms. Fordham faculty and students are invited to present their research and applications in the Data Science and AI areas, with a special focus on works that provide a clear benefit to society. In order to apply, please send a submission via email by February 16, 2024 to with the following:

Personal info: Presenter name, department, and email

Presentation Info: Title, abstract (500-800 words) and a mandatory short description of the benefits to society

Optional Info: Key collaborators with affiliations, as well as published paper(s) or materials (via attachment or URL) which serve as the basis for the presentation.

C. Federal Grant Workshop. – 11 am – 1 pm, May 3, 2024 at the O’Hare Special Collections, Walsh Library, Rose Hill campus. The Office of Sponsored Programs will organize a workshop this semester, “Federal Fellowship Workshop'' with a focus on Pre-doctoral students and Postdoctoral Fellows. Lunch will follow starting at 1 pm.

D. Public Interest Technology Symposium – April 29, 2024 at McNally Auditorium, Lincoln Center campus. Fordham will host its first Public Interest Technology Symposium to further advance the goals of PIT-UN. Last year Fordham University became a member of the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) with the support of the Office of Provost. Established in March 2019, the PIT-UN fosters collaboration between universities and colleges to build the field of public interest technology and nurture a new generation of civic-minded technologists. Its membership is 59 U.S. and 4 international members, including 70% of the top tech schools in the nation. Registration and further information will be available shortly.

* External Grants Award Report:

The External Grants Award Report for July - December 2023 is now available for review. These updates highlight our commitment to excellence in research, innovation, and community engagement.

Thank you for your continued dedication to advancing knowledge and making a positive impact.

Best regards,

George Hong
Chief Research Officer and Associate Provost for Research