Honor Your Graduate

Messages to Graduates from Family and Friends

Congratulations to the entire Class of 2024! If you'd like to leave a message for your graduate, please make a gift of any size to the Honor Your Graduate Campaign

Abigail Agabs

Abigail, we're so honored to see you graduate. Congratulations!
Be bold, be courageous, be yourself and have no fear!

You are going to be a star!
Proud of you!
Love you!!

- Mom, Dad, Max, Josh and S&M

Sara Amello

Congratulations Sara! We are so proud of you!

- Love, Mom, Dad and Christopher

Peter Bartley

Congratulations Peter!! We are so happy for you!! Much Love!!

- Mom, Dad, Avery, Oreo & Max xo

Melissa Bautista

Congratulations, Melissa!  I’m very proud of you!  It is admirable to witness the tenacious attitude you displayed the entire 4 years at Fordham LC and, not to mention, you started college at the beginning of pandemic.  You remained focused and brave as you willingly adapted to a new way of living and learning.  You did not allow those significant changes deter you from pursuing your college education and learn about Camera Acting. You persisted and never waver therefore I am confident you will be successful in everything you do after graduation as you pursue your career and transition to adulthood.  I love you very much, baby 💗

- Mama

Congratulations to my stinky sister who I look down to( cause I’m taller ), who inspires me in every way except dancing cause I’m better at it.

- David

On Sunday October 13, 2002 at about 830 am your mom and I sped to Huntington Memorial Hospital in anticipation of your imminent birth. It didn’t happen right away. You made us wait. The nurse turned on the TV and we watched football games (well I did not your mom) until the nurse changed the channel to a baseball game. The Angels and the Twins, a championship game. The Angels were down until about 420 pm. That’s when they started making a comeback. At 430 pm the crowd was sensing something. So was I. A big rally or a birth. The crowd was loud and the sound filled the hospital room. At about the same time your mom started having her contractions. The Doctor put on some goggles and assumed a catchers stance. I was to her left and there was a nurse to her right. Suddenly the crowd noise on the TV erupted into cheers of joy pride, and love. It was at that time you decided to slide home, welcomed by Angels, Angel fans and everyone in the hospital room. My angel was home safe, and the first thing you did was smile. You smiled at me as I stared at you in awe. I see that smile everytime I look at you. Melissa congratulations, you worked hard and earned your degree through obstacles and difficulties. You live, you learn as Alanis sang. And I know you will never stop learning and smiling. I’m very proud of the actress you’ve become, the woman you’ve become and the person that you are. I love you very much and will continue to support you with whatever you need. But remember to cancel any free trial in-app subscriptions after you use them, and before getting charged outrageously for them. I love you ! 

- Papa

John Bechtel

We love you and are so proud of the person you have become!!!! 

- Mom, Dad and Anna

Alexandra Bedard

Your Big Day is finally here! Relish your accomplishment and cherish the memories! We love you to the moon & back!!

- Mom, Dad, Natalie & Bennett

Chase Bene

Congratulations on being a Fordham graduate- You have made us all very proud! We are so happy your amazing journey will continue at Baylor Law.

- Dad, Mom & Mia

Lindsey Berry

Congratulations Lindsey on this fabulous milestone in your life!! You are absolutely incredible—so accomplished, brilliant and multitalented!! I’m so proud to say, “She’s MY daughter” Cheers to the newest College Graduate, you have the World at your fingertips!! Remember to stay true to yourself, never give up on your dreams and always know how much you are loved and treasured. Enjoy this special moment in time, may good fortune continue to shine upon you always, I love you most of all!!

- Mom

Caterina Bocardo

Catie mosita!!! Super proud of you. Love you to the moon and back.

- Renata, Carlo, Isa, & Eleo

Muchas felicidades! Te amo tanto. Que orgullo ser tu mamá. You are always my sunshine!

- Mom

Congratulations Catie!! Beyond proud of everything that you’ve done and so excited to see all of the amazing things that you will do. How lucky I am to have you as my sister! I love you!

- Isa

Muy orgullosa de ti. Te amo

- Tia Eleo

Severin Bokus

Bravo Severin. Felicitations!

- Maman

Stefania Bonanni

Congratulations, Stefania!!! We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished during your years at Fordham! We love you with all our hearts! May God Bless you and watch over you as you continue on your amazing journey!

