Club Sport Forms
While not all clubs are required to have an advisor, those who do may choose whether to appoint them as independent contractors in a volunteer or paid role. Clubs ultimately decided upon who they would like to serve as an advisor for the club, if they wish to have one.
Advisors who are appointed on a volunteer basis must complete a volunteer advisor form prior to scheduling an interview with the Club Sport Manager.
Advisors who are appointed on a paid basis must complete a paid advisor form prior to scheduling an interview with the Club Sport Manager.
Paid advisors must submit documentation for payment at the conslusion of every month they work. This includes a W-9, Independent Contractor Agreement and an invoice. All documents that require signatures (i.e. W-9 and Independent Contractor Agreement) must be hand signed in order to be accepted for processing. The verbiage in the Independent Contractor Agreement must reflect the pay and dates for the current month the advisor is being paid for.
Clubs have the oppportunity to use many of our illustrious facilities, including Murphy Field, Coffey Field and Lombardi Memorial Center Field House. In order to use these areas, clubs need to request facility space using a Club Sport Facilities Request Form. If the request is for a game, it must be submitted no later than the Thursday of the week prior to the game, as the Club Sport department schedules staffing for club games. Any non-game requests are needed at least one week in advance of the date the space is being requested for.
Following the conclusion of a Club Sport game, clubs are to report their scores using the Club Sport Game Score Reporting form. The club sport department takes a vesting interest in the performance of our clubs and wants to promote the success of them. Clubs are asked to submit the score of their contest within 24 hours of the contest, as well as provide any additional information, such as personal performances.
In order to ensure that club members have the proper documentation compelted to participate, clubs are required to complete an attendance form within 24 hours of their practice, home event, away event, tournament, race or meet. In the event of any issues, it is helpful to have a record of which members of the club attended any given event.
In an effort to ensure clubs are using their practice time correclty, clubs need to cancel any practice time they are not using at least 2 hours in advance of their practice. We want to avoid any potential situations of wrong doing with facilities that occur during club practice times when the club is not utilizing the space.
Towards the end of each semester, clubs complete Practice Request Forms to indicate the days and times they are available to practice the following semester. Practice days and times change semester to semester, and year to year, depending on the requests of other clubs and availability of our spaces.
Prior to all games, events and competitions, clubs are required to register their event with the Club Sport office using the Club Sport Event Registration form. The Club Sport office must be made aware of all competitions that clubs take place in so it can assist in marketing the events, updating the Club Sport website and are aware of club competitions.
Shortly after Spring Break, clubs begin working on a worksheet to layout their projected expenses and revenue for the next fiscal year. By completing the Club Sport Budget Worksheet, clubs will be approved for an operational budget for the next fiscal year, as well as a threshold of revenue they must meet. A clubs budget helps to determine the allocation they are eligible for during the next fiscal year.
In the event a club member is given approval to spend their own personal money on an object that will be paid for using club money, they may submit a Club Sport Reimbursement form. In order to do so, the club treasurer must submit the form on their behalf and include the receipt of the purchase that will be reimbursed.
Clubs are encouraged to run at least one fundraiser per semester. When a club's vice-president is looking to hold the fundraiser, they must complete a Proposal to Fundraise at least one week prior to the date of the fundraiser to ensure the fundraiser is appropriate.
Clubs looking to make purchases will need contact vendors to inquire whether they accept a Purchase Order. If they do, clubs will need to receive a quote for the items they are looking to purchase. Once they receive the quote, it should be uploaded using the Purchase Request form so the club sport office can create the necessary documents to send to Strategic Sourcing for a Purchase Order to be created. Any vendors who are not already in Strategic Sourcing's program will also need to include a W-9 and will be required to complete a RFI.
Once the club sport office receives the order, the club will need to contact the vendor to get an invoice for the order. Upon receiving the invoice, it should be uploaded using the Vendor Payment form so it can be paid.
Club Sport teams are required to have a President, Vice-President and Treasurer. When one leaves their position, whether it be due to graduation, study abroad or other reasons, the club must elect an individual to take their place. Once they have done so, a Change of Officer form is required so the Club Sport office is aware of the officers for each club. Officers who are leaving at the end of the spring semester must have the form completed by March 31, while officers leaving at the end of the fall must complete the form by November 30.
In the event any incidents take place during a club event, club members are required to complete an Incident Report to inform the Club Sport office that an incident has occured. During home club events where there is supervision, the supervisor is responsible for completing the report, if they are aware of the situation.
In the event of any injury that occurs during a club function (i.e. home game, away game, tournament, practice, etc.), the club must complete an Injury Report within 24 hours of the injury. All injuries that occur during club functions must be on file with the Club Sport office.
At the beginning of a Club Sport President's tenure, they will be asked to complete an Entrance Interview Questionnaire. The Club Sport Office wants to establish a good rapport and relationship with the presidents of all clubs. To start that relationship off, entrance interviews are conducted to get an understanding of the goals, objectives and visions of the new president, and how the Club Sport Office can help achieve them.
