Student Forms
Here is a list of FCLC student forms that are currently available online.
- Change of Expected Degree Date Form
- FCLC Senior Thesis / Senior Capstone Research Grants (up to $500)
- Independent Tutorial Application
- Internship Credit Application
- Incomplete Grade Request Form
- Medical Leave of Absence Form
- Non-Medical Leave of Absence Form
- Undergraduate Internal Transfer Form
- Undergraduate Readmit Form
- Waiver/Substitution Form
Excused Absence Requests
Students may request excused absences if they have a documented medical reason, a death in the family, a religious holiday, or a qualified university-sponsored event that they are required to attend. To access the Excused Absence form, log into the portal on, select "My Pages" and go to the "Electronic Forms" section.
Declaring a Major, Minor, or Concentration
To declare a major, minor, or concentration, please complete the “Major/Minor/Concentration Form." To access it, please log in to, navigate to the “Students” page, and then click on the “Student Electronic Forms” menu. We encourage you to discuss your plans with your advisor (First-and-Second year students) or the Assistant Dean for Juniors or Seniors, as appropriate before declaring. Please also note that some majors have requirements for declaring (such as GPA minimums or application processes). You can learn about the requirements for each program by clicking on the relevant link.