- Mommy and Papa

Mary Olivette Bookman

Mary Olivette, your entire life has been a gift from God. You were our miracle before you were born…from the moment we saw and heard your heart beating on Day 40, to leaping in your Mama’s womb to stop us from going to the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. We have no doubt your experiences as a toddler when Hurricane Katrina devastated our Gulf Coast, then a High School Senior during the Pandemic, shaped your compassion and love of others, especially children.

You can’t imagine how proud we are of you. All we ever asked is that you do your best…your best has been phenomenal!!! We have no doubt you’ll be a phenomenal Music Teacher and can’t wait to see what you do next.
Congratulations and we love you Sweetie Pie!

- Dad, Mama, & all your Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, & Prince of Peace Catholic Parish Family

Nicole Braun

So proud of you!

- Dad

Ellen Brooks

You never cease to amaze us, miracle baby!!  Your incredible work ethic, quick mind, and compassionate heart are just a few qualities that will steer your next chapter. We look forward to watching your story unfold and your light illuminate the world. We love you to the moon and back forever and always!!!!

- Mom and Dad

Alana Brown

Congratulations Alana! We are so proud of you!

- Mom and Dad

Congratulations to our granddaughter, Alana Brown. We are so proud of you. We wish you all the best, happiness and success as you start on your life’s journey
Love you!

- Maga and Paga

William F Brown

Great job Will! Remember, Life Moves Pretty Fast!

- Mom and Dad

Jemma Burris

Congratulations on your graduation from Fordham! You’ve always made your academic success look easy, but we know how much discipline and dedication has gone into your achievements. Bravo Phi Kappa Phi! It has been a wondrous experience to see you stretch and grow over the past four years, and we are so proud of the person we see. You make brave choices, and surround yourself with wonderful people. We know you will go far in life because of your compassion, loyalty and curiosity. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter! We love you so much.\

- Momma & Mommy

Evan Camputo

Evan as you graduate today we are filled with memories that we will cherished forever. What an amazing ride these 4 years have been. As you celebrate this milestone, remember that you are capable of turning any dream into reality. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement, and may your future be filled with infinite possibilities! We love you!

- Mom, Dad, and Mia

William Carlock

Congratulations, Will!

- Mom and Dad

Erika Carmody

Congratulations, Erika!

Today marks a significant milestone in your life journey, filled with dedication, growth, and boundless possibilities. As you celebrate this momentous occasion, our hearts overflow with pride and joy for you.

When you were little, you were so smart, beautiful, and curious. Now, as you’ve grown into a remarkable young woman, those qualities have only flourished. Throughout your college years, you’ve exemplified resilience, intelligence, and an insatiable curiosity. Your hard work, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to excellence have led you to this remarkable day. Yet, amidst the academic rigor, it’s the friendships you’ve nurtured that have truly enriched your college experience. Hold on to those cherished bonds and memories dearly.

As you venture into the world beyond Fordham, carry with you the invaluable lessons learned and the experiences that have shaped you into the exceptional person you are today. Approach the challenges ahead with confidence, knowing you possess the knowledge, skills, and determination to conquer them.

May God continue to bless you abundantly as you navigate the path ahead. Know that your family stands steadfastly beside you, cheering you on every step of the way. We wholeheartedly believe in your boundless potential to realize your dreams and leave a positive mark on the world.

Congratulations, Erika, on this extraordinary achievement. May your future be brimming with limitless opportunities, genuine happiness, and profound fulfillment. We're excited to see where your journey takes you next.

We love you and are so proud of you!

 - Mom & Dad

Ava Carreiro

These past 4 years have flown and we have loved seeing you soar-congratulations Ava!

- Mom and Dad

Megan Carter

Congratulations Megan! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Chasing a dream requires hard work, passion and many sacrifices. We can not wait to see what you accomplish as you embark on your next chapter!

- Mom, Dad & Nick

Brigida Patricia Caruso

So proud of you! Congratulations!

- Mom

Brigida, you keep amazing us with your achievements. We wish you a wonderful future. Congratulations you did it!

- Mom and Dad

Meredith Cesnek

Congrats, Meredith! We couldn't be more proud!

- Mom and Dad

Georgeanna Claire Chier

Dear Claire, 

Congratulations on your college graduation! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have all culminated in this proud moment. It’s a testament to your determination and commitment to excellence.  As you begin the next chapter of your life, remember that learning never ends and graduation is only the beginning. The world is full of opportunities and challenges, and we have no doubt that you will face them with the same grace, creativity, and persistence.  May your future be bright and filled with success. Never stop learning and growing. We are so incredibly proud of you, and love you more than you can imagine!

