FCLC Scholarships and Awards
The Jane B. Aron Memorial Prize in Philosophy

The Jane B. Aron Memorial Prize in Philosophy is a prize of $2,000 awarded annually to a student majoring in philosophy who is entering the senior year. The student is selected by the philosophy faculty primarily on the basis of academic excellence. Prize money is to be applied toward Fordham tuition.
The Dr. Michael R. Cioffi Scholarship
The Dr. Michael R. Cioffi Scholarship is awarded to students who excel in their study of Italian culture (language, literature, art, film, history, etc.) or other areas related to it.
Katie Fraser Prize in Comparative Literature
Katie Fraser, a 1989 graduate of Fordham College at Lincoln Center, was an outstanding student in the comparative literature program. She was working toward a doctorate in comparative literature when she passed away in October 1993. This award is made in her honor at graduation for the best thesis in comparative literature.
Clare Boothe Luce Scholarship
The Clare Boothe Luce Program promotes the advancement of American women through higher education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The scholarship fund was set up by Mrs. Luce in her will in order to encourage women to enter those math, engineering and science fields in which they have not been well represented. View the Fordham Clare Boothe Luce Program site for additional information.
Michael J. Passarelli Natural Science Award
Michael J. Passarelli, a Fordham Presidential Scholar, passed away the day before he was to graduate summa cum laude in May 1978. Dedication to his school, love for and devotion to his classmates and friends were the hallmarks of his undergraduate years. A scholar who thirsted for knowledge, he was awarded the Natural Science Medal for scholastic achievement. The memory of this brilliant young man captures the spirit with which this award is bestowed.
The Angelo Rodriguez Research Award
The Angelo Rodriguez Research Award receives the support of dedicated friends and alumni of Fordham's Latin American and Latino Studies program, as well as others.