At the conclusion of a Club Sport President's tenure, they will be asked to complete an Exit Interview Questionnaire. Club Sport President's have a close working relationship with the Club Sport Office and hold a large amount of responsibilities for their respective clubs. The Club Sport Office respects the thoughts and opinions of those presidents and, as a part of that, wants to learn how the office can better themselves and the Club Sport program as a whole.
At the beginning of the fall semester, every club will be required to complete a Registration Form. This form provides information for the club, such as their membership dues, quarters they plan on being active, advisors, eBoard and social media accounts.
At the end of every academic year, clubs must return all equipment that was purchased using club funds. Equipment purchased with club funds are the property of the club sport program and must be returned. Clubs must schedule a date and time to drop off equipment after their last practice or competition and the equipment must have an Inventory Form with it. Clubs who have off-campus storage should still submit an inventory form. At the beginning of the fall semester, clubs are to pick up equipment prior to their first practice.
After a club sport athlete participates in up to 4 tryouts or attends a maximum of 4 trial practices will be required to complete an Assumption of Risk form. These forms must be printed, hand signed and turned in to the Club Sport Manager. A copy will either be emailed or handed to the club sport president upon completion and the copy will be kept in the club sport binder at all times.
In the event a club has a competition that coincides with a academic obligation, the club member may complete an Excused Absence Form to request an exused absence from their class. The form must be completed and delivered to the Club Sport Manager for their signature. The club athlete may then hand the form to any professors whose class they will miss due to the conflict.
All club sport athletes must have their own health insurance in order to participate in the club sport program. In the event of a medical emergency, club sport athletes must complete and turn in a Health Insurance and Emergency Contact form by the second Friday of the semester. This form can be emailed to the Club Sport Manager, unless a parent/guardians signature is required in the event the athlete is under 18 years old. If a partent/guardian signature is required, the signature must be hand signed and can then be scanned or handed in to the Club Sport Manager.
All clubs must complete and submit a comprehensive roster by the second Friday of the semester. Rosters must be on file with the Club Sport department to check academic eligibility and completion of the participation requirements. Any changes to the roster should be done by completing and resending the roster form.
All referees working Fordham Univeristy Club Sport games are required to submit a completed W-9 and Independent Contractor Agreement, as well as an invoice to the club following the completion of their service. Once a referee has worked a game for Fordham University during the academic year, a W-9 is not needed again, but a new Independent Contractor Agreement and invoice are. All documents that require a signature (i.e. Independent Contractor Agreement and W-9) must be hand signed in order to be accepted for processing.
Upon completion of the necessary paperwork, referee paperwork should be uploaded by the club using the Referee Payment form. Clubs must ensure that the Independent Contractor Agreement, W-9 and Invoice are included. Please ensure all forms are hand signed, the address on all forms are the same and the amount to be paid on all forms are the same.
The Club Sport program benefits from the use of Fordham University's Ram Van service. Clubs may request the use of a Ram Van for club travel to competitions and events. In order to request a van, club must complete the Ram Van Request form at least one week prior to their date(s) of travel and the club must have at least 2 approved drivers per van requested when the form is submitted (Club Sport athletes have the opportunity get certified to drive a Ram Van for club travel). In the event the club does not have at least 2 approved drivers per van when the form is submitted, the club will need to rent a driver from the Ram Van office (this will be taken care of by the Club Sport Manager).
When clubs travel off campus for any club related function (i.e. off-campus practice, road games, off-campus events, etc.), the club must complete a Travel Itinerary at least two days prior to the travel date. The travel itinerary includes a list of club athletes traveling with the team. Only approved club members, advisors and chaperones may travel with the team to their destination.
In the event a club is taking an off campus trip and one of their approved club members is either not departing from the same location as everyone else or is not returning to the same location as everyone else, a Travel Itinerary Addendum is required. In addition to the Travel Itinerary, the Travel Itinerary Addendum is meant to give the club sport deparment an understanding of where club players are going when traveling off campus.
Club Sport athletes who do not reside at Rose Hill, but have been approved by the club sport program to participate in their respective club sport, have the opportunity to have their Ram Van passes paid for. The Ram Van passes are strictly for travel to Rose Hill for club functions (i.e. practices, events, home games, etc.). Students who do not reside at Rose Hill can complete a Ram Van Pass form to request free passes for the Ram Van.
The Club Sport office does not approve drivers to use the Ram Van. This must be done through the Ram Van office.
- All perspective drivers shoul dreview the "Who Can Drive" Section of the transportation website to ensure they are eligible to be a certified Ram Van driver. Please make sure you fit the criteria before submitting an applicaiton.
- Once determining you are eligible to driver a Ram Van, you will need to complete a Driver Application Form. If you are already certified to drive a van, please do not submit this form again. Anyone who is ineligible to drive will need to work with the Ram Van office to become eligible again.
- Upon submitting an application form, perspective drivers will also be required to complete a road test with the Ram Van office. Their office will schedule the test following a review of the applciation. Tests will resume in September. A defensive driving course may also be required.
- Complete a physical. If a club athlete is having a physical completed by their own doctor, please have them to submit it to Health Services upon completion for review at A physical form can be found here.