- Mom and Dad

Nicholas Choo

Dear Nicky,

It seems like yesterday when we visited Fordham…. As you stand on the threshold of a new chapter, Mom and I want to take a moment to express our deepest pride and joy in your accomplishments. Your graduation is not just a testament to your academic achievements but a reflection of your resilience, dedication, leadership (squash captain !) and the passion that drives you.

You have grown and learned so much, and we are excited to see where your knowledge and skills will take you.

Remember, this is just the beginning of a journey filled with endless possibilities.

Congratulations, graduate! We all love you and believe in you, always.

With all our love,

 - Mom and Dad

Rebecca Chretien

Rebecca, Congratulations! We are so very proud of you. Go forth and set the world on fire! Love you!!

- Mom and Dad

Jacob Clarkson

Congratulations Jacob on this major milestone! It’s so wonderful to see you shine. We are incredibly proud of you!

- Love, Dad, Mom, and Andrew

David Cordero

Congratulations David!
We’re so proud of the man you’ve become…smart, kind, an amazing and loyal friend and family guy with a quick wit and beautiful smile.
You knocked it out of the park at Fordham and we know you’ll do the same in grad school and beyond!!
Love you always,

- Mom, Dad and Nicholas

Matthew Corso

Congratulations, Matthew! So proud of you!! Good luck at Fordham Law

- Mom, Dad, Kevin, Meghan and Brady

Madeleine Crew

Congratulations Madeleine!
We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments.
We love you so much!

- Mom, Dad, Jack, & Lucy

John Cugel

Congratulations John! We could not be prouder of you as you begin this new journey in your life. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined. Your dreams can come true if you stick to it and work hard. Opportunities don't just happen -- you create them. There will be obstacles, doubters and mistakes along the way. Learn from them and always dwell in possibility. Always keep your faith in Christ first. Naj te Bog vedno blagoslovi s srečo. We love you so much!

- Mom and Dad

Adam D'Souza

Congratulations & God Bless!

- Maya, Mom and Dad

Sarah Daknis

Yay Sarah!

- Mom and Dad

Nicholas Dalaviras

Congratulations Nicholas! We are so proud of you!

- Michelle, Tim , and Alexandra

Andrew Dazi

Congratulations on your graduation! We couldn’t be more proud and can’t wait to watch your future unfold! 

- Love, Mom and Dad

Joseph DeFusco

Congratulations Joseph. We love you!!

- Mom and Dad

Franz Dietric

Congratulations Wills! All of the Dietrichs are so proud of you and your Graduation from Fordham! We all love you very much!!

- Dad, Grammy, Uncle Mark, Aunt Allison, Zoe and Jack

Tom DiStefano

Congratulations! We are so proud of you!!

- Mom and Dad

Henry Domenici

Congratulations Henry! We are so proud of you!

- Mom, Dad, Paige, and Matthew

Riley Dominianni

Super proud of you sweetheart.

- Poppy

Christa Dominy

Christa - CONGRATULATIONS on your resilience and perseverance to attend college during the most challenging pandemic years and successfully get admitted to the 3+3 Fordham Law School! You continue to AMAZE us and we are so PROUD of all your accomplishments!
Enjoy your graduation day!

- Mom & Dad, Calista, and CODY

Isabella Douglass

We are so proud of our “Deans List Bachelor of Science in Psychology” degreed daughter! You continue to make us proud in so many ways!!! We love you and cant wait to see what is next!!

- Mom, Dad, EJ, Wyatt, and the Douglass Fam

Cailin Duffy

Congratulations to my rising star. So proud!

- Mom

James Encinas

Congratulations son, so proud of your great run at Fordham. We are excited to see what your next move brings!

- Mom and Dad

Albe Evans

You selected a unique path. You chose to take on extraordinary challenges and through hard work and perseverance you conquered them. You left your mark being known as the Mayor of Rose Hill. Congratulations. We could not be more proud of you. Can’t wait to watch you succeed in the next chapter of your life.

- BJ and Kim Evans

Ruby Fishman

Congratulations on your graduation, Ruby Faye!! We are so incredibly proud of you and thrilled for you as you venture into the world a well-educated, kind and beautiful person. You triumphed over unprecedented challenges and proved to all, including yourself, that you will persevere! Your self-reliance, humor and drive will serve you well. We love you so much, sweetheart! Congrats!!! Mom, Dad, Sam, Max and Mabel

- Mom and Dad

Maggie Fluehr

Dear Maggie, we are in AWE of you! Your hard work and sprit have and will carry you far. Remember to work hard, enjoy what you do, and call your mom.... learn from your mistakes, be humble, ask questions.... and call your mom! We love you to the moon and back.

