Committee on Health Professions at FCLC
The Fordham College Lincoln Center Committee on Health Professions Process (CHP)
The FCLC Committee on Health Professions (CHP) process is a comprehensive one which provides students with support to prepare them for the medical school application process. Students who need a committee letter for other aspirant programs may participate in the CHP process. The CHP process includes a committee interview and a committee letter.
Students can participate in CHP in their junior or senior year and it is recommended that students have completed clinical and health-related work or volunteer experiences prior to CHP interviews.
Students must submit their intention to participate in a spring application cycle in September (the fall semester prior to the spring application cycle) to Ms. Eliane Victoria at [email protected]. The pre-health advisor holds a CHP information session in the fall semester to review the process and deadlines.
The Committee letter is based on a student's portfolio, which includes the following: coursework, transcripts, personal statement, self-assessment, volunteer and/or internship experience and research experience, faculty recommendations, and a personal interview with members of the Committee.
Candidates who indicate intent to participate in a spring CHP cohort after the September CHP application deadline will not be able to participate in the spring CHP process.
Students may apply for the CHP process up to two application cycles after graduating from Fordham College Lincoln Center. Students are not eligible for CHP after this due to the timeliness of recommendation letters and courses.