- Mom and Dad

Emma Foley

Congratulations Emma! So Proud of YOU!

- Mom

Sophia Anne Forlenza

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" M.O. 

- Mom

Richard Fu

Dear Richard, Congratulations on your graduation from business school! We are incredibly proud of you for achieving this milestone. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off, and we can't wait to see you succeed in the business world.

As you move forward, remember that crisis has two sides of token: challenges but also opportunities. The world needs innovative thinkers and problem-solvers. As a business graduate, you have developed a strong foundation in leadership, strategy, and problem-solving skills to navigate complex situations and create positive change. We are confident you'll turn obstacles into opportunities and make a meaningful impact.

Embrace challenges with confidence, resilience, and creativity. Leverage your degree to drive progress, foster growth, and make a difference in your chosen field. We believe in your potential to shape the future and inspire others with your vision and leadership.

We're honored to be your family and can't wait to see the incredible things you'll achieve. Keep pushing boundaries, taking risks, and striving for excellence.

With love and pride.

- Shiwa and Jen

Ian Gere

Congratulations!!! We are so proud of you!!!!

- Mom and Dad

Isabella Ghanbari

Brava, Bella! As a little girl, you had a vision of what you wanted for your future self. YOU did it!
You climbed many mountains. Graduating from Fordham - summa cum laude + singing in an acapella group (Go B-Sides!) + an ambassador for a school you love + board member for multiple clubs + invitations to honor societies including Phi Beta Kappa! All goals you set for yourself and you achieved. You throughly embraced your 4 years at Fordham with enthusiasm and gratitude.
Beautiful butterfly - the greatest joy is to see you fly.
You are the shining star. Be you - always.
With love and awe,

- Mommy

Anthony Girardi

As much as I will miss our Saturday pizza slices and sandwiches on Arthur Avenue, and our meals at Patricia's, I am so excited for your next adventure. I am deeply proud of you, young man!

- Mom

Valerie Glass    

Life is full of ups and downs but, it's important to keep moving forward and with a plan for your future never give up on your dreams!

- Love, Mom and Dad

Sophia Grausso


- Your PROUD Mommy

Molly Graw

We are very proud of you, Molly. You're a star. Congratulations to the Class of 2024.

- Mom, Dad and Maggie

Christopher Greek

Congratulations CJ Greek! You’ve worked so hard and made us so proud!!

- Mom, Dad, Kitty

Haley Gregoire

Congratulations, Hayley! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Your future is filled with endless possibilities. Enjoy your special day because you have earned it! All my love, Mom

- Shannon Gregoire

Hayley, congratulations on being a Fordham graduate! I’m so proud of your hard work, effort, and accomplishments during the past four years. Enjoy this moment — it’s much deserved. Your college experience will remain with you for the rest of your life. Remember that this is only the beginning of your success in life! The world is your oyster! Love you and congrats again!

- Dad

Mila Grgas

Congratulations We love you!

- Mom and Dad

Maja Gunz

Dear Maja, enjoy the moment! You have reached this goal and you can achieve anything. We are very proud of you!

- Moritz, Susanne & Holger


Anthony Haddad

Congratulations Anthony! We are so proud of you and look forward to your continued success in the world!

- Mom, Dad, and Lydia

Alexis Hamm

Look at you! You are ready, beyond prepared, going to make a difference in the world! You are independent, strong and balanced. You are kind, generous and true to yourself. That is all we hoped you could be! Congratulations to our sweet Alexis!

- Mom and Dad

Charles Harper

Congratulations Charlie! We are so proud of you and happy that you made the most of your time at Fordham.

- Mom and Dad

Linglong Hu

To my grown up little girl: We’re so proud of having been accompanying you 4 years at Fordham, where you have gained knowledge, wisdom, vision and aspiration, most importantly the happiness. What a wonderful journey! Now it’s about the time to spread your wings, to chase your dreams. Sky is unlimited, future is undefined - in front of you my girl.

- Dad

Good Job, All best wishes to my daughter!

- Dad and Mom

Emily Hur

Dear Emily,
Our precious and beloved daughter. We are so thankful you got to experience such a transformative season of life while attending Fordham. We want to say congratulations for your accomplishments but more than that, for becoming and continuing to become who you were created to be. You are beautiful inside and out and we anticipate so much for your future and the light you will be everywhere your path takes you. We love you to the moon and back Emily! May wisdom and understanding always be your friend in every part of life.

Love your family,
- Dad, Mom, Annelise, and Selah

Scott Janes

Scott, we are so impressed and pleased that you took full advantage of your time at Fordham. You excelled in your classes and Mock trial, met wonderful friends, got involved in various clubs and events, took full advantage of being in NYC and found a job that you loved. We could not be more proud of you! Congratulations!

- Mom and Dad

Claire Janssen

Congratulations on your graduation!
We stand in awe of the journey you embarked upon! Your eager spirit and enthusiasm for learning have always been a source of inspiration. You’ve grown into a skilled individual and a creative thinker, tackling every challenge with courage and persistence.
We are incredibly proud of the person you have become and all that you have accomplished. Remember, as Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” We have no doubt that you will chase your dreams and make them a reality.
With all our love and admiration,

- Mom and Dad

Daniela Johnson

Congratulations Daniela! We are so proud of our math whiz! Keep working hard and follow your dreams! We love you tremendously!

- Your favorite squad, Mom, Dad, Gabby & Amanda

Chaise Jones

Congratulations Chaise! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You know what you know and you'll decide where you go." You are amazing and we are so very proud of you! Whatever is over the horizon is for you just keep God in ALL you do. You've achieved this milestone which is the beginning for great things to come. We can not tell you how blessed we are just having you as our daughter. We love you more than you'll ever know. Congratulations again!

- Mommie - A. Jones

Samantha Kasnia

Dear Samantha, Congratulations! Keep making us proud. Enjoy your special day because you’ve earned it! We love you!

- Mom, Balazs, Jessica and Harry

SAM!! Finally graduating I am so proud of you! I can't wait to see everything you accomplish. Keep following your heart and everything will come to you. Always always here for you, love you x100

- Jess

Hey Sam!!!
I know I wasn’t able to be at your graduation but I am so proud of you and I love you so much. We’ll celebrate soon! <3

- Christopher Patrimonio

Emma Kimble

We are so incredibly proud of you and love you beyond words. We cannot wait to see your future blossom and grow. We love you!!

- Mom, Dad, Grace and Lilly

Michelle King

Congratulations, so proud of you!

- Mom and Pops

Kyle Koehler

We are so proud of you, Kyle. In just a few short years, you seized on every opportunity Fordham University could have possibly given you. We know you’ll cherish and value the education, friendship’s and experiences for a lifetime. As you transition out of your college years, continue to seize on life’s opportunities, and leverage all that you accomplished at Fordham. We love you!

- Mom, Dad, Danny and Maggie!

Gracie Kunik

Congratulations on this very special achievement, Gracie! We are so proud of you!

- Mom and Dad XO

John (Yanni) Lagos

We are extremely proud of you and all your accomplishments. We know you will do amazing things in this next chapter of your life. Congratulations and never stop chasing your dreams.

- Mom & Dad & Zoe

Julia Lazar

Congratulations on your accomplishment, Julia. We are all so very proud of all of your accomplishments so far. We all can't wait to see what you will accomplish in the future.

- Love Mom, Dad, and of course Jack

Rosie Lenz

Congratulations and best wishes always! It was such a blessing that you were placed as an additional roommate with Christa during that first pandemic year 2020 because it turned out to be a lasting friendship for all of your college years. Cant wait to hear about all the great things you will do - the world is your oyster!

- Larissa and Ken Dominy

Anthony Licata

We are so proud of your great achievements throughout your college career! We have no doubt that the future will continue to bring you many blessings! We love you !!

- Mom and Dad

Caroline Litton

Congratulations Caroline!

- Mom, Dad, and Liv

Justin Lombardi

We are so proud of your accomplishments and perseverance these last 4 years. Glad you are heading back to Boston to start your career and the beginning of a new chapter. We love you and are excited for you.

- Mom and Dad

John Mackert

We are very proud of all your accomplishments!!
Glad to be part of the Fordham Alumni Ramily!!

- Mom and Dad

Colin Manthey

You have reached a great milestone in your life, so hold on to the moment! The world is yours for the taking.

- Mom and Dad

Grace McFadden

Congratulations Grace! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments at Fordham!

- Mom, Dad, Caroline & James

Sarah McGhee

Sarah, we are so proud of you and can't wait to watch you write the next exciting chapter in your life!

- Mom and Dad

Grace McNelis

Well done, Grace McNelis! We love you and couldn't be prouder! Congratulations!

- Mom and Dad

Jack Meade

Jack, words cannot express how proud we are of you and all your accomplishments these past four years! You have grown into an independent, resilient, strong young man and we celebrate all your hard work and achievements. We have always believed in you. Now go forth and set the world on fire.

- Mom and Dad

Lilliana Miller

Lily, congratulations on your graduation from Fordham and The Ailey School. Your hard work and discipline have really paid off. God has great plans for you Lily! We love you!

- Mom and Dad

Daniel Milord

We are so proud of you!

- Mom and Dad

Peter Monteleone

Congratulations Peter! Be Proud of This Moment. You earned it.

- We Love You, Mom, Dad, Louie & Victoria xo

London Monzon

London, I am so proud of you and how hard you have worked over the last four years. There is no limit to what you can do in this world! I love you so much and I am in awe of the amazing woman that you have become. Carpe Diem!!!

- Mom

Jeremiah Moorehead

Mommy's Star is Shining Bright. I Love You!

- Mom

Jared Mount


Words cannot express how proud we are of you. You worked very hard and now you have come to an end to this challenge only to begin a new and exciting chapter in your life. You have certainly exceeded all of our expectations and we are certainly here to support you with all your future endeavors. There are no parents that are more happy for you than we are. You are amazing and we Love you deeply. Thanks for being such a good person! Congratulations on your Graduation ! It is a great accomplishment that you should be proud of all of your life.

Love you!
- Mom and Dad

Dylan Mullin

Congratulations Dylan! We are SO proud of you for all that you have achieved during the past four years! It was a challenge starting college in the midst of a pandemic but you faced it head on and succeeded! We love you so much, and wish you success and joy in the next chapter of your life!

- Mom and Dad

Molly Mulvaney

Molly, we are so proud of all you have accomplished these past four years! Your work ethic, dedication and determination are so impressive. Celebrate your success before you start this next chapter. You are amazing and we love you beyond measure!!!

- Mom, Dad, Brendan and Griffin

Congrats, Molly!

- Grandma

Noelle Nakaoka

Noelle, Congratulations on this momentous achievement and just the latest in your incredible life journey! Taking a different path but remaining steadfast has always been a personal trait that serves you well. Your leadership and charisma are evident in all that you have and will achieve in life. Fordham and New York, Punahou and Hawaii, home school and Puunui all provided foundational lessons as you embark on the next chapter...global impact! We love you and are so proud of you!

- Maman, Papa & Nicolas (and Luna & Candy)

Olivia Lisa Nast

We are so very proud of you! 2024 #RamForLife

- Mom and Dad

Hayden Neubert

Hayden-The three of us are so proud of you and we love you so much!! Our family is so much better with you in our lives, we are your biggest fans!

- The Jonas Brothers

Anna Nguyen

Congratulations, Anna! We’re so proud of our Sha-Sha!

- Mom and Dad

Liam O’Dea

Congratulations Liam! We are so proud of you!

- Mom and Dad

Kelsey O'Keefe

Kelsey, CONGRATULATIONS!!! This milestone achievement is the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and sacrifice. BREATHE...take it in and relish this moment. Then, LOOK FORWARD...a new beginning full of exciting times and possibilities. EMBRACE them all! Know that we love you very much, are behind you always, and couldn't be prouder of you. EXCELSIOR!

- Mom and Dad

Luke O'Neal

May the sun bring you new energy by day, 
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world 
And know its beauty all the days of your life. 

An Apache Blessing for Luke Gabriel O'Neal
With hugs and kisses from your Mom, your brother, and your two sisters who are so VERY proud of you today and every day ❤❤❤❤❤

- M. Gooserson

Courtney O'Rourke

Dear Courtney, We are so proud of you!! Your determination to reach your goals amazes us. We love you so much. Go conquer the world!!

- Mom, Dad, and Jack

Patrick O’Sullivan

Congratulations Patrick on a job well-done. You make us proud. We love you!

- Mom & Dad

Anna Ohlmeier

Congratulations Anna! We are so proud of you.

-Mark, Karen, Halle, Jack, and Benny.

Kierstin Oliver

My Dear Kierstin! Congratulations!!! It’s hard to believe that four years have absolutely flown by!!! It’s been wonderful to watch you grow and overcome challenges to achieve your goals. You are amazing. I can’t wait to see what’s next for you. Love you more!!!

- Mom

Sofia Oliver

Sofijka, gratulacje and congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone in your life!!! I couldn’t be more proud of you. Here’s to your success, happiness, and endless possibilities. You are a superstar. Cheers to you, graduate!! Love you so much!!!

- Mom

Chance Ortiz-Sorrenti

You are not only a great human BEING you are a great human DOING phenomenal things. We are all so very proud of you. Your Dad was always proud of you and is now too!

- Mom, Bobby, Otis and Meishu + All of your family!

Amara Overmyer

Eres una luz brillante como el sol, Amara Hikari. ¡Estamos llenas de amor por ti y muy orgullosas de quién eres! ¡Felicitaciones por todo lo que has logrado! ¡Es tiempo de celebrar!

- Mama and Mommy

We are SO proud of you, Amara!!

- Your moms and your little sister

Rishika Pal

As you stand on the threshold of a new chapter, know that you carry with you the strength of your convictions and the knowledge to make a difference. Your college journey may have come to an end, but ahead lies a world of opportunities waiting to be seized.

Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have led you to this moment, a testament to the belief that dreams can be achieved with passion and effort. As you don your cap and gown, remember that this is not just an end—it is the beginning of all that you choose to embark upon.

May your future be forever bright.

With pride and admiration,

- Mom, Dad and Anoushka

Peter Panacciulli

Hey Pete! We are so proud of the man you have become. Not only have you succeeded academically beyond our expectations, you have become a thoughtful and responsible friend, family member and professional. Your humor and quick wit will continue to serve you well as you embark on the next phase of your journey. We will always be here to love and support you!

- Mom and Dad

Ma Agusta Bell Pendon

Bell, you have come a long way and I am so proud achievement. I know getting here has bever been easy but you continue to press on, braving the new environment and college life away from home. I so admire your resilience , determination and focus , the qualities that brought you this day. I am so blessed and honored to be your mom ! All the best of everything my love , and as always I , together with your dad and sisters will be by your side always.

- Mommy

Jessie Ponce

Jessie, can you believe it? You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and let today be a reminder that hard work leads to success! 
I love you daughter

- Dad

Matthew Querfeld

We are so proud of all you accomplished in your time at Fordham, Matthew! Supported by your family, faith and friends, may you continue your path of service to others. From here the possibilities are endless. We love you!

- Mom & Dad

Julia Rabbia

God Bless! We love you!

- Mom and Dad

Jordan Jacqueline Indra Ramsaywak

Congratulations my wonderful daughter! Listing you under your full name to include those women who celebrate your amazing achievements with you, and who did the best they could to provide opportunities for you to start your adventure - you are the latest in a strong line of women committed to knowledge and understanding. You have worked so hard to get to this point, your brothers and I respect and admire you for your dedication. Now is your time to enjoy what you have earned and continue a beautiful life. Wishing you fulfillment and joy to add to your well of strength and resilience.

- Mom, Jude and Jesse

Portia Randall

Congratulations Portia! We are immensely proud of your fortitude and perseverance. You did it!

- Mom, Papa & Pearson

Quincy Edmund Reyes

You did it!
Never stop growing, exploring, learning and challenging yourself.
Continue to soar into greatest heights!
We are truly proud of you, dear Quincy!
We love you!

- Papa, Mama and Maxwell

Alexander Rios

Alexander, we are so proud of your accomplishments and are so excited for you to graduate. The sky is the limit and we know you are going after it all. Keep being you because you will be great. Love, your family.

- Mami, Papi, Justine, Jonathan and Brandon

Mia Rizzo

Dearest Mia,
We are so proud of all you have accomplished. Fate has even bigger plans for you as you venture overseas to pursue further studies. Take all of life’s challenges head on and never be deterred by obstacles that stand in your way. Make new friends, visit new places, and learn new things. Follow your heart and you will reach your goals. No matter where you go or what you do know that you are loved and always have a home in our hearts.

- Mom and Dad

Christian Celin Rodriguez

We want to congratulate you for achieving your goal. Best of luck in your new journey as you begin a new chapter in your life, which is joining the workforce.

- Your father, Celin Rodriguez, and family

Isabella Sabino

Congrats on your graduation! Mom and Dad are so proud of your achievements at Fordham and your future success in work and life!

- Mom and Dad

Congratulations to our incredibly gorgeous daughter Bella on this momentous achievement! We are so proud of all your accomplishments. You strive for excellence both personally and professionally and are anlways willing to work hard to achieve your goals. Dream big and reach for the stars always! Remember Daddy and I are your biggest cheerleaders and will always be by your side. Con tanto bene e affetto ♥️🎊🎓 👩‍🎓

- Rosella Sabino

Karin Schroeder

Congratulations on your achievement!

- Mom and Dad

Campbell Shaw

Congratulations, we are very proud of you! The most effective way to do it is to do it. - Amelia Earhart

- Mom and Dad

Zachary Simonetti

Zach! What an amazing ride! These past 4 years have been such a blast and we couldn’t be happier for you! You jumped right into college life and made the most of your time at Fordham. We know that Freshman year started shaky, but you made your own fun and created lifelong friends in the process. Always one to follow your passion, you made a wonderful decision to be a Rambler! 4 years of singing and performing around campus gave you lasting memories. Your enthusiasm for your school naturally lead you to be an Orientation Leader even though it meant cutting your summer short, but bonus! More time at Fordham! Choosing to study abroad in Italy during your Junior year was hands down the best decision you’ve ever made. So many countries, so little time! Senior year spent on Belmont made Mom nervous but in the end, it brought you and your roommates even closer. All those epic parties, late night adventures and just chilling watching TV formed a bond that will last forever. Thank you for always including us in your journey. We loved receiving every photo, text message and phone call of your adventures! Fordham gave you a tremendous foundation that will allow you to accomplish anything you choose and we are excited to see where your future will lead. Always remember that wherever it takes you, we will be there to support you in every way possible. LOVE YOU!

Mom, Dad & Katherine

Catherine Sullivan

Congratulations, Catherine!
You Did It!
We Love You !!!

- Mom, Dad, Heather, Brad

Casey Taylor

Casey - 
Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes as your journey continues. Today will be the first of many successful moments for you. We are so proud of your achievements, but even more proud of the person you've become. Dream new dreams, embrace life with passion, be true to yourself, and reach for the stars. "May your feet always take you where your heart wants to go." 
Love you!

- Mom, Dad, & Ryan

Nicholas Tiso

Congratulations Nicholas on your graduation with honors from the Gabelli School of Business. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We wish you nothing but the best as you embark on your new journey. Keep dreaming big since everything is possible. We will always be here for you. We love you so much!

- Mom and Dad

Matthew Tiso

Congratulations on your graduation from the Gabelli School of Business. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We wish you nothing but the best as you embark on your new journey. Your future is waiting for you. Work hard and you can achieve all of your dreams. We will always be here for you. We love you so much!

- Mom and Dad

Ryan Toth

Onward Ryan to the next chapter of your life. I am very honored to be your Mom and watch you grow up to become a Fordham Graduate. You made memories through Covid in the dorms. Met new friends and traveled through freshman year on subways in NYC. Found apartments, passed tests and made memories you'll never forget. Fast forward four years later you are now a Senior. Keep achieving your goals and always look for the good in every circumstance.

God Bless you! We are beyond proud.

- Love,
Mom, Tyler, Dad in Heaven and George

Anna Van Wie

God has given you all you need to go forth and thrive. Trust, love, and stay humble.

- Mom and Dad

Meaghan Vauk

Meaghan, we are so very proud of all of your accomplishments and achievements in your undergraduate studies at Fordham University. We look forward to your continued success. We wish you great happiness and joy.

- Mom, Liam, and family

Leah Veneziano

We are beyond proud of you and all you have accomplished. Can’t wait to see what life will bring you!

- Mom and Dad

Luci Vilchez Ganoza

Congratulations Lucia! We are so proud of you!

- Your parents and brother

Allen Villafranca

Congratulations on your graduation, Allen. I am
so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. This is a wonderful achievement, and I can't wait to see what great things lie ahead for you. Well done!

- Mom

Colleen Walcott

Colleen, we are so proud of you. Your future is so bright. Continue to chase your dreams.

- Mom and Dad

Carter Walters

Congratulations! We are very proud.

- Mom and Dad

Andrew White

Dearest Andrew, We are all so proud of you! Congrats graduate! God bless you always!

- Love, Mom, Dad, Gen (Ram ‘22) and James

Michael Zorc

Mike, we are so proud of you and all you have accomplished over these last four years. Your maturity, intelligence, and kindness have blossomed at Fordham, and you will continue to grow as you pursue your Master’s degree. So happy to share this momentous weekend with you! With so much love,

- Mom and Dad